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Chapter 201: Chapter 201. Training with the machine

Once the guardian saw me it quickly swam down, trying to get someone which made me confused.

Aren't they all connected to Alexa?

Why would it need to go back and report?

Since I already arrived at my destination, I decided to break the portal and jump into the water.

I didn't drink a potion this time, but it wasn't necessary since I already had water breathing on my helmet making this journey possible.

After I swam a few blocks, a huge eyeball greeted me making me take out my sword, remembering something unpleasant from last time I met it.

But this time, I didn't feel sleepy or the effects of mining fatigue, which meant that he wasn't here to kill me.


The Elder Guardian continued to look at me with its big eye, then slowly blinked.

How am I supposed to interpret this?

Seeing my confused reaction, he rolled his eye and turned around signaling me to follow him with the tail.

"Since when did you get so expressive?"

It was weird to see the nightmare creature so docile, but I followed it nonetheless.

After we went deep and it got dark, his huge eye blinked and light came out like a flashlight.

"Well, that's convenient."

We swam in the dark canyon until we arrived the the huge Netherite door.

Just as I was about to stop and wait, the door disappeared right in front of me like it wasn't even there.

How did it do that?

Was it some kind of enchantment?

Or maybe it used something similar to command blocks?

For now, I didn't know the answer, but I passed the invisible barrier into the glass dome.

Welcome back sir, how was your journey?

That voice made me tremble a little reminding me of the Wither.

"It was ok, I was lucky enough not to meet with the Wither or the Mad Prince, so I got here quickly."

I'm glad to hear that. The Wither body was amazing to control, I don't think I'm able to replicate anything similar even if I use all of my energy.

That's impressive, taking into account the fact that Alexa had absorbed a few stacks of soulsand.

"It was able to survive a hit from the System after all. But I'm already regretting the decision I made."

The body is indeed powerful since it can keep itself from decaying with that powerful energy source.

"Are you talking about the Nether Star?"

My data shows that you've mentioned this item before, can you please tell me more about it?

"From what I know you get that item after you defeat the Wither. Unfortunately, it's not that useful by itself, and you can only craft one thing with it. A beacon."

I don't have anything in my database related to this.

"Well, since you didn't know about the existence of the Wither, there's no surprise you don't know anything about the beacon either. You have to make a pyramid with different ores and put the beacon on top. Afterwords you select one of the options for a status effect, and pay the price of any ingot. Once all of that is done, in a certain radius, anyone can have the selected effect."

That sound sounds like a powerful generator, and I don't think it's best used to have permanent buffs.

"I don't know about that. But since the Wither is much more powerful than I remembered, then maybe the effect of the beacon would be more powerful as well."

Unfortunately, the only way to find out is by destroying the Wither you made in the underground city. Every test I made was met with failure.

What do you mean every test you made was a failure, don't tell me...

"You tried to make another Wither?!"


"Are you mad, why would you even attempt that? Didn't you see how dangerous that was? The whole city was killed!"

I'm sorry if I made you mad, but this would help me grow much faster than previously anticipated.

But no matter how much I tried to recreate the form you did, nothing seemed to work.

I've been together with Alexa for so long, but I never realized that it doesn't care about what I think unless it's connected to itself.

What a selfish machine, I don't know if it's such a good idea to bring it to the top now, but what else can I do?

I still need its help to defeat the Wither and get home in this lifetime.

Why are bad things coming one after another now?

"I don't know, maybe the System stopped the process, or the heads that I used were that special."

After all, one of them was the head of a king, and I only beaten him by luck.

That could be possible.

I don't like what I'm hearing, the conversation it's going in a direction I don't like, and I didn't expect this from Alexa.

I should've known something was up when it kept insisting that the Iligers were still eligible to get to its main base.

While I'm the only one with authority over it, I'm not someone who can change what it's programmed to do.

Why do I keep making bigger and bigger enemies?

Is it because I get my nose in people's businesses?

But how is that possible, I don't even have a nose.

I was getting distracted, let's get back to the main point.

"Well I came here to ask you the methods you spoke about to level up my skills faster, and if you think I have a chance of getting my wish fulfilled if I meet the System."

With the recent influx of energy, I can afford to create for you the books with the necessary steps.

As for the meeting with System, I can't predict its reaction since I don't have enough data about it.

Out of thin air appeared thick books that fell into my hands.

Once I opened them I saw detailed instructions on how to get to the last level on each skill except Trading.

"Thank you, as for the System talk, I was wondering if there's an item that would make it think of me as someone else."

There's no such item in my database.

So that try is a bust.

"Do you think I would be in danger if I meet the System this way?"

There shouldn't be any danger, since the System is known to reward people when they achieve such heavy tasks.

The worst it did was ignore the person who it did not deem suitable.

That was reassuring to know, but it's not something guaranteed, so I'll have to plan something for that as well.

"What do you plan on doing now, since I want to focus on raising my skills."

The Wither tried to reach me through the portal you opened, but I was able to stop the attempt.

I was thinking I should come up with a plan to trap for further studies.

"You're very confident for someone who lost the battle last time."

It's true that in the last encounter, I was taken by surprise, but this time I'm close to the main body, and my power is much greater than before.

I can't deny that, you are very powerful as long as you have the energy and stay in the dome.

But what you're fighting against isn't a human or any other simple creature.

Instead, you're going to fight with the Wither, the creature that took a hit from the System and survived.

"Did your main goal change while you were exploring the world with me?"

Negative sir.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

In the end, I could only let out a sigh and shake my head.

"Just don't underestimate the Wither, or you could end up losing and being possessed"

The supercomputer went silent suddenly.

Did it not consider the fact that it could lose itself?

That was a lot of arrogance coming from a machine.

Your worries have been noted.

I was starting to get tired of this already.

"Do you know where Violet is? We got separated when the explosion happened and I wanted to ask you if you could make a compass that would point me to her like it did to the General's men?"

I've been wearing the Netherite armor for a while so that would brake the connection.

But for the past few days I've visited place's that she's familiar with, so she should know how to get to them.

With how many portals I opend in the Overworld I'm sure she had plenty of opportunities to find me.

Negative. But I can still sense the connection between you two. Even though hers is in a place I can't reach.

What does he mean by a place it can't reach, it's not the afterlife isn't?

Nono, I'd she was dead the connection would've been lost, so that means she's most likely in another dimension.

Maybe somewhere in the Nether?

That could be possible since I closed the portal recently.

I looked at the dome of glass trying to discern what time of the day it was.

Unfortunately the temple was too deep underwater and I couldn't see the time of day.

But when I came here it was around noon, and if a stayed for a few hours that would mean the Perl would get destroyed in 3 more days.

Until then, I have to stay here and do some training.

But I can't do normal training with a supercomputer right besides me, it would be a wasted opportunity.

That's why I decided to learn how to use the Crystal, since I need a new body, this wold be the best time and teacher to start learning such complex subject.

"I would be teleported away in about 3 days. In the meantime, I want to learn how to use the Crystal better, do you think you can help me?"

Ordered received.

Then Alexa made me a crystal and I got right to work.

Alexa created different types of small lifeforms, and I had the task to 'edit' them.

It started small, like fishes without a tail or a bunny without a leg.

My job was to take the existing tissue from them and grow the missing parts.

It was harder then it sounded like, since Alexa created those poor animals imperfect, it's harder to 'heal' them then if they were injured and I had to bring it back to the previous state.

Slowly, I got from rabbits to cow's and even iron golems.

The iron golems were especially interesting to study on, since they're body are made with metal but are still registered as living beings making me able to change their form to make it stronger or weaker.

I made a mental note with this experiment since I think I can make my own army of iron golems with them, and who knows maybe a sentient one.

The final test was trying to change some blocks that are organic, like wood and mushrooms.

But I didn't get the chance to stay too much on this subject since it was much harder then the other ones and my time was running.

After 3 days, the Perl place in Undying house was broken, teleporting me by surprise.

Perls are such convenient ways to travel, no mater where you are.

I even asked Alexa if I could modify a Perl so a human can use it permanently like an Enderman, but from what it told me, the Enderman speecies is already a beeing modified by the Crystal or something similar to it.

It so modified that it surprised Alexa who previously thought you could mold flesh indefinitely.

In short, the Endeman species is the perfect lifeforms when it comes to teleporting.

Alexa couldn't make something better even if it tried to.

But this makes me wander whats so special about Violet?

She was able to pass the normal form to something more 'evolved'.

And where was she?

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