Chapter 73: THE END OF NARA

Runica battles Skoll and Hati, struggling against their sun and moon magic, and is gradually pushed back. He uses his magic staff to heal his wounds while fighting at a fast pace, teleporting around with his dagger. Runica manages to knock Skoll to the ground and clashes with Hati. Hati unleashes more of her magic, exploding with fire and sending Runica crashing into the ground in flames. Runica looks up to see Hati covered in flames as if she's a living sun. Suddenly, Skoll screams in pain, holding his head. June's voice emerges, pleading with Runica to save him. Seizing the opportunity, Runica strikes Hati with a powerful blow, sending her crashing through several buildings. He then lands next to June. June, holding onto his head, explains that someone else is controlling his body. Runica questions why he should help June after everything he's done. June replies that he's tired of their father, King Gaica, who uses all the knights and people of the kingdom as playthings for his entertainment. He confesses that he's been revived over 1000 times in the past two years, and his body and mind can't take it anymore. Apologizing, June admits he thought their father knew what was best for the kingdom but now realizes he was wrong and should have helped Runica instead of blindly following their father. June begs Runica to kill King Gaica so he can rest, but first, he needs help to expel the person inside him.

Alice, with rainbow eyes, walks over and places her hand on June's chest. Black magic forms on June's chest, and a black marble begins to emerge. Tears fall from Alice's eyes as she apologizes. Hati screams for his mother to stop. Alice loses focus and clutches onto her head, her eyes returning to normal, and the black marble retreats back inside June. Runica then prepares for battle against Hati. Hati yells in frustration that they are a family and that they need these bodies to survive in the human world. One of Alice's eyes turns rainbow, and in Alice's voice, she speaks simultaneously with another voice, saying that all of this is wrong and that she never asked for any of this. Tears fall from Hati's eyes as she insists that her mother would never say such things, believing the human in that body is speaking for her. Hati becomes more emotional, holding her head, and her bright yellow eyes change back to normal. Feb's voice returns, and she begs Runica to save her, declaring him their only hope to save the entire kingdom.

Jan also steps in, admitting they were all wrong about their father, who is blinded by boredom and only seeks to be remembered in the future. Jan, coughing up blood, pleads with Runica, saying all their hope lies with him now. Suddenly, June's golden staff shatters into golden orbs, Feb's ruby sword breaks into red orbs, and Jan's sapphire sword disintegrates into blue orbs. These orbs swirl around Runica before merging into his chest, boosting his power. Runica then strikes Feb away with his blade and kicks Jan down, filled with emotion. He yells out, demanding why he should easily forgive them after all they've done, reminding them that they killed his master, Drais, his mother, and even worst they didn't even defend the draconic village as they were tasked to. He pins Jan's body harder into the ground, causing cracks to form all around the ground. Holding his blade against Jan's face, Runica declares that he doesn't need any of their power to save the kingdom. He places his hand on his chest, causing magic to glow and pulls out the auras of golden, red, and blue orbs from within him.

Suddenly, his mother's voice echoes in his mind, urging him to forgive them, explaining they were only following their King's orders and now they see their wrongdoings, that everyone deserves a second chance. Runica releases the magical aura, letting the orbs return to his chest. Belfar's voice then enters his mind, warning that he will need much more power to face the King and the threat ahead. He mentions the magic around them feels familiar, identifying it as the magic of Fen, a god that all crown users are destined to fight to save Eve. Alice's eyes turns rainbow, and she introduces herself as Eve, apologizing repeatedly and claiming responsibility for everything. Runica hugs her tightly, telling her she is forgiven and that he will end it all here. Suddenly, the castle erupts in green magic, sending everyone crashing throughout the kingdom.

Moments later, Runica awakens, heavily wounded. His magic staff begins to heal him as he emerges from the wreckage. He hears laughter nearby and looks around to see the kingdom in ruins, engulfed in green flames. Following the voice, he discovers King Gaica in a pool of his own blood, laughing. Gaica stands and turns to Runica, declaring that their era has the greatest story ever to be told, that the enemy they are fighting against is a god. Runica hears the cries of tens of thousands of souls within Gaica. King Gaica then suggests they must work together and live on to tell the world how the Naras defeated a god. Suddenly, Runica stabs Gaica through the chest with his butcher blade, pinning him against a broken wall. Gaica laughs, saying he should have guessed Runica would do this, especially after letting Runica's mother die. Runica responds that Gaica is unworthy to be the king of the Naras and that he can tell Gaica selfishly consumed the souls of the kingdom's knights and people just for more power. Gaica laughs, claiming that his power gave them more strength than they could have ever imagined and that his powers brought back all of their lives so he was only taking what was rightfully his.

Runica withdraws his blade from Gaica's body, causing many souls to leave Gaica's body. Runica declares that Gaica is wrong and that a kingdom isn't a kingdom if the people hate their king. Gaica then hears the voices of the departing souls, all filled with hate. His smile fades into a frown as he looks at Runica emotionally, suggesting that Runica should at least survive to tell their story. Rainbow orbs emerge from Gaica's body, trying to reach Runica. Runica bats them away, proclaiming he will never accept such a sinful power from their false king. Gaica then says their enemy is far stronger than he and Rendez ever were, and that Runica can't defeat this god with his own power. As Runica is fully healed by his magic staff, he responds that he's not alone, with the spirits of Belfar and his mother standing beside him. Gaica smiles contentedly and dies from his wound, releasing many magic orbs that forms into a large crystal before Runica.

Runica touches the crystal and apologizes to his ancestors for misusing their stored power in this era. The crystal opens, shining brightly, and Runica hears his mother's voice urging him to use their ancestors' powers to defeat this evil god. As Runica steps towards the open crystal, Alissa suddenly flies in and swings her sword. Runica barely manages to block in time, but the sheer force sends him sliding across the ground, causing a rain of dirt to fall all around. Runica gets up and questions what Alissa is doing. Alissa, speaking with Fen's voice, responds that he is simply fulfilling the contract he made with Alissa, which also benefits him. He adds that he's surprised he didn't get the body he desired since Runica has already killed King Gaica, but he has a backup plan. Suddenly, a chained-up Drais is lifted by green magic and placed in front of Alissa. Runica is shocked to see Drais still alive. Drais tells Runica to run, but Fen says that Alissa's body has reached its limit and that Drais's body, filled with the power of the crystal, will be his new vessel. Fen's soul leaves Alissa's body and enters Drais's. Drais, now with green eyes, introduces himself as Fen and declares that Runica will pay for hurting his family. 

Alissa grabs Fen's leg, protesting that this wasn't part of the contract. Fen replies that he has fulfilled her desire to save the kingdom and her village, but now that the contract is complete, he has decided to create a whole new kingdom for his family. He kicks Alissa away. Turning to Runica, Alissa apologizes before fading away. Fen then uses his magic to forcefully open the crystal. Before he can take its power, Runica leaps in with his butcher blade. Fen blocks with his platinum shield and pushes Runica back, declaring that this final battle will decide the fate of these lands—whether it will remain the land of the Naras or become the land of Fen. Green aura magic bursts from Fen's body as he summons his platinum sword. Runica places his blade against his forehead and prays for the strength of all his comrades. Runica then summons his bronze dagger and magically places it into his chest, unlocking the same powers as Belfar did when they fought. Enveloped in greater magic, his platinum butcher blade, silver magic staff, golden staff, ruby sword, and sapphire sword float around him. He ascends into the air, summoning his new colorful soul armor, with lightning magic crackling around his body. He declares that everyone who trusted him is fighting beside him. Grabbing his butcher blade, he engages in an intense clash of blade and magic with Fen, shaking the entire land of Nara. Their battle triggers numerous magical explosions across the land and sky. The intensity of the fight causes the ground below them to break and ruins to float, with gravity in the area shifting unpredictably.

Runica teleports between his weapons, attacking Fen from various angles with unparalleled speed and power. Fen struggles to keep up, getting pummeled by Runica's arsenal and sent crashing onto a floating hill. He watches in dismay as his shield and sword start to break. Runica shouts that Fen will never be worthy of wielding Drais's weapons. Fen, smiling, throwing away his weapons and says that gods are worth much more. He then transforms into a 12-foot green werewolf. Runica, flying on his magic staff, teleports behind Fen, wielding his ruby and sapphire swords. He slashes and dashes around Fen, who roars as his wounds rapidly heal. Fen summons massive magic claws, swiping thousands of times at Runica, who defends himself with all his weapons. Runica then casts a spell, calling down giant lightning bolts from the sky that strike Fen and cause numerous lightning explosions. Amid the chaos, a green magic blast erupts from the lightning and hits Runica, sending him crashing through several floating landscapes and ultimately into his home.

In the living room Runica gazes at a broken photo of himself, Drais, Magnis, and his mother. This sight reignites his determination as he emerges from his shattered home and resumes his fierce battle with Fen, causing explosions across the floating landscapes. Fen declares that no mortal can kill a god, delivering a powerful swipe that deeply wounds Runica and sends him crashing into a floating lake. As Runica bleeds heavily, he notices rainbow orbs floating around him. A spirit hand gently lifts his hand toward the orbs, revealing his mother's smiling face. Belfar's spirit also helps lift Runica's hand, advising him that he needs more power to defeat Fen. Magnis's spirit appears, urging Runica to press on as he is their last hope. Suddenly, the spirits of June, Feb, Jan, and all the Naras gather around him. Alice then appears in front of him, offering the rainbow orbs and saying she'll see him soon. Overwhelmed with emotion, Runica roars and clutches the rainbow orbs, which transform into his father's diamond flaming sword. 

The lake erupts as Runica emerges with all his weapons floating around him. All of his weapons are then absorbed by the diamond flaming sword, which ignites with even larger and brighter rainbow flames. Fen watches in astonishment as tens of thousands of Nara souls appear behind Runica, marveling at the immense power one mortal can wield. Runica roars and swings the sword downward with tremendous force, slicing Fen in half. Fen screams in agony as his body splits and explodes in a burst of rainbow colors. The explosion is so intense that it lights up the night sky as if it were daytime. Runica crashes onto his broken floating home as the rainbow explosion fades into countless magic orbs. Exhausted, Runica declares that he has saved the land of the Nara. But suddenly, a dense green smoke envelops the land of Nara. Runica then sees a giant wolf head, colossal beyond measure, appear. In a single moment, the wolf bites down on the entire landscape where Runica stands. Despite his efforts to evade the attack, his lower half is bitten off. Runica plummets to the ground as gravity returns to normal, causing the floating landscapes to crash down. One of them lands directly on top of him.

Runica opens his eyes to find himself surrounded by a dragon magic barrier. He notices he is in a cave with Alice, who has one eye shimmering with rainbow colors. Exhausted, he apologizes for not being strong enough. Alice then uses her magic to extract a glowing flower from Runica's chest. With a blend of her own voice and Eve's, Alice reassures Runica that he will be alright. Although he may not be strong enough now, she believes he will eventually gain the strength needed to save them both. As she continues to cast a spell, Runica asks what she is doing. Tears well up in Alice's eyes as she tells him she must save him, that he can't die here. Runica, feeling drained, holds her hand and admits he has no strength left to fight. Alice kisses him gently, reminding him that the Runica she knows never gives up. She completes the spell, causing the magic flower to erupt in a burst of light, encasing Runica in a protective magical bubble. A massive flower then grows around this bubble. Alice casts another spell, enveloping the giant flower in shimmering magic.

Suddenly, Fen appears in human form, entering the cave. He uses his green magic to seize Alice and imprison her. Fen gazes at the flower bubble and remarks that Runica has truly impressed him. Despite countless battles across the ages, Fen has never encountered a mortal capable of tapping into more than 50% of his power. He attempts to destroy the flower bubble, but every strike proves ineffective. Realizing that his wife has used divine magic to protect Runica, Fen acknowledges the strength of the barrier and smiles, noting that it may take some time before Runica is ready. He decides to wait until that day arrives so they can fight again. As Fen exits the cave, Runica calls out to Alice's name. The surrounding pink dust envelops him, gradually inducing a deep slumber.

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