Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 84 Pettigrew Peter

"Don't!" Peter Pettigrew knelt on the ground, as if Harry had sentenced him to death with a single nod.He walked forward on his knees, clasping his hands together as if praying, "Sirius... it's me... it's Peter... your friend... you won't..."

Black kicked his foot, and Peter Pettigrew flinched.

"Don't touch me. My robes are dirty enough," Black said.

"Lupin!" Peter Pettigrew screamed, turning to Lupine, twisting his body in front of Lupine and pleading, "Don't believe these words...Sirius hasn't told you before that their plans have changed, has he?"

"If he thought I was a spy, he wouldn't have told me, Peter," said Lupine.

"I guess that's why you didn't tell me, isn't it. Sirius?" he asked Black casually, above Peter Pettigrew's head.

"Forgive me, Lupin," said Black.

"It's okay, Padfoot, old friend." Lupine said, rolling up his sleeves, "On the other hand, I once thought you were a spy. Please forgive me, okay?"

"Of course." A smile flashed across Blake's thin face, and he began to roll up his sleeves, "Shall we kill him together?"

"Yes, I suppose so," said Lupine gloomily.

"You won't... you won't..." gasped Peter Pettigrew, crawling up to Ron, "Ron... haven't I always been your good friend... a good pet? You won't let They killed me, right? You were on my side, right?"

But Ron stared at Peter Pettigrew with utter disgust.

"He used to sleep in my bed!" Ron said.

"Kind child... kind master..." Peter Pettigrew crawled towards Ron, "You won't let them do that... I am your mouse... I am a good pet..."

"It's nothing to brag about if you're a better rat than a man, Peter," said Black hoarsely.

Ron hugged his broken leg and moved away, preventing Peter Pettigrew from touching him.

Peter Pettigrew turned around on his knees, swayed forward, and grabbed the edge of Hermione's robe: "Good girl... smart girl... you... you won't let them... help me..."

Hermione pulled the robes out of Peter Pettigrew's clutching hands.He backed up to the wall, looking scared.

Peter Pettigrew knelt, his whole body shaking uncontrollably, and slowly turned his head to Aaron: "Good boy...help me..."

But he was greeted by Aaron's wand.

"You killed my parents, and now you want me to help you?" Aaron pointed at Peter with his wand.

"No... that... that's not me..." Peter shook his head repeatedly, and then he pointed at Black and said, "That... those were all... all Sirius's doing."

"You're still telling lies like this?" Blake yelled angrily.

"That's enough, Peter, that's enough." Aaron looked at Peter Pettigrew calmly, "No one here will believe what you say now."

Peter Pettigrew looked up at Aaron, and in his calm eyes, Peter saw deep hatred.

Yes, Aaron hated Peter. As much as he had hated Black, he now hated Peter as much.But this hatred did not make him lose his mind, but made him calmer when facing his enemies.

Peter Pettigrew seemed to be frightened by the hatred in Aaron's eyes. He avoided Aaron's gaze and turned his head to Harry: "Harry... Harry... you look so much like your dad... just like him …”

"How dare you speak to Harry?" Black yelled, "How dare you face him? How dare you talk about James in front of him?"

"Harry," whispered Peter Pettigrew, shuffling towards him, hands spread wide, "Harry, James won't let me be killed... James will understand, Harry... he will. I am merciful..."

Black and Lupine both stepped forward, grabbed Peter Pettigrew by the shoulders, and threw him to the floor.He sat there, glaring up at them.

"You betrayed Lily and James to Voldemort." Black was trembling all over. "Do you deny it?"

Peter Pettigrew burst into tears.He looked like an oversized bald baby, shaking on the floor.

"Sirius, Sirius, what can I do? The Dark Lord... you don't know... you can't imagine how scary he is... I was so scared at the time. Sirius, I have been without you, Lupin, And Jaime is so brave. I never did it on purpose...He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named forced me..."

"Don't lie!" Black roared, "You have been passing information to him for a year before Lily and James died! You are his spy!"

"He...he meddles in everything!" Peter Pettigrew gasped, "What's...what's the benefit of rejecting him?"

"What's the point of fighting the most evil demon in history?" Black's face showed frightening fury. "It's just to save innocent lives, Peter!"

"You don't understand!" lamented Peter Pettigrew. "He's going to kill me, Sirius!"

"Then you deserve to die!" Black shouted, "It's better to die than to betray your friends, and we will do the same for you!"

Black and Lupine stood side by side, wands raised.

"You should understand," Lupine said quietly, "that if Voldemort does not kill you, we will. Goodbye, Peter."

Hermione buried her face in her hands and turned toward the wall.

At this time, Aaron walked up to Black and Lupin and said, "Please let me take action with you."

Blake looked at Aaron and said: "Kid, I know you want to seek revenge from Peter. But you are too young and should not bear the heavy burden of 'taking away a person's life'."

"It has nothing to do with age." Aaron said excitedly, "I have been preparing for this moment for a year."

Black and Lupine looked at each other, nodded to Aaron and said, "If you are ready for enlightenment, child, then come together."

Aaron stood side by side with Black and Lupine, and the three of them pointed their wands at Peter.

"No!" At this moment, Harry suddenly shouted, standing in front of Peter Pettigrew, facing the three wands, "You can't kill him, you can't."

Aaron, Black and Lupine were all shocked.

"Harry, this gangster made you lose your parents." Black roared, "This groveling and dirty guy will not be moved even if he sees you die. You heard what he just said, his own stinky skin is worse than yours." The whole family’s life matters.”

"I understand," Harry gasped. "We take him to the castle. We give him to the dementors. He can go to Azkaban... just don't kill him."

"Harry!" Peter Pettigrew gasped, stretching out his arms to hug Harry's knees, "You... thank you... for being kind to me... thank you..."

"Let me go." Harry shook off Peter Pettigrew's hand in disgust, "I'm not doing this for you. I'm just doing this because I don't think my dad would want his best friend to kill anyone, especially Kill people like you. Besides, I would also like my friends to kill people."

No one moved or made a sound except Peter Pettigrew.Peter Pettigrew clutched his chest and gasped for air.Black and Lupine looked at each other.After a while, their wands were lowered.

"You have the right to make that decision, Harry," said Black, "but think about it... think about what he has done..."

"He can go to Azkaban," Harry said. "If anyone should go there, it's him."

But Aaron had a different opinion: "That would be too cheap for him. Blood must be paid with blood, and he has killed so many innocent people, so he should use his own life to compensate. Get out of the way, Harry. Let me kill him."

"No," Harry insisted, "It's not worth it for someone like him. He should go to Azkaban."

"He must be punished for what he did," Aaron yelled.

"He will be punished," Harry said. "The guards of Azkaban will make him pay the price."

"Harry is right," Black said at this time, "Those dementors will make his life miserable in the future."

"Okay." After a moment of silence, Aaron withdrew his wand, "Maybe making him worse than death is a better punishment for him."

Peter Pettigrew was still breathing heavily behind Harry.

"Very well," said Lupine. "Stand away, Harry."

Harry hesitated.

"I'm going to tie him up," said Lupine. "Nothing else, I swear."

Harry stepped aside.Ribbons shot out of Lupine's wand.Soon Peter Pettigrew was tied up, stuffed in his mouth, and writhing on the floor.

Black pointed his wand at Peter Pettigrew and roared: "If you shapeshift, Peter, we'll kill you. Do you agree, Harry?"

Harry looked down at the poor thing on the floor and nodded so that Peter Pettigrew could see.

Lupine said to Ron again at this time: "Ron, my ability to set bones is not as good as Madam Pomfrey, so I think the best way is for us to tie your legs with straps first, and then send you to the campus hospital. go."

He walked up to Ron, bent down, touched Ron's leg with his wand, and murmured: "Asafoetida."

A bandage jumped onto Ron's leg, fastening his leg to the thin wooden strips and wrapping it tightly.Then Lupine helped him to his feet.

Ron gingerly put his weight on one leg, felt the situation and said, "This is much better, thank you."

"What should I do, Professor Snape?" Hermione asked quietly, looking down at Snape's prone body.

"He's fine." Lupine bent down and felt Snape's pulse. "He's just a little... stimulated. He's still unconscious. Oh... maybe the best thing to do is wait until we get to the castle safely. Let him wake up again. We can take him like this...disapparate."

It was as if an invisible rope was tied around Snape's wrists, neck, and knees, pulling him into a standing position.But he still hung his head, like a grotesque puppet.His feet were a few inches off the ground, hanging limply.Lupine picked up the invisibility cloak and put it safely into his pocket.

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