Chapter 94: Chapter 95 : Magical Mishaps
"I'm up! I'm up!" He exclaimed panicked before he realized just what had happened, the booming laughter and the pillow in Remus's hands, quite giving it away. "Moony!" Sirius whined. "I can't believe you just did that!"
"And I can't believe you fell asleep on the kitchen table, but you did." The werewolf deadpanned while Sirius pouted. The atmosphere remained jovial as they headed to Diagon Alley and continued in the same spirit when they met the Weasleys. Adrian ran to Ron, immediately starting to whisper something at him as Harry shook his head; he had a feeling that he would hear about it soon. He turned to the rest of the group; his mother had approached Molly and they were talking in equally hushed tones while the only other female of the group followed them, looking mildly amused. This was to be Ginny's first year in Hogwarts, Harry realized as he approached the only Weasley daughter.
"So, how do you feel about going to Hogwarts for the first time?" The green eyed boy asked while they walked towards Gringotts.
"Excited I guess. Happy. Terrified." She said with a shy smile.
"That's about right." Harry agreed, remembering how his own feelings mirrored hers last year. "Just be yourself and you'll do great; the Hat knows what it's doing and besides, if you need anything, you have four brothers in the school you can turn to, not to mention Adrian and myself." Ginny rewarded him with a bright smile. The large group walked together around the Alley, the children peering at their school lists. Harry sighed; this Lockhart character was all over his letter. He thought of the picture of the blond wizard with the unnaturally white teeth smiling from the front page of Witch's Weekly and sighed once more. He had tried to read some of his books and, even if the theory behind his adventures seemed correct, there was something that just didn't feel right. Harry had written it off as the author's pompous air and had been happy to put the book down and never read another work of his again.
His mother and Mrs. Weasley -and apparently Hermione from what he had overheard from Adrian and a complaining Ron- had a different reaction altogether. Mrs. Weasley usually giggled when Gilderoy Lockhart was mention and his mother had taken into sighing dreamily. Harry thought it was funny to watch; his father didn't. James was rather ready to badmouth the blond wizard and Lily fully prepared to huff at him when he did.
After shopping for new ingredients and everything else that did not require a visit to the bookstore, they approached Flourish and Blotts. The line in front of the bookstore was impossible to say the least and mostly composed of witches of various ages. It didn't take that long for Harry to find out why. Gilderoy Lockhart was signing his autobiography Magical Me that morning and the crowds had flocked to get a glimpse. The boy sighed and looked towards his mother and Mrs. Weasley; the two redheads were swiftly rearranging their hair and the word 'conspiracy' appeared in bold letters in the green eyed boy's mind.
"Oh come on, Lils!" James complained rolling his eyes. "Can't we come back tomorrow?"
"Absolutely not!" His wife stated and walked forward towards the line. Hermione and her parents were there too, Harry realized, the bushy haired girl waving at them from the line, cheeks blushing in anticipation. Harry heard a soft snicker and turned towards the sound -the only one that wasn't either a complain, a groan or an high-pitched giggle- and found Ginny looking incredulously at the scene unfolding in front of them. The moment she noticed Harry was looking at her, she blushed an impressive crimson but Harry smiled encouragingly; it was nice to see that not all the female population of the country had gone crazy.
"Come on children!" Molly exclaimed. "The line's long enough without your stalling!"
"Do we have to?" Fred complained.
"Oh come on kids! It will be so much fun!" Sirius offered in a successful interpretation of a black haired woman that was trying to convince her children a few paces ahead, making them laugh. The wait would have been bearable, Harry thought, hadn't Lockhart decided to grab Adrian and have him force-photographed for the Daily Prophet. The poor boy looked dazed, squirming and doing his best to hide himself from the photographer and a smiling Lockhart. James was about to protest, when Lockhart offered Adrian his whole collection of books for free but was abruptly stopped when the wizard author announced he would be the next Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.
Are we never to have a normal professor in this subject? Harry lamented as hopes of actually doing something interesting this year flew out the window; the only professor he had ever had on the subject was a Voldemort possessed nutcase and now this? He was about to voice his thoughts to Ginny when a different type of commotion caught their attention; the Malfoys had arrived and they had just met with the Weasleys, namely the Weasley patriarch. Harry gulped, his hand tightening around his wand innately as he approached the ruckus; for some not so odd reason, this didn't foretell well.
"The famous Adrian Potter." Draco sneered at Adrian who was staggering under the weight of his newly acquired books; he unceremoniously dropped them into Harry's arms, telling him to burn them or something while Draco continued. "Can't even walk into a bookstore without making the front page." Harry placed the collection of Lockhart's work in Ginny's cauldron, mouthing that he would buy new ones for himself and turned to Malfoy before his brother pounced.
"I would watch that tone, Malfoy." The green eyed boy stated calmly. "Your comment tasted strongly of jealousy." Draco's eyes turned into slits as he regarded the younger Potter twin while Adrian snickered.