Chapter 56: Become an Explorer
Iris was caught off guard by her mother's sudden words, but then she asked in a hesitant voice, "What is it?"
"Become an Explorer." Alexandra said with a faint smile.
Iris was even more confused when she heard this, but she wasn't the one that responded.
Rather, it was Huo Fan Tian who suddenly stood up and said, "No! How could we let our daughter become an Explor…"
Before he could finish though, he was hit in the head by an icicle.
The icicle didn't do any damage to him as it started melting the moment that the tip of the icicle made contact with Huo Fan Tian's head, but there was momentum to make him sit back down.
At the same time, Huo Fan Tian didn't fight back since he knew who it was that had hit him in the head with an icicle.
It was Alexandra who had one finger raised and pointed at him.
A bitter smile appeared on Huo Fan Tian's face as he sat back down, but then he still revealed a look like he was completely opposed to this.
Iris didn't seem to care about how her father felt about this matter, she just asked her mother, "Mom, what do you mean by becoming an Explorer?"
Alexandra calmly explained, "You know that you'll be heading to the Sacred Academy when the new semester starts, but you won't be spending all your time in the Sacred Academy since it's a place that encourages free development. That's why I want you to become an Explorer in your free time."
Iris still seemed confused as she asked, "Aren't there better things to do with that free time than becoming an Explorer?"
"He's an Explorer as well." Alexandra said with a sly smile.
Iris was once again caught off guard, but then she quickly picked up the phone and took a close look at the information on Lin Fan.
When she read that he just became an Explorer today, she couldn't help being surprised.
But she quickly understood what her mother meant by this and said, "Then I'll just become an Explorer full time. That way, I can join him in the dungeons whenever I want and we'll be able to get closer."
"No!" Huo Fan Tian broke his silence to chime in, but all that happened was that he was met with another icicle.
However, it seemed that Alexandra also disagreed with this as she said, "No, you have to still go to school properly. It's the Sacred Academy, so it's not as if you can just quit whenever you want, it'll have an effect on your future if you were to drop out."
"But I just want to go with him." Iris said with pouted lips.
"Ha." Alexandra gave a long sigh before saying, "It seems that once you have love, you really don't need to care about anything else. Even your parents are forgotten by you."
Iris' face immediately turned red, but she still came over to Alexandra's side and grabbed her arm before saying, "Mom, it's not like that at all."
Though she said this, it also seemed like there was a small part of her that agreed with what Alexandra said and she was a bit resistant to denying it.
Alexandra patted Iris on the head before saying, "Alright, I know." Then in a more serious voice, she said, "But you really shouldn't come on too strong. You should know that coming on too strong might drive him away."
Iris was a bit surprised, but she slowly nodded in agreement.
Alexandra patted her on the head again before saying, "Don't worry, you'll be able to see him plenty as long as you become an Explorer. I'm sure that you'll be able to move him with your efforts."
"Really?" Iris' eyes lit up when she asked this.
Alexandra said with a nod, "Of course, there's no one that won't love my lovely daughter."
But then she slightly knitted her brows as she said, "But you should remember how he reacted when I tried to give him that admission notice for the Sacred Academy. It seems that he has some kind of attachment to that place, so he'll most likely head there in the future."
Iris' eyes lit up even more when she heard this as she started daydreaming, "We'll be able to walk around campus together and then work together when we dive into dungeons."
Alexandra shook her head seeing her daughter like this before snapping her fingers in front of Iris' face to draw her attention back to say, "But it also seems like there's something personal for him at the Sacred Academy. From the reports that I received, it seemed that he was quite close to a girl that enrolled there for the new semester. I think you might have some competition."
Iris' expression immediately fell when she heard this, while it seemed like Huo Fan Tian was filled with joy.
Alexandra shook her head once more before saying with a faint smile, "Are you the type that gives up that easily?"
Iris' expression slowly returned to normal before a determined look appeared on her face. With a strong shake of the head, she said, "Of course not. I won't back down now just because of a bit of a setback."
Alexandra patted her head again with the same smile as she said, "As expected of my daughter."
But that didn't last as her expression became serious again, "But you'll have to do this when the new semester starts. For now, there's something else that we have to do first, even if you don't want to do it."
"We're going back there?" Iris slowly asked this question.
Alexandra said with a nod, "We have to go back there at least once since they are family."
"But all they'll do is try to set up an engagement for me." Iris immediately complained.
Alexandra said with another nod, "Even if they do, we won't agree to it. But they are still your father's family."
Iris turned to glare at Huo Fan Tian who looked even more awkward, but in the end she said, "Alright, I'll go back with you."