Minecraft: loading new world

Chapter 202: Chapter 202. Training ark

I was suddenly teleported into the Nether, besides Undying who looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a golden axe in her hand.

"Hi there, I heard you got into trouble recently, and quite a big one as well."

"Hey Undying! Good to see you as well. Yeah, but I'm trying to fix my mess, that's why I'm going on a training ark now. How are doing?"

"Glad to see your still the same from all of those encounters. We're doing fine, just thinking about what gift to take to Bobby's wedding, do you have any ideas?"

So she was worried for me as well, probability thinking that im going to isolate myself.

But how can I face the people from the Coral Kingdom if I'm going to run away from the mess that I made?

As for a wedding gift, I don't think Bobby would have anything specific he'll want, mine is special on its own, and I really want to see their reaction, but I could give them a few suggestions.

"You already know how to make Netherite tools, maybe you can give them a sword since it's more powerful than diamond."

"That's a good idea! I'll have to check and see if we could buy some ingots from the Brutes."

After she thanked me, she turned and left to prepare the gifts, leaving me all alone.

"Oh right, I should break the pearl as well."

On my side I had a bag tied to my pants, and inside this small bag was a Perl.

With careful movements, I opened the bag and turned it upside down for the Perl to fall to the floor.

Once the Perl broke, a lovely Allay appeared in front with a cute expression.

Sometimes it's hard to believe that this little creature is actually a dangerous machine.

The world truly is a place filled with mysteries.

But this Allay was different from before.

When I was practicing with the Crystal, I realized that I could make the blue angel much durable.

So with the help of the supercomputer. We took some flesh from the iron golem and merged it with the ghostly flash of the Allay.

I don't fully know how that happened, since Alexa did most of the work, but the result speaks for themselves since this body is much more durable and even able to defend itself.

Now Alexa isn't a defenseless creature anymore and can enter the attack squad.

Satisfied that Alexa got safely here, I decided to change my armor to one of gold.

Alexa told me, it couldn't feel the location of Violet so I thought she would be somewhere here in the Nether.

That's why, to make it easier for her to find me, I decided to stay in the safety of the tribe and spend my day in golden armor since I only needed the cooling effect.

"I'm planning on building myself a bunker here in the Tribe. What about you?"

"So like usual then."

I chuckled at its predicament and went right to work.

I already got permission from Undying to make my own home, so I went a little to the side of her house and started to dig down.

My Nether banker is not going to be big, or at least not big in compression to my other projects.

I still need a few rooms, where I'll store my Enchanting Table, chests, brewing stands, and Crafting room.

The first room would be the lobby or the entrance to my new home.

I dug 50 blocks deep and made a large empty room.

This process was easier but also harder than normal, since I could break the Netherack blocks instantly but had problems with the lava pools.

It got so dangerous, that I had to put back my Netherite armor so I wouldn't die by accident.

Maybe I should've brought a fire resistance potion.

But the first part of the plan was done, so I took out some redwood and started to put the frame of the room.

The block palette for this room would be redwood, quarts, mushroom lights, and blue lanterns.

I don't like the creepy vibes they give to the room, but the cooling effects are too good to pass on, so I decided to use them sparingly but kept them away from my bedroom.

The next room would be the one that has the Enchaning table, I didn't plan to make it big, just a few bookshelves on the wall and the Enchanting setup in the middle.

Of course, I didn't forget to put a few anvils on the side with a grinding stone.

Next was the brewing room, and like the previous one it was relatively small.

It had 4 brewing stands, 2 on the right and on the left, at the end of the room was a small farm for my Nether warts so I wouldn't accidentally run out.

The harder part of this was getting the necessary water for potion making.

Since in the Nether you can't store water for too long, the people use strider milk instead.

I was surprised at first with how well this worked, but this is also the reason there aren't a lot of ptions in this tribe.

It's better to drink the milk itself than to waste resources for a potion.

You could argue that a splash potion would do better, but not everyone appreciates the milk being used this way, it's seen as a luxury than something you can use every day.

The problem was that I needed a lot of milk if I wanted to level up my brewing skill, and I don't think I'd get it here since we don't have enough striders for that.

But I'll leave that problem for future me, for now, I'll concentrate on the room itself.

Next was my bedroom, and I decided to make this room small as well since I don't plan on staying here for too long and it's not like I can gaze out the window to enjoy the view.

The room only had a bed and some other furniture, since I planned to make a separate room for storage.

The next one was the final room and the second largest of them all, the crafting room.

Since this skill requires a lot of materials, I need a lot of storage, that's why this room would also have the job of storing all of my items in the Nether.

The design of the room was simple, as I used blue wood for the main color, and I took this opportunity to use something that I should've done a long time ago.

Hide my chest from the System.

One of the first questions I asked Solomon was about the secret of his storage system since it would've been impossible to store this much-forbidden knowledge without the System interfering.

The solution is quite easy surprisingly, first I needed to place the chest down and on top of the lid, I had to write a certain formula with Redstone ink.

In compression with the enchantments I usually do, this felt like a walk in the park.

It was so easy that it was hard for me to believe that it worked.

"Hmm? You can tell the distance? I didn't even enchant this chest so I thought the Mad Scientist lied to me."

Is this how it worked?

It sounds so simple that it doesn't feel real, but sometimes the right answer is the easy answer.

The Iligers are truly the descendants of the ancient civilization.

You could only come to this conclusion after you studied the System closely to make a fake one.

With the mystery solved, I continued with the rest of the room and stored whatever items I had on me.

With this, the underground base was done.

A huge lobby that was more like a hall was connected to all the rooms in the house.

I was quite proud of what I did and even wanted to brag to the others, but I'll have the chance to do that later, for now I'll have to concentrate on the important stuff.

So today I'll officially start my training ark, with the enchanting skill being the first one.

I opened my skill tab and saw that I was level 8 in Enchanting, and I was already halfway done.

The most efficient way to increase it is to print level 5 enchants, and I'll most likely do it for this level, but the next one would be the long-awaited one.

At level 9 I can put the magic resistance on my armor, and with this I would be able to resist any attck an evoker would hit me with and most importantly the potion effects.

From what I understand, even that Wither bomb was a magical attck.

I don't think I'll be able to tank if it happend again, but I should be able to survive his deadly lesers next time we'll meet.

Not only that, but there's are a few enchantments that I wanted to try for my sword, and with the help of Alexa, I should be able to make the most powerful armor in this world.

So for the next few days, my time was spent printing pages then placed them in books that ended up on the enchanting table.

If I didn't need the enchant, I would put it in the grindstone and get my xp back.

After a hard day of work I would go eat on the surface and tried to gather information on the Nether, to see if anyone has seen the Wither.

Unfortunately or fortunately there wasn't an upcoming invasion with black skeletons, but I did hear that the Mad Prince was preparing for a great war which made everyone nervous including me.

Did he want to attack the Fortress of the Stone Kingdom or did he find the Wither and decided to challenge it?

Nobody knew the answer when I asked, so with the day fulfilled, I went back to my underground base and got some rest.

And for the next few days, I continued like this, making me able to finally reach level 9 in Enchanting.

I was quite excited when I saw the change in my Skill tab.

I was so happy that I decided to make the enchantments right there, ignoring the sleepiness that was getting to my head.

After I made a book for each piece of my armor, I quickly put it on feeling the effects

"Do I feel more colder then usual?"

Was the heat of the Nether also magical?

I didn't know the answer to that question, and it wasn't important enough for me to search for it.

But with my first goal done, I decided to throw a party with the whole tribe.

It was the best time I had in a while, that I only regretted in the morning since I broke my promis of not drinking.

But for the rest of the day, the smile couldn't leave my face.

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