Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 83 The Truth 4

"Long time no see, Peter. Hello." Lupine said happily.

"My friends, little...Sirius, Lu...Lupine, my old friends." The human being turned from Scabbers said while his eyes moved around.His voice was very high-pitched, like a rat's.

Lupine said in a relaxed and casual manner: "Peter, we were just talking about what happened on the day Lily and James died. You kept screaming in bed, maybe you didn't hear some details clearly..."

"Lupin, you won't believe him, will you?" said Peter Pettigrew expectantly. "He wants to kill me, Lupin."

Lupine said in a cold voice: "You must clarify one or two small things before I can believe you, Peter. If you are willing..."

"Anything else that needs clarification? He's already here!" Peter Pettigrew screamed, pointing his middle finger at Black, because his index finger was broken. "He killed Lily and James, and now he's coming to kill me. Yes! You must help me, Lupin."

"No one can kill you until we figure out a few things," Lupine said.

"What's left to figure out?" screamed Peter Pettigrew, looking around hastily. "I know he's after me! I know he'll come back for me! I've been waiting for this day for 12 years! "

"Did you know that Sirius would escape from Azkaban?" Lupine frowned and said, "How do you know? No one has ever escaped from there before."

"He has magic more evil than the rest of us can imagine!" screamed Peter Pettigrew. "I suppose He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named taught him some spells!"

Black burst out laughing: "Voldemort, teach me spells?"

Peter Pettigrew shrank in fear.

"What? Afraid of hearing your old master's name? I don't blame you, Peter. His people don't like you very much, do they?" Black said.

"I don't know...don't know...what you're talking about," Peter Pettigrew muttered.

Black said: "For these 12 years, you have not been avoiding me. You have been avoiding Voldemort's former supporters. I heard some things in Azkaban. Peter, they all thought you were dead, otherwise I've been coming to you a long time ago to demand an explanation. I heard them screaming in their sleep, and it sounded like they thought a liar had tricked them. Based on your information, Voldemort went to the Potter's house and lost his life there. Not all of the supporters ended up in Azkaban, there were many people outside, pretending that they were forced or had realized their mistake. If they get wind of it and know that you are still alive, Peter..."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Peter Pettigrew's voice screamed again.But large beads of sweat broke out on his pale face, and soon his face was covered with sweat.

Peter Pettigrew wiped his face with his sleeve, looked up at Lupine and said, "Lupin, you won't believe this... this madman, will you?"

But Lu Ping said calmly: "Peter, I must admit that I can't understand why an innocent man is willing to be a mouse and hide for 12 years."

"Innocent! But terrified!" screamed Peter Pettigrew. "Voldemort's supporters have been chasing me because I sent one of their most capable to Azkaban. The spy - little Sirius Black!"

"How dare you say that?" Black's face twisted and growled, "I, Voldemort's spy?"

With that, Black raised his wand, but Lupine caught his wrist and gave him a warning look.

Blake calmed down and continued: "Peter, I really don't understand why I didn't see clearly that you were the spy earlier. You have always liked to be friends with powerful people so that they can take care of you, right? It's always been the case before. We - me, Lupin... and James. And when Voldemort rises and becomes the most powerful person in the wizarding world, it is natural for you to join him."

Peter Pettigrew wiped the sweat from his face again and said breathlessly: "Me? Spy? You must be crazy... I don't understand... How could you say such a thing?"

Black gritted his teeth and said, "When you told Voldemort that you could hand the Potters over to him, that must have been the proudest moment in your poor life."

Peter Pettigrew stepped back unconsciously, muttering distractedly.Aaron heard words such as "ridiculous" and "crazy", but he noticed that Peter's face was ashen and very ugly at the moment, and his eyes kept looking at the windows and doors.

"Professor Lupin? Can I say a few words?" Hermione asked timidly.

"Of course, Hermione," Lupine said politely.

"Well... Scabbers... I mean, this... this guy... he stayed in Harry's dormitory for three years. If he was working for You-Know-Who, why did he never try to hurt Harry? Woolen cloth?"

"That's right! Thank you, good girl!" Peter Pettigrew immediately pointed at Hermione with his mutilated finger and screamed, "Understood, Lupin? I have never hurt a hair on Harry!" If I work for You-Know-Who, why wouldn’t I hurt him?”

"I'll tell you why," Black said. "Because you won't do anything for anyone if you don't think it's good for you. Voldemort has been gone for 12 years, and it is said that he is half dead now. You don't You would kill people for a wizard who has lost all his power under Dumbledore's eyes, right? Before you return to his hands, you must decide whether he is still the most powerful person in the world. , right? Otherwise, why did you find a magical family to live in? Because this way you can always hear about the new situation in the magical world, right? You want to know what if your old protector has power again. Go back to him."

Peter Pettigrew opened and closed his mouth several times, back and forth, but said not a word.He seemed to have lost the ability to speak.

"Oh...Mr. Black...Sirius?" Hermione said timidly, "If you don't mind, I want to ask you...how did you escape from Azkaban, if you didn't use dark magic? ?”

"Thank you!" gasped Peter Pettigrew, nodding to Hermione, "Exactly! That's exactly what I was asking..."

But Lupine glanced at him and he fell silent.

Black frowned slightly at Hermione, but he didn't look annoyed, as if he was just thinking about how to answer.

"Obviously, it's the same way he sneaked into Hogwarts." Aaron said from the sidelines before Blake could formulate his words. "I guess the dementors couldn't recognize Blake when he turned into a dog." Him. So he just needs to transform, and then walk past those dementors in a swagger. Compared with how he escaped from prison, I am more concerned about the fact that he can still maintain his sanity in Azkaban for so long. More curious.”

"What's your name?" Blake asked Aaron.

"Aaron Elf," Aaron answered.

Blake nodded and said slowly: "Just like what Aaron said. One night, the dementors opened my door and brought me food, so I turned into a dog and slipped out from them. As you know, dementors can be aware of human emotions and rely on this feeling to find people. But it is more difficult for them to feel the emotions of animals, because animal emotions are confusing. I was very thin at that time, very thin, So thin that I could slip through the iron bars, I swam back to the mainland and arrived at Hogwarts.”

He swallowed and continued: "To be honest, I don't know how I stayed sane. I think the only reason why I didn't lose my sanity was that I knew I was innocent. This is not a pleasant thought, so The dementors didn't suck it out of my brain so that I could keep my head clear and know who I was. And if the situation around me became unbearable, I would transform in my cell, Turn into a dog. They judged that my feelings were less... less human and less complicated, which was how I was when I was a dog, so they wouldn't come close to me. You know, I didn't have a wand at that time, so I couldn't turn them away from them. I chased him away. But of course, they thought I was losing my mind just like everyone else there, so they weren't worried."

Sighing, Black continued: "At that time, I saw Peter in the photo published in the newspaper. I learned that he was at Hogwarts, with Harry. I knew that if he had to get wind of it, he would know that the dark forces were gathering again. Once you have the strength, you will take action from there..."

Peter Pettigrew stared at Black and shook his head desperately, his mouth moving silently, but no words came out.

"Once he is sure that he still has allies, he will take action and hand over the last member of the Potter family to them. If he hands Harry over to them, then who can say that he has ever betrayed Voldemort? He will Returned with great honor. So, you know, I had to take action. I'm the only one who knows that Peter is still alive."

Aaron remembered what Mr. Weasley told Mrs. Weasley: "The guard said he said in his sleep: 'He's at Hogwarts.'"

Blake looked at Harry, who didn't look away.

"Believe me, Harry," Black croaked, "Believe me. I have never betrayed James or Lily. I would rather die than betray them."

Harry didn't speak, just nodded.

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