Chapter 72: WHO IS WHO

Alice is in Runica's room, looking at their photo together, when she senses something. She puts the photo down and looks out the window to see a green pillar of magic shooting across the sky. She notices Kuma below, waves at him, and invites him up, saying they have a lot to catch up on. Kuma looks up and leaps all the way to the window in front of Alice. Taken aback, Alice asks what happened to him. Kuma, eyes filled with emotion, explains that Alissa sent him on a mission. He goes into detail, shocking Alice, who insists there must be another way. Kuma shakes his head, saying they're at a dead end and that if he doesn't complete this mission, the land of Naras won't be saved. Alice remarks on how much Kuma has changed over the past two years, saying this isn't the Kuma she knows. Kuma, even more emotional, says he failed to protect the Draconic village and believes this is his only way to redeem himself.

Alice places her hands on Kuma's face, telling him he must have endured immense pain while enslaved by Rendez but assuring him that everything will be okay now. Kuma removes her hands and replies that being a slave to Rendez changed him, feeling it was his punishment for failing. However, Alissa has given him hope for redemption and restoring his honor. Alice, also emotional, expresses that she doesn't want to be separated from Runica, who is her true love. Kuma summons his demon magic, asserting that Alice's love for Runica is less important than saving the land of Nara. He swings his demon blade, causing a magical explosion that blasts them both out of the room, sending them falling into the snow below.

Runica arrives in front of Kuma, demanding to know what's happening. Kuma, wiping away tears, explains that if he doesn't follow through, the contract will be breached. Runica, confused, tries to respond, but Kuma immediately clashes blades with him. Runica struggles to hold his ground, Kuma overpowers him, sending him crashing into the castle. Kuma then summons his angel wing to block a drop kick from Magnis, who lands nearby and comments on Kuma's increased strength. Kuma pushes Magnis back and faces him as Runica gets back up and joins him. Alice, awakening, pleads with them to stop fighting, expressing her pain at seeing her loved ones hurt each other. Kuma summons his angel blade and demon wing, declaring that neither Runica nor Magnis will allow him to complete his mission. Runica demands an explanation, but Kuma insists he doesn't have time to repeat himself and that the contract must not be breached.

Kuma is enveloped in magic and charges at Runica and Magnis, who both summon their own magic in response. Just before their clash, Alice intervenes with her dragon magic, halting all three of them. She pleads with them to find another way for them all to stay together, but as her magic begins to wane, she collapses from exhaustion. Runica is struck by the sacrifice Alice has made for him, fueling his anger as he demands an explanation from Kuma for the suffering he is causing. Runica and Magnis engage in battle with Kuma, causing the entire snowy mountain to tremble. Amid the chaos, Alice is swept down the mountain by the snow. Runica leaps to save her, while Kuma emerges victorious in the magical clash, sending Magnis crashing into the mountainside. Kuma then pursues Runica and Alice, leaving Magnis, who looks at his hand with despair, lamenting his lack of strength.

Runica catches Alice just before she's overtaken by the avalanche. Kuma charges at them with his dual blades, but Runica manages to deflect his strikes with his butcher blade. As Kuma continues his assault, he spots a silver magic staff nearby, which fires a blast of energy, sending him crashing into the snow. Magnis then descends and stuns Kuma with a jolt of lightning, rendering him unconscious. However, green magic suddenly fills Kuma's greyed-out eyes. Magnis is thrown back from Kuma by a burst of energy. Runica quickly encases Alice in a protective magic dome using his staff and retrieves Magnis. Kuma rises, revealing that Alissa has granted him some of her power, and he vows to complete his mission no matter the cost. Enveloped in a blend of Angel, Demon, and green magic, Kuma combines his swords and unleashes a powerful slash wave. The sheer force of the attack astonishes Runica and Magnis, propelling them into the forest below with a massive explosion.

Kuma deactivates his powers and shatters the magic dome, then places the rainbow marble on Alice's chest. The marble glows intensely as it merges with her soul. Kuma then lifts Alice and soars away. Runica, wakes up and coughs up blood, he rushes back to find Alice and Kuma gone. Overwhelmed with emotion, he cries out for Alice. Magnis, also injured, approaches and sits beside him. He points out that they need significantly more training, but time is running out—the world urgently needs a savior. Magnis looks off in the distance at a towering pillar of green magic rising in the land of Nara. Determined, Runica declares he will rescue Alice. Magnis tries to dissuade him, explaining they aren't prepared to confront the threat yet. However, if they combine their powers, Runica might stand a chance. Magnis takes a deep breath and resolves to transfer most of his magic and his soul armor to enhance Runica's abilities. Magnis starts channeling his magic into Runica's body. Runica notes that this will cause Magnis to lose a significant amount of power. Magnis responds that it's acceptable, as Runica has always been the one destined for greatness that shines best in the spotlight.

Moments later, Kuma arrives on the battlefield near the kingdom, where many knights and demons are dead. He lands beside Alissa and gently places Alice on the ground, announcing that his mission is complete. With tears in her eyes, Alissa responds that it had to be done, as Fen had chosen Alice. Kuma then asks about King Gaica and Rendez. Alissa explains that they retreated due to Fen's overwhelming power. Kuma observes that the fallen knights and demons aren't being revived. Alissa clarifies that Fen's magic prevents those killed by it from being resurrected. She also mentions that King Gaica and Rendez have returned to their kingdoms to gather more magic power from their people. Alissa turns to Kuma and tells him that the time to save the land of Nara is now. She reveals that her own body doesn't have much time left to also confront Rendez, so if Kuma seeks redemption, now is his chance. Kuma notices the green scars on Alissa's chest, which are tearing her skin apart. Alissa adds that Fen has already chosen the others he needs for himself and his family. Nodding in understanding, Kuma takes off and flies towards the draconic village.

Alissa then lifts Alice, who awakens with rainbow-colored eyes. Embracing her, Alissa apologizes deeply. Fen then takes over Alissa's body, declaring that his beloved wife has finally returned to life. Alice looks at her hands and realizes something is wrong; her eyes return to normal, and she questions what is happening. Fen explains that the magic will take time to complete. Fen then turns to June, who is barely alive. He takes out a black marble and places it into June's chest. June screams in pain as his eyes turn black. He then rises and bows, expressing his gratitude for receiving a human body from his father. Fen instructs Skoll to keep the human soul under control to prevent its resurgence and to protect his mother. Skoll obediently accepts his father's command and binds Alice with magic. Fen announces that he must now fulfill the rest of the contract. As Alissa's eyes returns to normal, she sadly makes her way towards the kingdom.

Later that night in the castle, Runica awakens surrounded by crackling lightning magic surrounding him. He marvels at the surge in his power, feeling that with this newfound strength, he might just have a chance to save the land of Nara. Exhausted, Magnis acknowledges that while their combined powers are barely enough to win that his skills will make the crucial difference in the battles to come. Runica takes a deep breath and expresses his gratitude to Magnis. Magnis vows to continue training as the vessel of Thors and assures that he will wait for Runica and Alice's return. Runica promises to come back and, with a final look, soars into the night sky on his magic staff, enveloped in lightning.

Moments later, Runica arrives at the ruined Draconic village, cutting down demons with his blade as he flies through the area. He surveys the scene, noting hundreds of dead demons scattered around. Suddenly, explosions erupt throughout the village as Rendez and Kuma engage in a fierce battle. Rendez taunts Kuma, admitting that while he can't absorb Kuma's angelic and green magic, he is still able to drain his demon magic. Kuma struggles against Rendez's overwhelming power. Just then, a massive demon bursts from the ground, wreaking havoc across the village. Rendez, with a sinister laugh, reveals that he has kept Kuma alive for this moment, solely for his entertainment. As Runica swoops in and engages the giant demon, Rendez's laughter grows, declaring that the true hope of the Naras has arrived. Kuma, determined, rises to continue the fight, declaring that their battle is far from over. The clash resumes with renewed intensity.

Runica soars around the giant demon on his magic staff, slashing at the beast from every angle with blinding speed in lightning magic. His staff erupts with a massive blast of magic, propelling him forward with incredible force. He spins in mid-air and delivers a powerful cut, slicing the demon in half. After landing, Runica swiftly dispatches a hundred more demons. With the battlefield finally clear of enemies, he approaches the fight between Kuma and Rendez. He finds Kuma severely injured on the ground, while Rendez stands, visibly exhausted but still triumphant. Rendez laughs, absorbing the magic from the fallen demons, and boasts that there's much more magic to claim in this world, with the Nara lands being just the beginning. Runica summons his bronze dagger to his other hand, and his magic staff floats behind him. He declares that he's going to finish what he started.

Runica hurls his bronze dagger, but Rendez catches it effortlessly with his hand. Rendez taunts, hoping that Runica will provide him with more energy as he did before. Suddenly, Runica teleports to his dagger and slashes Rendez across the body, sending him crashing through the ruined buildings. Simultaneously, Runica's magic staff fires a barrage of magic beams at Rendez, causing multiple explosions. As the dust settles, Rendez notices the dagger suspended in the air. Runica teleports to it, dives downward, and thrusts his blade into Rendez's stomach. Rendez laughs with excitement, claiming that Runica's power will elevate him to new heights. Runica retorts that Rendez can take all the magic he needs and then unleashes a jolt of lightning magic. He leaps back and calls upon Thor's power. Lightning magic swirls in the clouds above, coalescing into a colossal lightning bolt that strikes Rendez. Rendez eagerly grabs the lightning bolt, absorbing its energy slowly, while laughing crazily, astonished that Runica can even wield the power of the Gods.

Runica readies a powerful strike as Rendez remains focused in his magic absorption, his staff amplifying his power. Suddenly, Kuma stands beside him, declaring his duty as the guardian of the draconic village. Kuma charges up a potent attack of his own. Together, Runica and Kuma unleash a colossal combined assault that strikes Rendez, causing a massive explosion of magic and lightning. Rendez is obliterated in the blast, and the force sends both Kuma and Runica crashing into the shattered gates of the village. Runica slowly rises and approaches Kuma, urgently asking where Alice is. Kuma apologizes and informs him that Alice is at the kingdom.

Runica immediately heads to the kingdom and finds June standing guard over Alice. Alice calls out to Runica, who is enraged, he charges forward with lightning magic and engages in a fierce weapon clash with June, who unleash a series of moon slice attacks with his staff. Runica is struck several times and falls to the ground. As he struggles, he notices that June is fighting differently and his eyes are blacked out. Runica, bewildered, demands to know what has happened to June. June, now speaking with a different voice, reveals that he is Skoll and declares that no one will get close to his mother. Runica is perplexed, feeling that nothing makes sense anymore. Runica throws his dagger and teleports to its location, repeating the maneuver around Skoll. Skoll, noticing Runica's magical circle forming beneath him, jumps to avoid it. However, Runica teleports above him and declares that Skoll is too late.

Runica drives Skoll back into the magic circle and uses his staff to complete the spell. The circle glows brightly as Skoll is then trapped and bound by an additional layer of magic. Runica begins a new spell from his staff, reciting the incantations he learned from Alice, reflecting on their study sessions together. As he finishes the long intricate spell, he releases a powerful magic blast from beneath Skoll, propelling him into the sky. A colossal explosion erupts in the night sky. Runica swiftly breaks the chains binding Alice, and they embrace tightly. Alice then says her mother is in the kingdom. Runica replies that they need to find her, but Alice reveals something is wrong with her mother, as if someone else is inhabiting her body. Alice clutches her head in pain, saying she can hear another voice in her mind. Her eyes turn rainbow-colored as a different voice takes over, urging them to hurry and stop Fen before he causes more chaos. Runica, confused, starts asking questions, but Alice suddenly runs towards the kingdom. Runica chases after her.

Alice and Runica sprint through the ruins of the kingdom, dodging fiery explosions. When a few knights charge at Alice, Runica swiftly cuts them down. They reach the castle gates and see Feb stomping on Jan. Feb turns around and, speaking in a different voice, says she's surprised to see their mother willing to put herself in danger without father knowing. Alice clutches her head as her eyes return to normal, and Runica supports her. Feb comments that the magic hasn't fully taken over Alice's body. Runica then asks why Feb is hurting her own brother. Feb looks at Jan and laughs, saying Jan isn't her brother—her brother is Skoll—and demands Runica take his hands off their mother.

Feb, now covered in flames, charges forward and kicks Runica into a building. She introduces herself as Hati and remarks that if their mother is here, Skoll must have failed to protect her. Skoll walks by and admits he lost because he hasn't awakened his full powers yet. Hati says they should hurry and take their mother away before their father gets angry. Runica steps out of the broken building and declares that Alice isn't going anywhere with them. He summons his three weapons and his silver/platinum soul armor. Covered in his magic and lightning, he roars and charges at them. Skoll and Hati also prepare for battle.

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