Gaica erupts into a hearty laugh, joined by the knights and noblemen, but the merriment is short-lived. Gaica explains that if more Belfar-like Naras exist, they will be eliminated just as Runica did, and internal issues will be addressed later. He emphasizes that time is of the essence, and fixing the kingdom's problems will take too long, causing them to miss this opportunity to harness the crystal's power. Runica counters that he alone will handle the demons at Demon's Gate and future global threats, rendering the crystal's power unnecessary. Gaica scoffs, insisting that Runica cannot achieve this feat without the crystal's power. Runica, undeterred, summons his butcher blade, and silver armor, and declares he will prove it. The knights in the room draw their weapons, and June warns his father that Runica is formidable, possibly rivaling their elder brother, Jan, in strength. The tension is palpable, as the room teeters on the brink of conflict.

Gaica declares that Feb, the female knight in ruby armor, will be sufficient enough to handle Runica. Feb stands firmly beside Gaica, brandishing her beautiful ruby sword. With a flick of his wrist, Gaica casts a spell, teleporting Runica and Feb into a diamond-encrusted arena. He explains that the arena will automatically revive the first combatant to fall, declaring the first one to die will be the loser. Runica demands that if he emerges victorious, the crown will be returned to him; Gaica agrees, but warns that if Runica loses, he will be forced to join their ranks. Runica accepts the terms. Feb assumes a battle stance, vowing not to disappoint their father. The two clash weapons repeatedly, causing the arena to tremble, with each clash Runica is winning in strength wise. But Feb's superior speed allows her to occasionally slash through Runica's armor, but then he uses his magic to send his armor flying at Feb. She adapts, dodging the projectiles with ease. Feb seizes an opportunity to strike Runica down with lightning speed, but he narrowly blocks the attack. Realizing that his armor was hindering his speed, Runica acknowledges that he cannot match Feb's speed while armored. The two continue their fierce battle, exchanging blows across the arena in a dazzling display of skill and strength.

Runica summons his silver magic staff, unleashing a beam of energy that Feb barely blocks in time. Runica presses his advantage, combining quick sword strikes with magic staff beams, forcing Feb onto the defensive. Feb demands that Runica to unleash his strongest attack, and he complies, roaring as his staff fires thousands of magic lasers that pummel Feb repeatedly. Runica follows up with a mighty swing of his butcher blade, striking Feb's stomach and sending her crashing into the diamond walls. Her armor shatters, and blood splatters everywhere. Runica positions his butcher blade to absorb the lingering magic lasers, then charges forward, delivering a powerful blow that cracks the diamond arena. Feb blocks with her sword, engulfed by the magic explosion. Gaica watches with a smile, while the others in the throne room are astonished by Runica's display of power. June shakes his head, remarking that this is what Feb had desired. As the smoke settles, Runica notices Feb has survived his most potent attack. Heavily wounded, Feb smiles, her broken armor falling away, revealing a ruby sword shining brighter than ever with magic. She explains that her sword stores energy from every strike or damage taken, making her stronger as the fight progresses. Runica's eyes widen as Feb is enveloped in a massive magic aura surpassing his own. Feb reveals that, lacking initial strength, she focused her training on speed, enabling her to endure battles long enough to match her opponents' strength.

Feb charges forward with unprecedented speed, unleashing a powerful attack that Runica blocks, but at the cost of his muscles tearing. Runica's weapon falls from his grasp as Feb thrusts her sword into his chest, releasing a potent magic blast on the tip of her blast that sends him flying. The diamond arena shudders, barely containing the explosion. As the smoke clears, Runica is nowhere to be seen, but Feb senses magic energy behind her. She turns to face a heavily wounded Runica, clutching a bronze dagger as his magic staff is slowly healing his wounds. Feb's excitement grows, acknowledging Runica's strength, comparable to their elder brother Jan. Runica mounts his magic staff, which propels him forward with a beam of energy. Wielding both the dagger and butcher blade, he unleashes a mighty attack. Feb's adrenaline surges, and she charges forward with intense magic. The clash of their weapons shatters the diamond arena, sending them back to the throne room. some of the Knights shields Gaica from the explosion, while mage knights contain the blast within a magic dome. However, this dome also explodes, filling the throne room with smoke.

As the smoke clears, Feb approaches Runica, who is on his knees, heavily wounded. Runica's inner monologue reveals his determination to win, knowing that joining his father's ranks would mean abandoning his mission to save the Draconic village and Eve. He then sees Feb's blade poised at his throat. Just as Gaica is about to declare Feb the winner, a sudden rift in space appears, and the crown emerges, striking Feb and knocking her unconscious. Runica crawls towards the crown, and as he grasps it, he hears Belfar's voice, cautioning that he is not yet ready for the crown's power, but acknowledging that the crown responded to Runica's call. Runica rises, and the onlookers are astonished that the crown escaped from Gaica's powerful magic seal box. Runica declares that he can be trusted to handle the kingdom's threats and emphasizes that the kingdom must address its internal issues. With the crown in hand, Runica asserts his newfound authority.

Gaica raises his hand, and all the knights summon their soul weapons. June joins in, pointing his golden staff at Runica. Gaica declares that Runica's power is too great to be wasted outside of the kingdom, and that it would be better utilized within their ranks. Runica, undeterred, calls his butcher blade to his hand and prepares for battle. Gaica asserts his authority, reminding Runica that he is his father and king, and that he will be obeyed. However, Magnis and Drais rush to Runica's side, showing their support. Magnis expresses his surprise at the turn of events, while Drais declares that, despite going against the king's will, he cannot force Runica to choose a path that goes against his heart. Drais, having been by Runica's side throughout his life, believes in him and his potential, and will stand by him regardless of his decision. Drais summons his soul armor and weapons, ready to defend Runica. Gaica shakes his head, lamenting that they all fail to understand the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity before them. He warns that if necessary, he will force them to obey, as this era will never be surpassed in strength and potential by any future Nara. 

Magnis gazes at Runica, who can barely stand, as Drais valiantly fights off the incoming knights, striking them down one by one. June and Drais engage in a fierce clash, with their magic to repelling the nearby knights away. Meanwhile, Runica and Magnis battle on the opposite side of the room, with Runica struggling to defend himself against the knights' relentless attacks. Magnis dodges the incoming strikes and reaches the wall, unleashing a powerful punch that shatters the wall and allows sunlight to pour in. As Magnis turns to face the others, he sees Drais and Runica pinned to the floor by June and the knights. Enraged, Magnis roars, demanding that they release Runica and his father. With a mighty punch, Magnis creates a powerful air blast that sends many knights flying. He follows up with a flurry of punches, generating multiple air blasts that knock most of the knights to the ground. Drais seizes the opportunity to counterattack, sending June crashing into a wall, the battle rages on, with Runica and his allies slowly losing. However, just as defeat seems within reach, a massive dark pillar of magic erupts from the Draconic village, visible from the hole in the wall. The throne room trembles, and the fighting ceases as all eyes are drawn to the ominous spectacle. Runica seizes the moment, using his magic staff to transport Drais and Magnis to safety with magic. As he flies away on his magic staff, June prepares to give chase, but Gaica intervenes, declaring that their time has run out and that they must now gather everyone to harness the power of the crystal together. 

Moments later, Runica and his companions arrive at the Draconic village gate, where Kuma greets them with relief and promptly grants them entry. Upon reaching the cave, they find Alice, Alissa, and Team B being barred from entering by Team A. Just as tensions rise, the dark magic pillar dissipates, replaced by an orange magic barrier that forcibly expels everyone from the cave and seals it shut with a magical seal. Alissa demands an explanation from Team A, and one of its members reveals that a demon in the demon realm has killed and absorbed all other demons, granting it immense power and allowing it to breach Demon's Gate with ease. Also that the dragon and Keto were unable to defeat it. Runica takes responsibility, identifying the demon as Rendez and acknowledging that his own magic power was absorbed by Rendez during his time in the demon realm. He believes that this absorption of his magic enabled Rendez to become strong enougn and being able to adapt his magic skills to also absorb the other demons. 

Overcome with exhaustion, Runica collapses to his knees, apologizing to everyone. Alissa presses Team A for more information about her husband Keto's whereabouts, only to learn that they witnessed his demise and likely the dragon was the one who cast the magic barrier. Alice approaches the barrier and as she touches it, magic flows through her. The dragon's voice then can be heard for everyone and she reveals that she is currently holding off the demon with her magic. The dragon emphasizes that the kingdom's assistance is crucial to defeat this powerful demon, the magic then fades away from Alice. Drais then says that this is the moment when the kingdom is needed most, as the Nara kingdom's purpose is to serve as the last line of defense against demons emerging from Demon's Gate. Magnis expresses skepticism, given their recent conflict with the kingdom. Alissa asserts that the kingdom has no choice but to help because if it not, the world is going to end. Runica rises, surrounded by a massive magic aura, declaring his determination to confront Rendez and take responsibility for his actions. However, before he can take a step, his magic power suddenly vanishes, and he collapses to the ground. The group rushes to his side, concerned, as Alice diagnoses that Runica is in a critical condition.

A day later, the villagers depart, leaving Kuma behind to fulfill his duty as the guardian of the Draconic village gate. Tobey leads the villagers to a safer location, while Alissa and Drais prepares for their journey to the kingdom. Meanwhile, Alice and Magnis keep watch over Runica in a tent, concerned as he remains unconscious. Alice remarks that Runica has been pushing himself and his magic to extreme limits without adequate rest, leading to his current state. Magnis adds that even after a five-month slumber, Runica immediately exerted himself fully at the kingdom. Alice wipes away tears, expressing that Runica's desire to be everyone's beacon of hope has led him to forget his own limitations. Magnis observes that Runica's influence has inspired others around him to push themselves to the maximum, but now it's time for them to be the beacon of hope when Runica is unable to. Alissa and Drais enter the tent, inquiring if they're ready to depart for the kingdom. Alice and Magnis nod in unison, leaving Runica in Tobey's care as they set out on their journey.

The next morning, Runica awakens to find that Alice and the others have already departed for the kingdom. Tobey advises him to rest further, but Runica refuses, determined to catch up. He attempts to ride his magic staff, but his magic falters and fades, indicating that it still needs time to recover. Tobey cautions that overexertion may result in the loss of his magic entirely. Undeterred, Runica declares himself the greatest Nara and sets off towards the kingdom, driven by his sense of responsibility to the world. As he approaches the outer villages, he passes by his old home, calling out to his mother, but she is nowhere to be found. Runica notices a pillar of magic shooting towards the sky from within the kingdom and realizes that the outer village is deserted. He rushes towards the castle gate, where he finds an ongoing battle. Drais and Magnis lie wounded on the ground, while Alice and Alissa stand barely upright, also injured. June, accompanied by three commander knights, emerges from the castle, revealing that Alice and the group have been fighting against the knight commanders, as there are already six of the other knight commanders who now lie unconscious on the ground. June smiles, announcing the arrival of their other brother, and tells the other three knights commanders - March, April, and May - to fight along with him in order to defeat Runica. Alissa questions their motives, reminding them of the kingdom's duty is to protect the Draconic village as that was the vow made 100s of years ago. June retorts that their king has other, more entertaining plans in motion.

Runica demands to know where the inhabitants of the outer village and inner kingdom have been taken. June explains that they are all contributing their power to the crystal, enabling the king, Jan, and Feb to become the most powerful knights in history. Alice protests, pointing out that they are being forced to provide their magic against their will. June justifies this, claiming it is for the greater good, as many lives must be sacrificed to save the world from divine threats and it will also resolve the kingdom's internal conflicts. Runica becomes enraged, insisting that his mother is being held within the castle and demanding the release of all Naras who refuse to support the crystal. June refuses, citing that it is the king's orders, and declares that their conversation is not needed anymore. He and the other knights activate their magic auras, summoning their soul weapons and armor, preparing for battle to protect the castle from outsiders who would disrupt the awakening of the strongest knights.

Alice and Alissa are quickly overpowered by June and the other knights. Runica prepares to join the fight, but Magnis, slowly rising from the ground and stops him. Magnis advises Runica to conserve his strength, as it's time for him to unleash his ace move, which he's been saving all this time. He aims to prove that he too can be a beacon of hope. Drais, also getting up, cautions Magnis against this, warning that his ace move will result in the loss of his magic powers forever. Undeterred, Magnis smiles, revealing that he hasn't been using much of his magic and soul weapon throughout the whole time they're been together, also that he's been relying solely on his physical strength and strategic thinking. Lastly, he said that losing his magic powers wouldn't be much of a big problem for him and that they all must sit back and enjoy the show because this is going to be his strongest moment of his life. 

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