Chapter 200: Chapter 200. After Alexa
I was thinking of what to do in this situation.
I wanted to concentrate on raising my skills, but I realized that I still needed Alexa's help to grow them faster.
Sure, I could print Enchantments until I reached max level, but it would take a while if I don't know any high-level ones and the printing press is at my house in the Overworld.
Plus, even if I managed to max level I don't know if it's safe to talk with the System.
That's why I need Alexa.
"I think it would be for the best if you gave me the map of the tunnels and I'll be going after Alexa."
"Are you sure about that? We could do this in your place and you can concentrate on your other projects."
If there wasn't the threat with the Wither or the Mad Prince, I wouldn't have a problem.
But if they wanted to get in contact with Alexa, that would mean I had to teach them how to open a portal.
And I don't trust them to keep their mouths shut if they get captured.
"Don't worry, I don't plan on staying for too long, I'll even use a Perl station to get back in an instant."
I have to think of a way to get Alexa as well, but we'll figure out that when ill get there.
Bobby looked at me for a few moments, before letting out a sigh.
"Fine, I'll sent whatever you need to Blue or Undying. Just promise me that you'll try to stay out of trouble at least."
Oh, I'll try, but I can't promise that trouble won't be looking for me.
"I promise."
"Well, this is the best that I can get out of you. Do you need something else before you leave?"
I stood there for a moment to think, and idea came to mind.
"Can you get me a horse in gold armor?"
"A horse? Oh, I see what you're trying to do. I should've expected such a crazy idea from you, but it can be done."
The tuneless don't have a railway system or made of ice, so I can't use a minecard or a boat to move fast.
So the next best thing that came to mind, was a drugged horse.
Of course, I'm not a monster, so I specifically asked for golden armor so it won't die from heatstroke.
With our discussions done, we said goodbye and went back to our own homes.
I had to stop by Blue house to get some regeneration potions, but the rest of the way was all a smooth journey.
Once I arrived at the huge portal, I took a deep breath, chugged the regeneration potion, and passed to the Overworld.
After a few moments, my soul was being attacked and I was taking damage, but the potion kept me alive.
"It works, but let's solve this quickly."
Merry and Daniel should've left already so there wasn't any danger of my secret base being found out.
But even if they were here, I didn't plan on taking items from the surface so it was all good.
After all, everything that I needed was already here.
I went to the Overworld chest room and took all the diamonds and enchanted books that I had lying around.
There weren't a lot since most of the time I grinded then to get the xp back, but I had enough to put at least one enchantment on each piece I'll wear.
After I took everything, I made myself diamond armor and tools, then placed them on an anvil to put enchants on them.
Unfortunately, I encountered a problem I didn't expect to see.
"I don't have enough levels? Oh right, I recently died and didn't have the chance to get any xp."
That's a bummer, that means I have to go hunting and I don't think that's a good idea with my armor.
Should I smelt some ores?
I remember you could get xp by using the furnace.
I looked in the chests beside the mine and saw a few raw ores.
At a closer look I also saw that my wall of furnaces had some items inside ready to be taken out.
How lucky of me to forget such an important task until now.
I took everything out and placed the others in.
With the xp got from those, I enchanted two items, one of them being my sword.
"Should I go and make my armor Netherite now or go hunting?"
The smelting would take a few hours even if it's split into multiple furnaces.
But if I go to the tribe and upgrade my armor, I would still need to get back and enchant the armor since I don't have enough space.
In the end, I decided to wait and print more books to level up my skill.
When I use the Enchanting Table, it usually takes less xp and I can easily get it back once I grind them to normal books.
Once the plan was made, I took all the books and ink sacks from the chests and got to work.
The wooden tablet was neatly placed in a sack with all the letters of the Enchanting language.
I was smart enough to get everything ready if I got to this level, so all I needed to do now, was to place them in the right order.
For the next few hours, I printed Protection 5 pages, then enchanted them on books and grinded them off to get back the xp.
Once the ores smelted, I took them out and got a few good levels for my armor, but unfortunately, it wasn't enough, so I had to take the last few books and go hunting in the Nether.
I visited the hunting grounds of my tribe and dealt with all the animals and monsters in my path.
At one point, I made the mistake of shooting a pigman with my firework resulting in a mob hunting me throughout the red forest.
In the end, I towered up and shot all the fireworks at the Pigmans gathering underneath me, resulting in a lot of levels.
So we could say that this accident was a blessing in disguise, but I would never do it again without preparations.
After I got enough levels, I spent the next 3 days at the tribe Enchanting and preparing for the next journey.
When those 3 days have passed, a messenger from Booby arrived with a horse and a portion of the items I requested.
But what was the most important item from all of this, was the map of the tunnel system.
It wasn't completed yet, but it had everything in the direction I wanted.
With the horse and map prepared, I thanked everyone and went to the closest tunnel that I could access.
I say that, but I had to make a staircase towards it since there wasn't a secret entrance and the horse was too big for normal tunnels.
But after we arrived at the place, I gave the horse the speed potion and went as far as his legs could get us.
After a few hours we had to take a break so the horse could eat and drink, only for me to realize that I was in the Nether and water would evaporate if it stayed for too long in the open.
"I did not think about this... I guess it's time to test my Netherite armor against the Overworld System."
I gave the horse a few golden carrots and let him drink directly from my water bucket.
I don't think it was enough for him since he was still checking the bucket after it was emptied, but he was too tired to search for more, so he went to sleep.
In the meantime, I built the portal frame in the wall and lit it making the two dimensions connect.
On the other side was a dark cave with monsters wandering at the edge of what I could see.
"Not the best spawn, especially when I'm trying to see if I can survive. Good thing the Netherite armor is stealthy so I shouldn't have a problem."
After taking a deep breath and holding a golden apple just in case, I stepped over the dark line.
The ambient sound of the Nether was suddenly replaced by the silence of the caves.
From time to time I could hear bones dragging on the ground or grunts from the undead flesh.
But even after a few minutes, I didn't feel any pain in my soul, making this experiment a success.
"Awesome, now I can get to Bobby's wedding dressed as the Demon Lord."
But it was better then nothing, and I was already used to wearing my creepy armor everywhere.
Out if curiosity I took off my helmet to see if it was any difference, only to instantly regreat it by feeling the pain In my soul that wouldn't go away until I went back to the Nether.
"So I really need to wear the armor all the time."
I was a little disponted but still expected, that's why when my health was full I went back to the Overworld to search for some water.
I made tunnel towards the surface and was lucky enough to find a river nearby.
What followed next was doing multiple trips from the the surface to the cave system to place the water in a hole besides the portal, since I couldn't make an infinite source of water, or at least not in such a small space.
But once I was done, the horse was awake and beyond thankfully for the water.
I was getting tierd, but I knew the clock was ticking so I got on the horse and continued my journey.
A journey that would've taken a few weeks with the horse took 4 days in the Nether, showcasing the amazing traveling speed in the Nether.
If this place wasn't as dangerous as it was, it would've been the most used method to travel around the world.
But after long days of travel I finally arrived back at the Puperfish City.
First time I arrived here, I thought I was in a valley, so I continued to look for sources of water only to see a sea of withered flowers and a small number of Wither Skeletons.
None were interested in me, but destruction and death was everywhere I looked.
I couldn't belive me eyes at what I was seeing, and I was the source of all of this.
My shoulders suddenly felt heavy from unknown amount of deaths.
Was my goal to selfish?
Was I too reckles in what I was doing?
I tried to see if there were any survivers that I could recognise, but the only people I saw were the soldiers who tried to keep everyone outside the crater while they were dealing with the skeletons.
Everyone was mad and depressed, not willing to talk too much with the people who came in here.
I didn't have the courage to reveal myself and ask them about any survivors, I didn't feel like I deserved to know this.
So I decided to ignore this problem by pushing it all the way to the depths of my mind.
With a heavy mind I went back to the Nether.
The tuneless would end soon from what the map was telling me, which meant that I should leave my horse in the Overworld, since if I brought it to the surface in the Nether, it would surely die from monsters or lava.
As a thank you, I took the horse and left him a pile of golden carrots besides a river.
He was very happy when he saw the abundance in food and quickly got to it.
"Thank you my friend, for helping me in this journey. Here let me take off your armor as you wouldn't get any unwanted attention."
While he was eating, I took of his golden armor and gave him a few scratches on the neck before leaving him alone.
After one last look at the crater I made, I went back to the Nether and continued my journey towards the Underwater Temple.
Four days later, I opened a portal to check the sky only to be created by a guardian.
"Long time no see Alexa!"
I greeted the confused fish.