Chapter 93: Chapter 93 : A Decade of Magic
"Erm Harry?"
"Yes, Sev?"
"Am I seeing things, or did you really just use a Philosopher's Stone as garden fertilizer?" Harry just blinked blankly a couple of times after that declaration.
"Well it worked, didn't it?" They looked each other for a moment and burst out laughing again. There was still pain; but now they could truly start to move on.
Three weeks had passed since the creation and subsequent destruction of the Philosopher's Stone and things had started to slide back into a rhythm. Harry was resuming with his studies and Severus went on with his research. It wasn't until the end of July when the two wizards had been hit with the sudden realization that Harry's twelfth birthday marked a decade since they had first met.
"Wow." Harry had eloquently stated as Severus filled their glasses with butterbeer. "A decade?"
"I know." Severus agreed with a smile. "Sometimes I can't believe that little baby I remember has turned into you. You've grown, Harry." The potions master kept his sentences short on purpose, not trusting his voice not to break.
"It was bound to happen, I guess." Harry shrugged it off. "But a decade?" For someone who is twelve, Severus thought, a decade means so much more than someone as old as Nic… than someone older. Thinking of the alchemist still stung. Not that he had expected it wouldn't but still, he was supposed to be able to rein his feelings; he prided himself in that. But the Flamels' loss was still raw and hurt him just as much as when his parents had died. Maybe even a little more.
"You're still young; when you get older, a decade will have far less significance."
"Said the old guy." Harry stated rolling his eyes. "Because really, Thirty-two is such an old age!" The sarcasm was clear in his voice and Severus chuckled at how much the boy sounded like him.
"Okay, you might be right." Severus admitted.
"You know I'm right." Harry deadpanned. "Hey, Sev?" The boy continued after a short pause. "Where do you think we'll be after another decade?"
"Who knows?" Severus wondered. "Hopefully in this porch, drinking something stronger since you'll be of age." He joked lightly.
"Maybe you'll be in a stable relationship by then!" Harry smirked while Severus huffed. "Married even!"
"Are you trying to play matchmaker, Harry?"
"No. That would mean I have already found your match and I haven't. Yet."
"Why you…" The potions master mock-chastised him and threw him a pillow.
"Violent much?" Harry asked playfully, causing a content smile to creep on Severus's face; the Harry he knew was slowly making his reappearance.
"Anyway," Severus stated, lifting his glass "here's to the next ten years; may they be just as crazy as the last ten. Or we would be bored."
"Let's cut down on near death experiences though." Harry offered before drinking.
"Let's." Severus agreed, joining in the wishful thinking before sipping on his drink. Speaking on keeping things not boring and amidst it all, the green eyed wizard had also begun, as he had put it himself, experimenting with the older broomsticks in his spare time; and by experimenting, he meant taking them apart and placing them together again. A week ago he had also started trying to create a broomstick of his own; nothing too complicated of course. He just wanted to see what it took to make a broom fly.
Harry had decided to try his hand in broomstick making a couple of days after his twelfth birthday to be exact, after his family had come and left again; Adrian had seemed rather annoyed with the program that had been set for him. Apparently, the fact that Harry's spell had been attributed to Adrian's hidden magic had prompted an extensive round of magical trials to see if his powers extraordinaire would stir again when the older Potter twin was in need. Obviously, nothing had happened up to that point but that didn't seem to make them stop.
The green eyed boy smirked remembering the expression on his brother's face the day he had to take off again for training; it would do Adrian a world of good, he figured. And while his brother was travelling to Merlin knew where, Harry was moving on with his private studies. While he still had been unable to enter his alchemy lab -he had been carefully avoiding the room after completing the ritual for the philosopher's stone- there were other subjects that could claim his attention and take his mind off the more painful aspects of his life.
And as such, Harry, at that warm morning of the eighth of August, found himself seated on the back porch of the castle reading the book Severus had given him last Christmas. He hadn't had much time to translate it at Hogwarts, but now he found himself encompassed in the pages of the book. There was a little, passing and vague piece of information there, maybe something he had mistranslated. He would have to ask Severus. Speaking of Severus, Harry thought, looking over his book towards the forest, were was he?
Harry had let it slip that any attempt he might make in creating a broomstick, after he did some tests for a week on how to make pieces of wood levitate at will, would be much more productive if it was tried on different types of wood. Severus, stating that he wanted to help, had gone off to the forest a couple of hours ago. Wherever had he disappeared to? Harry returned to his book, only half his mind still in it; he had had one bad experience too many recently to be at ease with such a delay.