Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 85

Black touched Peter Pettigrew with his big toe and said, "Two of us should be chained to him, just in case."

"I'll do it," Lupine said.

"And me," Ron said furiously, limping forward.

Black used the Flying Charm to summon a heavy handcuff, and everyone handcuffed Peter Pettigrew's left arm to Lupine's right arm, and his right arm to Ron's left arm.Ron had a straight face, as if he considered it a shame that he had been deceived by Peter Pettigrew for so many years.Crookshanks jumped gently from the bed and led the way out of the room, his bottle-brush-like tail raised proudly.

Crookshanks led the way down the stairs, followed by Lupine, Peter Pettigrew, and Ron, looking like runners in a six-legged race.Behind them was Professor Snape, who was being manipulated by Sirius, who pointed Snape's own wand at him, causing him to levitate eerily.Aaron, Harry and Hermione followed at the end.

The narrow tunnel made it difficult for people to pass side by side. Lupine, Peter Pettigrew and Ron had to walk sideways, with Lupine still pointing his wand at Peter Pettigrew.Aaron could see them marching in single file down the tunnel.Crookshanks still took the lead, and Black still let Snape float and walk in front of them, Snape's swaying head hitting the low roof of the tunnel from time to time.Aaron felt Blake did it on purpose.

When they reached the end of the tunnel, Crookshanks was the first to rush up. He apparently pressed his paws on the whomping willow's knot, because Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Ron didn't hear anything as they climbed up. The sound of branches shaking wildly.

Black nursed Snape through the hole, then stepped aside to let Aaron, Harry, and Hermione go through first, while he came out last.

It was now dark on the ground, the only light coming from the distant castle.They set out for the castle.Peter Pettigrew was still gasping for air and sometimes whimpering.

"Don't think about escaping, Peter. As long as you make a wrong step, you will die." Lupine threatened from the front.He was still pointing his wand sideways at Peter Pettigrew's chest.

They walked across the grounds in silence.The light from the castle slowly became brighter.Snape was still floating oddly ahead of Black, his chin hitting his chest.Then, a cloud drifted away, the group was bathed in the moonlight, and a vague shadow suddenly appeared on the ground.Lupine, Peter Pettigrew, Ron and others suddenly stopped and collided with Snape.Black froze, holding out his arm to signal Aaron, Harry, and Hermione to stop advancing.Aaron could see Lupin's silhouette as he stiffened, then his limbs began to tremble.

"Oh my God!" Hermione gasped and moaned, "He didn't take his medicine tonight!!"

"Run," Black shouted in a low voice, "Run! Now!"

Aaron, Harry and Hermione were able to escape, but Ron was still handcuffed to Peter Pettigrew and Lupin.Harry suddenly took a step forward, as if to help Ron, but Black grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back.

"Let me handle it, run!" Blake shouted again.

At this moment, a terrible roar suddenly came from Lupine's throat.His head and body began to elongate, his shoulders arched, long hairs grew on his face and hands, and his hands curled into claws.He is transforming into an upright wolf.

Sirius also transformed, and he jumped forward into a huge bear-like dog.The werewolf broke free of the manacles that restrained it, and the dog grabbed the werewolf by the neck and pulled it back, away from Ron and Peter Pettigrew.The werewolf and the dog were entangled, jaw to jaw, claws clawing at each other...

Aaron took out his wand and wanted to help Black subdue Lupin.But Black was entangled with Lupine, making it impossible for him to aim accurately.

Suddenly, Hermione let out a scream.It was Peter Pettigrew, who had picked up Lupine's lost wand.Ron was unsteady due to an injured leg and fell to the ground.With a bang, a beam of light burst out from Lupin's wand, and Ron lay motionless on the ground.There was another bang, and Crookshanks flew into the air and fell to the ground in a heap.

"Expelliarmus!" Aaron hurriedly turned his wand to Peter Pettigrew.

Lupine's wand flew high into the air and disappeared.

"Stay there and don't move!" Aaron shouted and ran forward.

But it was too late, Peter Pettigrew transformed.Aaron saw his bald tail slap on Ron's outstretched arm, and then disappear into the grass.At this moment, Aaron heard a howl and a growl from beside him. He turned around and saw that the werewolf had been driven away by Black and was escaping into the Forbidden Forest.Blake's deformed dog was bleeding, with wounds on its snout and back.

"Sirius, Peter Pettigrew has transformed and escaped!" Harry shouted.

Hearing Harry's words, the big dog turned by Black got up and chased the mouse turned by Peter Pettigrew following the scent. In an instant, it disappeared into the darkness.

Aaron, Harry and Hermione rushed towards Ron.Ron was lying there motionless, his eyes only half closed and his mouth open.He was definitely alive, they could hear him breathing, but he didn't seem to recognize them.

"What did he do to him?" Hermione whispered.

"I don't know," Harry said desperately.

Aaron looked around. Black and Lupine were gone, and the only company with them was Snape, who was still hanging off the ground and completely unconscious.

"We might as well get them to the castle first, and then deal with the next thing." Aaron thought hard about how to deal with the current situation.

Just then, they heard a howl coming from the darkness.

"Sirius," Harry murmured, staring into the darkness, and then he sprinted towards it.Aaron and Hermione hurried behind.

The barking seemed to come from across the lake.They ran that way as hard as they could.

Suddenly, the howling stopped.They ran to the lake to find out what happened.

Sirius became a human again. He squatted with his hands on his head and moaned: "No, no, no, no... please don't..."

Then Aaron saw at least a hundred dementors, a black mass, gliding towards them around the lake.He turned around quickly, and the familiar cold feeling penetrated his insides. The fog began to blur his vision, and these guys surrounded him from all directions in the darkness.

"Harry, Hermione, think of something happy!" Aaron yelled, raising his wand, "Calling the Guardian! Summoning the Guardian!"

A huge silver shadow flew out from the end of Aaron's wand.The dementors seemed to be shocked and all stopped.But soon they were back in action.Blake trembled, rolled over, and lay motionless on the ground, his face as pale as if he were dead.

"Invoke the Guardian! Hermione, help! Invoke the Guardian!" Harry also took out his wand and recited the Patronus Charm.

Hermione whispered: "Huhu...huhu...huhu..."

But she couldn't tell.

The dementors were closing in, less than ten feet away.They formed a solid wall around Aaron, Harry and Hermione, getting closer and closer...

"Call for God's protection! Call for God's protection!" Aaron kept casting the patron saint spell.

But there were so many dementors that Aaron finally drove one away, but more immediately surrounded them.Moreover, a large number of Dementors surrounded him, which made his emotions extremely depressed, making it impossible for him to successfully summon the Patronus.

The chill that penetrated his heart made Aaron's whole body weak. He felt his knees touch the cold grass on the ground, and the fog blurred his vision.At the same time, Aaron felt Harry and Hermione fall beside him.

"Call...call the gods for protection!" Aaron was still resisting.Although he could no longer summon the complete Patronus, he could only make a ray of silver light emit from the wand, swaying in front of him like fog.

With the dim light of the Patronus, Aaron saw a dementor stop, very close to him, and it could not penetrate the silver mist that Aaron sent out.A slender dead hand slipped out from under the cloak. The hand made a gesture as if to push away the patron saint.

He could feel them observing him and hear their rattling breathing, which blew around him like a harmful wind.The creature nearest seemed to examine him, then it raised its rotten hands and lowered its hood.Where the eyes should have been, there was only thin, crusted gray skin covering the empty sockets.But it had a mouth, a shapeless hole that sucked in air with a guttural sound as it died.

Aaron was filled with terror, as if he was paralyzed, unable to move or speak.His patronus flickered out.

The white fog obscured his eyes, making it difficult for him to see his surroundings.He knew he had to fight, but a pair of strong, cold, wet hands suddenly strangled Aaron's neck.It forced him to look up and he could feel its breath.It wanted to finish off Aaron first, and he could feel its putrid breath.

Just when the fog was about to drown him, a silver light lit up from nowhere and became brighter and brighter.Aaron vaguely heard the dementor let out a scream, and then felt it loosen its grip on his neck.

Aaron fell to the grass, too weak to move.He opened his eyes as wide as he could, and saw a blinding light illuminating the lawn around him. The cold feeling was fading, and something drove the dementors back.The thing surrounded him with Harry, Hermione, and Sirius.The rattling sucking sounds of the dementors faded away, they were leaving, and the air was warming again.

Aaron's consciousness began to blur.At the last moment before falling into coma, he vaguely saw an animal in the light, galloping across the lake.

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