These Familiars Are Strange

Chapter 54: Guest

Once it was floating there in front of me, I was able to read what it said.

It was an admission notice for the Sacred Academy.

There was no name on it, but everything else was already filled out.

That meant that as long as I put my name on it, I would most likely receive a spot into the Sacred Academy.

Perhaps others couldn't do something like this, but I wouldn't put it past World Summoners to be able to have this kind of authority.

It was just that…

As I looked at this admission notice, there was a strange look that appeared on my face.

But when Iris saw it, her eyes lit up.

That was because she had also enrolled in the Sacred Academy this year and would be attending in the new semester. If Lin Fan were to enroll in the Sacred Academy as well, then that would mean that they would be able to see each other more in the future.

Iris turned to look at her mother and Alexandra revealed a faint smile to show that this was her plan as well.

But after revealing that faint smile, Alexandra looked back at Lin Fan.

She could tell that there was something off about the expression on his face.

If it was anyone else, they would have been thrilled for this chance to be admitted into the Sacred Academy. After all, that was the best place for anyone to learn and the place that received the most resources.

Only when it came to Lin Fan, it didn't seem like he was interested.

After a long silence, I said with a shake of my head, "Thank you for this, but I can't accept this."

Alexandra slightly knitted her brows when she heard this while Iris looked disappointed.

As for Huo Fan Tian, there was a faint smile that appeared on his lips.

He naturally knew what his wife was planning, so he was happy to see Lin Fan give up this chance.

After a moment of silence, Alexandra asked, "Why? Isn't this the best for you? This is our gift for saving our daughter, so are you looking down on us?"

I just calmly shook my head as I replied, "This is a personal matter for me, that is why I can't accept this gift."

Alexandra raised a brow at this, but she didn't say anything in response.

I could tell from the way that she looked at me that she was trying to figure out what I meant by this, but I didn't say anything as I stood there with a calm look on my face.

In the end, Alexandra waved her hand and pulled back the admission notice before saying, "Alright, even if you don't want this, we still have to give you something for saving our daughter."

She brought her hand to stroke her chin as if she was thinking about something.

Then she suddenly waved her hand again and pulled out another thing out of thin air.

This time, she pulled out what seemed to be a token.

On the token was the word 'Huo' which showed that this was a token that represented the Huo Family that Huo Fan Tian was from.

With another wave of her hand, that token came over to me.

This time, I didn't hesitate to take it even though I didn't know what this token was.

Alexandra explained, "This is a token that represents the guests of our Huo Family. As long as you have that, you can ask for help from any of our subsidiaries and it will help you solve some problems that you might have with the authorities. You shouldn't underestimate the kind of authority that our Huo Family has."

I was certainly surprised since I didn't expect this token to be for this, but she was right that it was useful to me.

But if I were to take this…

"What you need now is time to develop yourself and this will give you that. I know that you're worried about being tied to our Huo Family, but that's just a token that shows that you are a friend of the Huo Family. You don't have to worry since it's something that we give out to quite a few people." Alexandra said with a faint smile.

A strange look appeared on my face when I heard this.

After all, everything that she said addressed the concerns that I had about this token.

It was almost as if she could read my mind with the way that she said this.

So naturally I couldn't help feeling strange about this.

But looking at it from an objective point of view, I knew that she was right.

All of the things that she said were exactly what I wanted, so it really seemed like there was nothing wrong with accepting this token.

As if she could see my hesitation, Alexandra added, "This is our bottom line. If you don't accept this, then I'll take it as you looking down on us."

The way that she said this was almost as if she was threatening me, but I knew that she was saying this for my sake.

So in the end, I said with an awkward smile, "Alright, I'll accept this token."

A faint smile reappeared on Alexandra's lips before she said, "Good, then let's leave this matter here. I'm sure that you have other things to do, so we'll have one of our drivers send you back."

I was once again surprised, but I gave a slow nod in response since this was indeed what I wanted.

Though judging by the look on Iris' face, it didn't seem like she agreed with her mother.

Still, one of the bodyguards from before came in and led me out of the room.

It seemed like this matter was over, so I let out an internal sigh of relief.

Only it wasn't over yet.

"You're wondering why I let him go that easily?" Alexandra said to Iris with a smile on her face.

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