Magnis places his five fingers on his chest and turns them, causing magic to seep out of his chest. Drais explains that when Magnis was born, his magic was too potent for his infant body to contain, posing a constant risk of a catastrophic magic explosion. To prevent this, He sealed 95% of his magic powers were sealed deep within his soul. This also motivated Drais to remain in the outer village, where he could watch his son grow into a great knight. However, Magnis has since come to accept his decision to keep his magic powers dormant, desiring to forge a unique path as a great Nara, distinct from Runica's. He has chosen to rely solely on his physical strength, but vows to unleash his magic in full force when the time comes to protect those he holds dear A massive aura of magic envelops Magnis's body, drawing the attention of June and the others. June, with a cruel gesture, steps on Alice's back, taunting Runica for relying on others to fight his battles. Enraged by this treatment of Alice, Runica charges forward with his butcher blade, but before he can reach June, the other three knights move to strike him down from above. Magnis quickly intervenes, kicking the knights into the castle walls with incredible speed and fashion. June attempts to attack Runica, but Magnis blocks the blow and counterattacks with a powerful fist, sending June crashing through the castle gates.

Magnis takes charge, instructing Runica and the others to proceed into the castle while he handles June and the knights. As Magnis engages June and the others knights in a fierce battle, Runica and the group rush past them, entering the castle. Drais chooses to remain behind, proudly declaring that he will witness his son's remarkable fight and share the tale with others once it's over. Runica and the others burst into the throne room, only to find it empty and the crystal missing. They then hear a chorus of voices coming from the castle's arena, leading them to a vast stadium where tens of thousands of Naras are chained, their magic being absorbed by the crystal. The thousand of knights around the arena are also offering their magic to the crystal, as Gaica, Jan, and Feb stand resolute before it Runica spots his mother and rushes to her side, cutting off her chains and attempting to rouse her. Alice and Alissa follow suit, freeing other Naras from their shackles. Gaica, however, regards them as uninvited guests and orders Feb to handle the situation.

Feb obeys, summoning her soul weapon and engaging Runica in combat. She declares that they are hindering their great awakening, which Runica condemns all of this as genocide instead. Feb then sees a couple of Naras dying after their magic is fully absorbed. She retorts that their father's plan is absolute and that there is a greater purpose at play, insisting that their era is the strongest in Nara history. Runica is send flying into the arena wall as Alissa clashes weapons with Feb, accusing the kingdom of abandoning its centuries-old vow. Feb counters that the old era is gone, and their era must become the strongest in the world. The two clash swords, taking their battle to the air to avoid harming nearby Naras. Meanwhile, Alice uses her magic to transport the freed Naras and Runica's mother to safety. Jan notices Feb's struggles and is instructed by Gaica to assist, but to reserve his full strength for the crystal's final act. Jan obeys, approaching Alice, but Runica intervenes, acknowledging that they can't save everyone and must make the most of their current situation. Alice agrees, and she make her escape from the arena.

Runica stands firm, gripping his butcher blade, as Jan summons his radiant sapphire sword and armor. Jan taunts the famous Runica, eager to see him unleash his full power, since Runica and him are rumored to be evenly matched in strength. Enraged, Runica charges forward, clashing swords with Jan. Meanwhile, Alice uses her magic to transport hundreds of Naras throughout the castle. Suddenly, Runica bursts through the castle wall ahead of her, coughing up blood. Alice rushes to his side, attempting to heal him, but Runica insists she conserve her magic for the others and flee. Jan emerges through the hole in the wall, determined to prevent the escape of hundreds of devoted Naras. Alice flees with the Naras, but Jan gives chase. Runica tries to stop Jan, grabbing his leg, but is kicked off. Jan scorns Runica for his inability to wield magic, and Runica summon his weapon and attempts to use his magic, but it quickly fades. Jan declares Runica has reached his limits and that he shall put him out of his misery, he prepares to deliver the final blow, thrusting his sword towards Runica's chest. Just as all hope seems lost, Runica's mother intervenes, pushing Runica out of harm's way, but tragically takes the sword thrust herself, falling victim to Jan's attack.

Runica is consumed by shock and horror, but his mother, despite her agony, offers a reassuring smile, whispering that everything will be alright. Runica's cries of anguish echo through the castle as Jan callously kicks her body off his sword. Jan feigns remorse, claiming he'll quickly end Runica's suffering to spare him further emotional torment. However, Alice emotionally intervenes, unleashing a barrage of fireballs that strike Jan with precision, sending him crashing into the castle walls. As Runica crawls to his mother's side, overcome with grief, he clutches her hand and repeatedly apologizes for his weakness, questioning how he can be a beacon of hope when he couldn't even protect his own mother. His mother, with her final breath, imparts words of encouragement, affirming Runica's strength and declaring him the greatest Nara alive. She urges him to learn from his experiences, grow stronger, and find the courage to persevere in the darkest moments. With those parting words, Runica's mother passes away, leaving him to scream in despair, his tears flowing uncontrollably.

Alice, too, is overcome with emotion, tears streaming down her face as she witnesses Runica's anguish. Jan seizes the moment, dashing past the fireballs and striking Alice with a cruel blow, her blood splattering everywhere. Runica, already shattered, is powerless to only see Alice's fall, her body covered in her own blood. Jan then utilizes his magic to recapture the freed Naras, forcing them back to the arena. He justifies his actions, claiming that spilling Nara blood was a necessary evil for the greater good of the world. Runica, emotionally broken, kneels in silence, unable to respond. Jan approaches him, intent on ending his life, but Magnis intervenes, unleashing a powerful blast of magic that sends Jan flying. Jan quickly recovers, impressed by Magnis's abilities. Runica, still reeling, notices Magnis standing before him. Magnis urges Runica to find strength, reminding him that as the greatest Nara, weakness is not an option. Magnis and Jan engage in a fierce battle, their magic clashing and causing the surrounding walls to crumble. Runica, taking Magnis's words to heart, looks at the blood on his hands and wipes away his tears. He then hears Alice's faint whisper, her words echoing in his mind: "Runica is strong, unlike any Nara she has seen before." With newfound determination, Runica's eyes brighten, and he summons his magic staff. Despite his fading magic, he forces himself to cast a healing spell, restoring Alice's wounds.

Magnis collapses, his magic exhausted, as Jan rises, his face bruised and nose bleeding. Despite his injuries, Jan enthusiastically praises Magnis's prowess, eager for another round. Magnis struggles to his feet, ready to continue the battle, but Drais intervenes, proud of his son's bravery. He insists that they retreat, allowing him to handle Jan. Just as Drais and Jan are about to clash, Gaica's voice resonates throughout the castle, declaring the time for awakening has arrived. Jan smirks, promising to return soon. Runica slowly rises, concerned about Alissa's fate. The group returns to the arena to find Alissa lying on the ground, severely wounded and unconscious. Alice begins to heal her injuries as Runica's attention is drawn to the giant crystal, now radiating an intense, vibrant glow, he also sees all the dead Naras and knights all around the arena. 

Feb and Jan channel their magic into Gaica, who radiates intense energy. He summons his diamond armor and sword, adorned with a vibrant rainbow aura. Declaring his ambition to make the Nara kingdom the strongest, Gaica slashes the giant crystal, unleashing a torrent of magic that envelops himself, Feb, and Jan. The brilliance is too intense for Runica to behold. As the light settles, Gaica, Feb, and Jan are enveloped in a rainbow magic aura. Gaica exults in the power of combined Nara magic through out the ages. Runica approaches, questioning the need for such extreme measures just to gain power. Gaica explains that past Naras squandered their strength, merely passing it down to future generations without utilizing it. He believes the kingdom had aided the draconic village at the Demon's Gate then it would of been far too easy for them to handle, but that he rather seek a more thrilling challenge. He desires to face the demons at their strongest, so he can fully use the power of the crystal at it's full extent. 

Runica condemns Gaica's willingness to endanger the draconic village and the kingdom for the sake of a more challenging fight as absurd. Gaica acknowledges this, confident in his newfound power to do as he pleases. With a wave of his hand, he resurrects the fallen Naras and knights, who promptly praise and bow to him in tears. Runica demands that his mother also be revived, but Gaica flatly refuses. Instead, he orders his knights to eliminate Runica and the others. Runica requests a fair fight with Jan, but Gaica declines, unwilling to waste one of his great knight's power on a rebellious son. As the knights close in, Drais intervenes, pulling Runica back and warning that fighting now would be suicidal. He urges them to find an alternative solution to save the draconic village. Magnis, tearful, agrees and pulls Runica back, as Runica vents his frustration. Magnis continues to cry, aware that his father, Drais, is prepared to sacrifice himself to ensure their escape.

Drais glances back, smiling, and remarks that Magnis will have to share his incredible battle story with his friends himself. With that, Drais charges into battle, allowing Runica and the others to escape. The group returns to Tobey's beachside hideout, where Runica argues with Magnis, insisting he could have defeated their foes if he had pushed himself beyond his limits again and used his magic. Magnis, emotional and frustrated, punches Runica to the ground, surprising him. Magnis then scolds Runica, his voice trembling, that his father gave his life so that Runica could escape, yet Runica complains about an unwinnable fight. Runica apologizes, explaining that his mother's death had been too much to bear, and he was willing to sacrifice himself in that moment even if it was in vain. Magnis's words strike a chord, and Runica begins to understand the weight of his actions.

Alissa suggests that, since the kingdom has refused to assist them, they must seek out someone with comparable power. Alice adds urgency to the situation, warning that the Dragon's magic can only contain the demon for another month before it breaks free. Runica wonders who could possibly match his father's power. Alissa mentions two potential individuals, but notes they are preoccupied with their own responsibilities. Alice then recalls a passage from an ancient text, proposing that a God, Thors, resides near the Nara lands in the north. Alissa's eyes widen as she considers this option, acknowledging that Thors is not a deity known for his willingness to listen, but concedes they have no alternative. Runica decides that their only course of action is to journey north and seek out Thors. After a grueling and snowy journey north, the group comes upon a gruesome landscape of blood-stained snow. They discover numerous dead giant trolls, and Alissa examines the wounds, confirming that this is a god's doing. Alice casts her magic, which yields a red trail leading to Thors.

As they venture into an icy cave, the interior expands, revealing a colossal 30-foot-tall brown bear slumbering within. Runica prepares for battle, but Alice clarifies that the bear is, in fact, Thors. Alissa cautiously approaches and introduces herself, humbly requesting assistance so they can save their village. However, Thors awakens, lets out a thunderous roar, and charges towards them with unrelenting force. Runica concludes that Thors is unyielding and that they have no choice but to take drastic measures. Moments later, the group is forcibly ejected from the icy cave, tumbling down a snowy slope until they land on a vast ice lake. Runica spits out blood, and Alice swiftly casts a healing spell to tend to their wounds. Alissa concedes that fighting Thors is futile, given his unparalleled power as the god of destruction, and suggests they try to persuade him again instead. Magnis, determined to honor his father's death, resolves to make Thors understand their plea for help. Runica, gripping his butcher blade, defiantly views Thors as a wild beast rather than a god of understanding. Just then, Thors thunders down the snowy hillside, causing the ground to tremble. He strikes Runica with tremendous force, sending him sliding across the ice lake. Alice rushes to Runica's side and casts another healing spell. Magnis attempts to reason with Thors, explaining that they are from the kingdom and their current king's abandonment of his duty to defend Demon's Gate. However, before he can finish his sentence, Thors unleashes a powerful swipe of his bear claws, sending Magnis flying up in the sky. Alissa watches in horror as Magnis crashes to the ice lake, bloodied and battered, and loses all hope, dissolving into tears as she fears for the world's doom.

Runica rises, his anger and determination is palpable. He declares that they won't die here, that as a true Nara, he still has a duty to protect the world, and refuses to let Thors be their downfall. Runica's body begins to radiate magic as he focuses his energy. Alice warns him again that if he pushes beyond his limits again, he's risking the loss of his magic like Magnis. Runica acknowledges the risk but feels they have no choice in this matter. Memories of his most pivotal moments flash before his eyes: training with Magnis and Drais, receiving his mother's magic staff, defending Demon's Gate with Alice, battling Rendez in the demon realm, falling through the endless sky with Alice and the dragon, his intense battle with Belfar, his final confrontation with his father and his knights, finally the memory of his mother's death. These memories stir deep emotions within Runica, and the crown on his waist begins to glow with magic. With a mighty roar, he unleashes a massive burst of energy. Alissa's eyes widen as she notices the glowing crown, and Runica declares that the world needs too much help that he can not even rest now properly. With a sense of duty, he charges forward, his weapon slicing across Thors's body and shaking the entire mountain. Thors crashes through the ice lake, plunging into the depths below. Runica takes a deep breath, looks at Alissa crawling towards him desperately reaching out for his crown. Alice rushes to Magnis and urges everyone to flee. Runica then spots a massive avalanche hurtling towards them. With quick reflexes, Runica tosses Alissa high into the air, with her eyes fixated the crown on Runica's waist, she then talks to herself and says that the crown is emitting magic powers similar to those of another God. The avalanche then overcomes Runica, Alice, and Magnis. 

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