Chapter 71: FORGIVE ME
As days go by, Alice helps Runica daily with walking, regaining his magic, and rebuilding his muscles. She also feeds him and gives him many gifts. They both enjoy their long-awaited break together. Some days, Runica struggles with walking and magic control, but Alice is always there to assist him. Eventually, Runica becomes strong enough to walk on his own. He attempts to pick up his platinum butcher blade but still can't lift it. He turns to Alice and smiles; she smiles back, offering her support. Every night, Alice stays by Runica's side until he falls asleep. One night, Runica wakes up and goes to Alice's room, finding her asleep. He continues down the hall to the elevator and heads to Magnis's training room, where he sees Magnis trying to control his lightning magic. Distracted by Runica's presence, Magnis's magic causes explosions. Runica asks if Magnis is okay. Lying on the floor, Magnis takes a deep breath and asks why Runica is still awake.
Runica replies that he knows Magnis works tirelessly every day to get stronger, so he was curious to come to check on him. Magnis stands up and admits that he needs much more time to grow stronger and is unsure how long it will take. Runica summons his butcher blade, lifts it into the air, and declares that no matter how long it takes, they will save the world. Magnis nods as Runica asks another question, noting that they are among the rare 0.001% of people who can regain their magic after losing it. While Magnis was offered Thors' power, Runica wonders how his own magic returned, as the simple research on their ancestors' magic flower seemed insufficient. Magnis takes a deep breath and uses his magic to display a scene of Alice and himself discussing Runica's case, fearing he might never regain his magic. Magnis expresses his anxiety, knowing Runica would rather be dead than feel useless in these times. Alice then reveals the magic flower and explains that her research uncovered instances where their ancestors were able to regain their lost magic but at a great cost.
From Magnis's point of view, he peers into Runica's room and sees Runica still in a coma. He then walks over to Alice's room, opens the door, and asks if she is ready. Alice takes a deep breath and says she has reviewed all the rare cases from the past and prepared everything for this moment. Magnis looks at the magic circle on the floor, surrounded by various ingredients. Alice places the magic flower in the center of the circle. They hold hands as dragon magic and lightning magic flows around them. Alice closes her eyes and says that, with the cost of most of her magic and the supporting magic of a god, they can restore Runica's magic.
A magical dragon emerges from Alice's chest and flies around the room, with lightning magic covering its body as it circles the magic flower. Alice takes an ancient knife and begins chanting loudly. Magnis, growing fatigued, falls to his knees but continues to watch as Alice cuts her wrist, her blood flowing around the magic circle. She completes the chant, and her blood, along with the magic dragon covered in lightning, is absorbed into the magic flower. She slowly picks up the now-enhanced magic flower, which sparkles with magic, and declares that they have succeeded. Magnis watches as Alice goes into Runica's room. Moments later, she emerges and collapses. Magnis takes care of both Runica and Alice for a week. When Alice wakes up, she immediately asks how Runica is doing.
Magnis informs her that while Runica is indeed recovering, Alice's mana pool has been reduced by 95% and his own by 50%. Alice responds that she has no regrets, saying that Runica is worth the sacrifice. Magnis adds that they wouldn't have come this far without Runica, and he'd rather see Runica fighting by his side than him feeling useless. The flashback fades away from the magic screen. Runica sheds a few tears, expressing gratitude for everything they've done for him. He becomes more emotional, admitting that he has been selfish since the beginning of their journey. Despite his poor decisions, they still believed in him enough to make such sacrifices. Magnis raises his fist and assures him that Runica will always be their hope. Runica smiles and exchanges a fist bump with him.
Days later, Alissa is seen fighting numerous demons along the shore with other draconic Naras. She skillfully dodges most of the attacks, teaming up with Tobey to slay all the demons on the beach. Tobey then asks if Alissa has found what she's been searching for. Alissa nods, saying she has, but she needs someone strong to help her. She then asks Tobey if he has figured out a safe place for their people. Tobey nods, explaining that he has contacted his old friends who are willing to help, and that the rest is up to Alissa. Alissa then requests to see a specific person.
Moments later, Alissa opens a tent to find Kuma sitting on his bed, looking emotionless. Alissa cheers him up, telling him that she has finally succeeded and that he will now have a chance to save the lands of Nara and their people. This lifts Kuma's spirits, and he declares that he will do anything to fulfill his role as guardian.
Several days later, Alissa and Kuma travel by ship across the ocean. They arrive at a small island with some ruins. As they disembark, Alissa remarks that after a year of fighting demons and knights, she has become strong enough to understand the powers of the crown. Kuma notices the glowing crown on Alissa's waist. Alissa explains that the crown has led them here, as was the goal of its previous users. She says she is going to put on the crown and open a portal, but her magic alone isn't enough; she needs a powerful magic user like Kuma to support her. Kuma asks if this will save the land of Naras. Alissa nods confidently, saying it will, 100%.
They reach the center of the island as the crown glows brighter, and a green spot of light appears before them. Alissa takes a deep breath and says this is the moment she's been waiting for her entire life—the moment to save the world. She puts on the crown, which erupts with shockwaves of magic, tearing the skin on her forehead slightly. Composing herself, Alissa focuses her magic on the green light before them. Kuma also takes a deep breath, channeling his angelic and demonic powers through his hands and into Alissa's body. Alissa screams as she uses all her strength and magic onto the green light. The green light then expands into a big green portal. She tells Kuma that once she returns, the rest will be up to him. Kuma watches as Alissa jumps into the portal, which quickly closes. Overwhelmed with emotions, Kuma curls up in a corner, patiently waiting for Alissa's return.
Alissa walks through the floating ruins in the green-hued dimension. Suddenly, the realm shakes, and she sees two giant wolves chasing a moon and a sun. She watches as the wolves catch up to the celestial bodies and devour them. The realm shakes more intensely as an even larger wolf appears before her. The wolf speaks, saying it has been a long time since a human has entered this realm and that they should hurry and finish this battle before his wife awakens. Alissa removes the crown and says she is not here to fight like those who came before her. The wolf, surprised, asks what her true purpose is in this realm. Alissa introduces herself, explaining that her land is in desperate need of saving. The wolf responds that he doesn't care much about the human world and is only concerned with his wife. Alissa then acknowledges that the wolf's powers rival those of the gods and pledges to do anything for him to save the land of Nara.
The wolf lies down and remarks that Alissa is indeed different from those who came before. He also reveals that he has been planning to enter the human realm for the sake of his wife but he has a few problems at hand, that he's been casting a certain spell on his wife for many hundreds of years. Alissa assures him that she will do whatever it takes, as her only goal is to slay the demons and the current king of Nara. The wolf smiles and introduces himself as Fen. Based on Alissa's desperation, he finds her trustworthy and suggests they make a contract. Fen summons a giant paper contract that appears in front of Alissa. She reads it and steps back in shock at what it entails. She turns to Fen and says he will go to any lengths to get what he wants. Fen nods, explaining that he would prefer not to enter the human realm in his current form, as his arrival would awaken the other gods, leading to battles that could end the world. Therefore, he wants Alissa to do his work for him if she desires his help.
Alissa contemplates for a moment and realizes that if she doesn't get help here, there is nowhere else to turn; this is her last hope. She touches the contract, and magic surrounds her. A magical pin pierces her chest, causing her blood to flow like a river onto the contract. Fen rises and announces that they can now begin their plans, howling loudly enough to shake the entire realm. His body fades into green magic orbs that merge with Alissa. She screams in pain as her eyes turn green, and they both witness each other's entire life memories. Tears fall from Alissa's eyes as she collapses, overwhelmed by what she saw. Fen's voice speaks within her mind, reminding her that there is no time to mourn the past; they must move forward. Alissa rises and ventures deeper into the ruins, reaching a platform where she sees the two giant wolves running in the sky. She howls, and the wolves descend to her, transforming into white and black marbles that she pockets.
She ventures deeper into the realm until she reaches a chamber. In the center, she sees a half-body woman floating, surrounded by hundreds of magic circles. Fen's voice echoes in her mind, reminding her she knows what to do to save his wife. Alissa nods and casts her magic, directing the hundreds of magic circles into Fen's wife. The woman's body glows in various colors before exploding, leaving a rainbow marble that falls into Alissa's hand, which she pockets. As she leaves, the chamber crumbles. As she travels through the realm, it disintegrates behind her. Reaching the end, she uses her magic to open a green portal and jumps through it, just as the entire realm fades out of existence.
Alissa arrives back on the ruined island, noticing a nearby hut and many fish bones scattered around. She enters the hut and finds Kuma finishing his meal. He turns to her excitedly, saying she's finally returned. Alissa notices Kuma's hair has grown, indicating some time has passed. She then declares it's time to save the land of the Naras. Moments later, they are on the ship, discussing their plans. Kuma looks into Alissa's green eyes and remarks that she has changed. Alissa nods, saying they all need to change in times like these. Tears fall from her face as she takes out the rainbow marble and gives it to Kuma. He takes the marble, looking a bit sad. As the sun rises, Alissa closes her eyes and asks for forgiveness.
Moments later near the kingdom, an army of knights and an army of demons face off on the battlefield. King Gaica, seated on his throne, sips his wine and flicks his fingers, prompting Jan, Feb, June, and ten other knights to advance. On the other side, Rendez, also seated on his throne, sips blood from a golden cup and signals a dozen demons to charge. The smaller demons clash with the ten knights while Feb and June confront a larger demon, and Jan takes on a demon general. The battle is marked by numerous magic explosions. By the end, all the small demons and knights are dead. Feb is barely standing, June succumbs to his injuries, and Jan has slain the demon general. Rendez claps, noting that they have entertained each other for two full years. King Gaica stands and agrees, remarking that everything eventually becomes boring. Rendez asks what Gaica has in mind. King Gaica smiles, suggesting they expand their battles beyond these lands to involve the entire world. Rendez smiles back, agreeing that including the entire human realm could be even better. King Gaica flicks his finger, using his magic to revive all the dead knights and June. Rendez also casts his magic, reviving his fallen demons. King Gaica declares that this era will be the greatest ever told. Rendez agrees, expressing his eagerness to elevate their entertainment to new heights.
Suddenly, Alissa arrives on the battlefield and declares she won't allow any more of these games. Rendez remarks that Alissa has changed, becoming a thousand times stronger or even more. King Gaica acknowledges that when people like them exist, individuals like Alissa will inevitably rise from the scars of their battles, seeking for vengeance. Rendez suggests they might need to join forces to deal with her, and King Gaica agrees, fearing Alissa could ruin their plans before they even begin. With hand signals, both their armies charge at Alissa. Drawing her sword, Alissa declares that their rule over these lands ends here. Green magic envelops her body as she roars and charges towards the incoming knight and demon armies.
Meanwhile, in the snowy mountains, Runica and Alice are celebrating Runica's 17th birthday in his room. Runica blows out the candles and looks at Alice. As they lock eyes, they share a kiss. They then taste the cake, enjoying the moment. Runica says he's going to give a slice of cake to Magnis before they start their training today. Alice suggests they take a photo first. She casts a spell, and a small dragon with a magic camera in its mouth appears. A countdown starts on its eyes as Runica and Alice pose for a lovely photo. The dragon vanishes, leaving a magic photo in Runica's hands. Smiling, Runica suggests they create a photo album. Alice happily agrees. Moments later, Runica heads down the castle with a piece of cake on a plate, making his way to Magnis's training room.
Runica tells Magnis that he saved a piece of cake for him, but then he notices Magnis on his knees, crying. Concerned, he approaches and asks what's wrong. Magnis explains that even after two years of training, he still isn't strong enough to face Rendez and King Gaica. He laments that the land of Nara has suffered so much, and that it might take too long for him to reach the power needed to save the land of Nara. Runica takes a deep breath and reassures him, saying he's also been training and has seen significant improvement since they started this journey. Emotionally, Magnis confesses that at their current pace, their powers will never be enough. Stunned, Runica asks how long Magnis thinks it will take for them to be ready. Magnis estimates it will take Runica five more years, but for himself, it will take 20 more years. Runica places a hand on Magnis's shoulder and encourages him to hold on a bit longer, asserting that if they work together, their combined powers will be enough and that they won't need to train for that long because they are special. Suddenly, the entire castle shakes from an explosion above. Runica and Magnis rush to Runica's room, finding it in ruins. Runica picks up the fallen photo of him and Alice. Magnis looks out to see Alice lying on a pile of snow below, with Kuma approaching her. Runica summons his butcher blade, jumps down, lands in front of Kuma, and demands to know what's happening.