Chapter 55: Disciple
Iris had a trace of unhappiness on her face when she heard this and she gave a slow nod in response.
Alexandra didn't seem to mind this as she said, "Well, sometimes if you push too hard, you'll push them away. It's clear that he has his secrets and he doesn't want to expose them, so naturally we can't push him too hard."
Iris slowly gave another nod, but it still seemed like she wasn't happy with this.
Alexandra just continued with the same smile, "Besides, there are other ways to get closer to him."
The unhappy look on Iris' face disappeared when she heard this and her eyes lit up as if she was filled with excitement before she came over to Alexandra's side to ask, "What is it?"
But before Alexandra could even respond, Huo Fan Tian who had been silent the entire time suddenly said, "Why are you so interested in that kid in the first place? It's best if we never see him again."
The unhappy look appeared on Iris' face once more when she heard this before she turned to glare at her father.
Others might not be able to scare Huo Fan Tian with the power and status that he wielded, but in front of Iris…he was nothing more than a father who couldn't do anything in front of his daughter.
Alexandra was the one that helped him by saying, "That's because you don't know anything about him. You were so busy with acting like a protective father that you just ignored the reports that they sent over about him."
Huo Fan Tian was surprised to hear this before taking out his phone and looking at something.
He couldn't help slightly knitting his brows as he read what was on it.
Iris also couldn't help looking at the phone with a curious look, but she was more interested in what her mother had to say.
"Is this true?" Huo Fan Tian asked when he finished reading.
Alexandra just gave a simple nod before saying, "Do you not trust our own intelligence network?"
Huo Fan Tian knitted his brows even more, but he didn't say anything else.
The look on his face was as if he was thinking about something.
Alexandra didn't care about this as she turned back to Iris to say, "Don't you have something to show us?"
A surprised and confused look appeared on Iris' face at first as she didn't know what she was talking about. Then a look of understanding replaced that look as she turned to look at the center of this living room.
With a wave of her hand, there was a corpse that appeared out of thin air that landed on the ground.
This was a large monster corpse, but her mother and father weren't surprised to see this corpse.
They had seen plenty of large monster corpses in their time, so they wouldn't be surprised by something like this.
Not to mention that they had already read the reports from their intelligence network, so they were already expecting this.
Huo Fan Tian gave a nod before saying in a proud voice, "A Kong Gorilla, not bad. As expected of my daughter."
He looked like he wanted to exchange a few words of praise with Iris, but it didn't seem like she cared about his opinion at all. She was just looking at her mother, waiting to see what she would have to say.
There was a bitter smile that appeared on Huo Fan Tian's face when he saw this.
"Is this the only one?" Alexandra asked Iris to Iris' surprise.
Iris took a moment to gather herself as she tried to figure out what her mother meant by this, but she eventually gave a slow nod in response while still having a confused look on her face.
Alexandra slightly knitted her brows before asking, "Are you sure?"
Iris was even more confused, but she still gave a nod before asking, "Mom, what do you mean by that?"
Alexandra gave a sigh before saying, "If this was the only one that he helped you with, then that means that he took care of the rest of the Elite Monsters and even the Boss Monster all by himself."
A shocked look appeared on Iris' face, but Alexandra didn't explain anything as she just passed Iris her phone that had the reports on them.
When Iris read them, there was a strange look that appeared on her face.
It was one part surprise and one part pride.
It was almost as if she already saw Lin Fan as hers, which was why she was proud of him for accomplishing something like this.
Alexandra didn't say anything else to Iris as she turned back to Huo Fan Tian to say, "Do you see what I mean now? This is the kind of talent that just can't be ignored. If he's strong enough to defeat all of these Elite Monsters and even the Boss Monster, it must mean that he must be very strong. Only based on his public records, he shouldn't have this kind of strength since he only summoned a Ninth Grade Low Class Familiar. That means…"
"He has some kind of secret talent." Huo Fan Tian finished her words for her.
Alexandra gave a nod without saying anything else.
The two of them silently sat there as if they were thinking about something.
Iris had looked up from the phone and was looking at the two of them with anxious looks.
She could tell that what they were thinking about was related to Lin Fan, which was why she was worried.
After a long silence, Huo Fan Tian finally looked back up at Alexandra and asked, "Are you thinking about taking him as a disciple?"
Alexandra didn't react at first when Huo Fan Tian said this, but she eventually looked up too to give a nod in response.
Huo Fan Tian was a bit surprised by her answer, but he also seemed like he could understand what she was thinking.
Alexandra turned back to Iris to say, "Sweetie, there's something that we need you to do."