Chapter 70: PROPER REST
Alissa collapses onto the snow-covered field, struggling to locate her companions. Suddenly, Runica emerges from the snow, radiating in his magic. Alice also appears, shielding Magnis within a protective barrier. Runica declares that the battle is far from over. Thors bursts out of the snow, his thunderous roar echoing through the landscape. The group watches in awe as Runica and Thors engage in a fierce clash, their movements swift and intense. Alice observes that magic attacks seem to have no effect on Thors, while Magnis notes that Runica's slashing blows are equally ineffective. Alissa suggests that Runica's crown might hold the key to their salvation, explaining that the crown is a part of every God that is given to their chosen warriors to carry out their duties, life, destruction, or balance. Alice recalls that Runica acquired the crown from Belfar during their battle. As they ponder the origins of Belfar's crown, Runica's pained scream interrupts their discussion. His magic is visibly waning, his veins bulging from exertion as he pushes beyond his limits. Alice pleads with Runica to stop, warning that further strain will prove fatal. Ignoring her words, Runica focuses his energy, causing sparks of magic to erupt around him. Donning the glowing crown, he demands more power, and the crown's radiance intensifies.
Runica readies himself for the final confrontation, grasping his dagger, mounting his magic staff, and wielding his butcher blade. As he prepares to face Thors, he hears a chorus of voices in his mind, but he resolutely ignores them. With an unprecedented surge of magic, his staff unleashes a powerful beam, propelling him towards Thors. Runica hurtles his dagger through the air, spinning pass Thors's face, before they could clash, he teleports to the dagger's location behind Thors. Unleashing his most formidable attacks, he combines swift strikes from both blades with magic blasts from his staff, enveloping the area in a thick smoke. The crown's magic intensifies, circulating around Runica's head and causing fissures to form on his forehead. The voices in his mind grow louder, but he persists in his onslaught, driven by a fierce determination. Suddenly, Belfar's voice echoes in his mind, reminding him of his unfinished task - to save Eve. Then, a familiar voice calls out his name, and Runica's eyes widen in shock. He freezes, recognizing the voice of his mother, and his relentless assault comes to an abrupt halt.
As the smoke dissipates, Runica's mother offers words of comfort, urging him to reassess his situation and recognize that he's already done enough. Overcome with emotion, Runica drops his weapons, tears streaming down his face. He calls out to his mother, who advises him to remove the crown, citing his unreadiness for its power and her desire to not see him join her in the afterlife prematurely. Runica obeys, and the crown's removal reveals the severity of his injuries: the cracks on his forehead bleed profusely, his magic fades, and he coughs up blood. His mother bids him farewell, promising that she will alwayst remain with him just as long as he still have her magic staff. Alice yells for Runica to flee, but he's met with the disheartening sight of Thors, unscathed and rising to his feet. Despite his devastation, Runica attempts to retrieve his weapons, only to find his arm muscles too torn to oblige. Thors charges at him, and in a last-ditch effort, Runica headbutts the behemoth, momentarily stunning him and causing his nose to bleed. Thors then knocks Runica into a snowbank. Alice guards Runica, unleashing dragon fireballs that prove ineffective against Thors. Alissa, meanwhile, crawls to the glowing crown and touches it, triggering a massive shockwave that knocks everyone off their feet. As she struggles to comprehend the crown's power, visions of its past users flood her mind, after seeing all the memories she faints.
Magnis rises to his feet, determination etched on his face, and declares that he's discovered the key to defeating Thors. Thors unleashes a ferocious roar, attacking Alice with unrelenting fury. Alice defends herself with a sturdy dragon magic barrier. Magnis focuses his thoughts, drawing inspiration from his past battle with June. He recalls the moment he exhausted his magic, yet refused to yield. Tapping into his inner strength, he managed to revive his spent magic and ultimately emerge victorious. With renewed confidence, Magnis opens his eyes and pounds his chest with a fist. The ambient magic in the air begins to converge onto his back, imbuing him with a massive power boost. Empowered, Magnis charges forward, delivering a forceful kick that sends Thors flying away from Alice. Thors spits out blood, enraged, and charges at Magnis. Magnis reveals that magic and slashing attacks are ineffective against Thors, but blunt forces can cause harm against him. Alice, observing the scene, realizes that the magic particles in the air that was released during Runica's battle is being absorbed into Magnis's back, fueling his newfound strength.
Magnis, unaware of his ability to absorb ambient magic, only believing that he's tapping into his inner strength. He engages Thors in a fierce wrestling match, generating massive snow explosions with each slam. Magnis dodges Thors's powerful claw attack and retaliates with a forceful punch, sending Thors tumbling across the snowfield. Alissa watches in awe as Magnis, a mere Nara, holds his own against a God and even hurting him. Magnis acknowledges that he may not be strong enough to defeat Thors, but he's discovered another crucial detail during Runica's battle: Thors has been asleep this whole time, his body operating on autopilot due to the nature of his duty, destruction. Alice notices Thors's eyes are white, confirming Magnis's theory. Magnis also delcare that he realized Thors's instincts are repeating a predetermined set of attacks, which he's already adapted to. With this knowledge, Magnis charges forward, dodging most of Thors's blows and counterattacking with precision. Each successful strike causes Thors's pupils to fade in and out, signaling his gradual awakening. Magnis absorbs additional magic particles, converting them into raw strength. With a mighty roar, he unleashes his most powerful punch yet, striking Thors's chest with incredible force.
The impact is so immense that it clears the clouds in the sky. Thors crashes onto his back, while Runica struggles to sit up, his wounds severe. Blood drips into his eyes as he hears the rumble of approaching avalanches and a dark cloud forming above. Magnis turns to Runica, his face set in a determined smile. "I've got this," he says. Just as the avalanches threaten to engulf them, a massive lightning bolt strikes Thors's body, enveloping him in lightning magic, waking him up. Thors strongly gets up and roars, unleashing shockwaves of electricity that push against the incoming avalanches, sending snow soaring into the air. Heavy snowflakes fall around them as Runica tries to rise, but his injuries prove too severe. Alice attempts to cast healing spells, but her magic is insufficient to mend Runica's wounds. Thors gazes at Magnis, who raises his hands in a peaceful gesture, seeking to parley. But without warning, a lightning bolt erupts from Thors's chest and pierces Magnis's stomach. Runica, with his last ounce of strength, struggles to his feet and calls out to Magnis. He tries to run over to him, however, a lightning bolt from the dark cloud above strikes Runica, rendering him unconscious.
Some time has passed, in a secluded castle nestled within the ice mountains, Alice warms her hands by the fire, lost in thought. Suddenly, a dark beam of magic pierces the sky, originating from the distant land in the Draconic village. Alice's eyes well up with tears as she realizes the village's dragon has perished. Meanwhile, Alissa stands at the castle gates, clad in a hooded cloak, gazing up at the ominous pillar of magic. With a determined shake of her head, she acknowledges that they are out of time to save their village but there is still enough time to save the world. Her eyes fall upon the glowing crown tied to her waist, and with a newfound sense of purpose, she sets off down the mountainside on a snowboard, ready to face the challenges ahead. Runica's eyes flutter open, gazing up at the castle's ceiling, but his vision blurs and he slips back into unconsciousness. In a fleeting moment of lucidity, he sees Alice grasping his hand, her eyes pleading as she holds up the magic flower. She implores Runica to use his remaining magic so she save him. Alice's own magic fills the room, and as Runica's consciousness wavers, he reaches out to the floating magic flower. A faint glow emanates from their connected hands as their magic goes into the flower. Half of the flower's petals then bursts into shimmering magic particles that flow into Runica's body and vision, his eyes close once more, and he succumbs to darkness.
One year passes, and Runica awakens in a bedroom overgrown with vines, flowers, grass, and dirt. As he struggles to sit up, he notices the walls adorned with pulsing, magical flowers. Too weak to move far, he calls out for Alice and Magnis, but his cries go unanswered. With a Herculean effort, he crawls to the window, pushes it open, and watches as the flowers are swept away by the icy mountain winds. Runica's gaze falls upon his longer hair, and he wonders how much time has passed. Just then, Alice enters the room with a 16th birthday cake, only to drop it in shock at the sight of Runica at the window. She rushes to embrace him, tears of joy streaming down her face. "You're finally awake!" she exclaims. Runica's eyes fall upon the ruined cake, the number 16 starkly visible. The realization hits him - a full year has passed. As he bombards Alice with questions about the battle with Thors, the fate of the Draconic village, and the kingdom, distant explosions interrupt their reunion. They turn to the window, watching as the clouds clear to reveal two pillars - one of darkness, one of light - soaring high in the sky over the Nara lands. explosions erupt between the pillars.
Runica attempts to move, but the strength in his legs fails, and he falls onto the flower-covered ground. Alice cautions him to take his time, explaining that his body needs to relearn its functions after a year in a coma. Runica's questions about Magnis's fate prompt Alice to offer a visit, and soon she's pushing him in a wheelchair through the castle's halls. As they descend in the elevator, Runica marvels at the castle's vastness, spanning over 50 floors. Alice hints at significant changes since his coma, revealing her extensive research into the ancient magic flower's healing properties because she recalls that the ancient magic flower from their ancestors can also heal wounds that are beyond healing. Runica reflects on all his over the limit moments, realizing he had indeed pushed himself too far, neglecting his own well-being. They reach the bottom floor of the castle as Alice wheels Runica out of the elevator. They enter a large hall, and next to a giant door lies two graves. One is marked with the name Drais, with his soul weapons beside it, and the other bears the name Magnis, with his platinum butcher blade and champion belt. Runica becomes emotional and starts crying. Alice tells him that her mother, Alissa, was able to sneak into the kingdom and retrieve Drais's weapon. Runica then asks if Thors killed Magnis. After a moment's pause, Alice replies that Magnis can explain himself. Confused, Runica watches as the giant doors open and a more taller and more muscular Magnis walks in with a smile. Runica asks how Magnis is still alive, and Magnis responds that the old him died, but a new him was born the day he awakened Thors, the God of destruction.
Magnis explains that Thors was impressed by his raw strength to awaken him. He explains more that every god needs their rest, but during their slumber, their bodies continue to perform their duties on autopilot. Necessary destruction is required when the world of Terra becomes too imbalanced, with life forms that could potentially doom the entire world. Gods needs to slumber because, over their long lives, they risk losing their sanity and consciousness, eventually becoming wild creatures or maybe they become too exhausted to fulfill their duties. In ancient history, gods could choose vessels to bestow their powers upon to carry out their responsibilities. Magnis then reveals a lightning bolt mark wound on his stomach, explaining that it symbolizes he has become Thors's vessel. Magnis explains that he is still adjusting to his new powers, and that Thors will eventually bestow him with even more of his power. At that point, he will achieve the full power of Thors, from the crown of Thors. Runica then asks why Thors can't save the land of Naras himself. Magnis responds that Thors, having lived a long life, wishes to remain in peaceful slumber. He also can't control his powers as he once did because of the prolonged sleeps, which could lead to catastrophic mistakes and the destruction of the land of Naras. To prevent this, Thors bestowed a portion of his powers to Magnis, making him his vessel. Runica chuckles and remarks that Magnis always surprises him. From the moment they met, he knew they were both special. Magnis smiles, and gives him a fist bump, saying that he never regretted making that vow with him that day.
Runica looks at the butcher blade and tries to lift it with magic, but it simply falls to the floor. Alice warns him that he will need time to regain his strength. Runica then asks if Magnis is strong enough to save the land of Nara. Magnis shakes his head and admits that, while he is stronger than before, he is still not strong enough. Alice then begins to explain the situation: Rendez broke free from the magic barrier cast by the dragon and first fought with Kuma, defeating him easily. He kept Kuma as his slave because Kuma had the potential to grow stronger and was too rare to dispose of, possessing the powers of both angels and demons. Alice adds that her mother, Alissa, was able to save Kuma from Rendez and has been fighting against the demons and the kingdom's knights ever since. Runica then asks which side is winning. Alice replies that, according to her mother's reports, neither side is winning because both side are treating this war like it's a game. Rendez wants to enjoy all the natural magic resources from this world, while King Gaica wants the war to become a historical event that will be told for generations. Both sides are prolonging the war because a quick resolution wouldn't satisfy them; they both want to enjoy their form of entertainment. Runica takes a deep breath and says they have a lot to do and must act quickly before Gaica and Rendez further corrupts the world. Magnis assures them that they will eventually save the world, but for now, they deserve a break together. Alice shyly looks away as Runica agrees, saying that a break might be a nice change of pace.