Chapter 92: Chapter 92 : The Alchemical Legacy
"Yes, I did." Harry stated looking at the Stone himself, letting his shirt fall back into place. "It's so bloody small, isn't it?" Harry asked closing his eyes and sighing. Severus was at a loss of words. This should be impossible. And still, there was the Stone and there was Harry, with a mark that deemed him a master of alchemy and a sad smile that told of how little it mattered under the circumstances.
"Harry this… This is…" He took in a calming breath. "Do you understand what you did?"
"Quite." Harry stated, his smile broadening a little. "After all, it did take me a full month."
"A full month? A month, Harry?" Severus asked incredulously, combing back his hair nervously, his hands shaking. "It has taken others their whole lives and most never succeed. Only Nicholas…"
"Actually no; there were others before and after him." Harry interrupted. "They just misused the Stone and it caused them to meet rather violent ends in the hands of those who craved it for themselves. And Nicholas himself created his first Stone when he was fourteen." Severus was just as awed as before.
"You're not even twelve yet, Harry." He reminded him -and himself- patiently.
"Well, I did study under Nicholas for years. And I really wanted to prove…" He chuckled dryly. "You know, I don't even remember what I wanted to prove!" He started chuckling and then burst out laughing; it sounded a bit strange to his ears -strained too- but it truly wasn't forced. Severus looked at him like he feared for his sanity.
"Oh, I just realized I made a Philosopher's Stone for no apparent reason!" And at that explanation he started laughing again, the sheer absurdity of the situation causing Severus to join him.
"You don't need me to tell you how amazing this is, Harry; amazing is an understatement in this instance." Severus's eyes fell back on the Stone. "It is rather small." He admitted causing both of them to chuckle again. "So, a master alchemist, right?"
"For whatever that's worth." Harry stated, looking at the Stone himself.
"And have you figured out what to do with the Stone yet?" Harry's brow furrowed in thought; that he hadn't considered. He had just wanted something to keep him going, something to prove that Nicholas was still with him in some way. He took his eyes from the red stone and looked around him, for the first time observing the state of the plants. These were Perenelle's plants he noticed with a start. They didn't seem to be faring that well. Suddenly everything was clear.
"Yes. Yes I have." Harry stated and pulled out his wand as Severus kept looking at the Stone.
"And what would that be?" He asked.
"Reducto!" Harry exclaimed, the bright white spell turning the Stone into fine dust. Severus just looked between the dust-that-used-to-be-a-Philosopher's-Stone and Harry in rapid succession.
"What?" He asked, deep down knowing Harry had done the right thing. He wouldn't have said no to some warning in advance though!
"I believe we have established that a Philosopher's Stone is more trouble than it's worth." Harry said with as smile.
"Couldn't you have warned me first?" Severus asked cocking an eyebrow playfully. "I'm at an advanced age you know; what if I get a heart-attack or something?" Harry burst out laughing, marvelling at how lighter his heart felt. It seemed that watching the stone turn into dust had brought him some sort of closure.
"Watch it!" He warned him between chuckles. "If it comes down to you dying of old age, I'll make you another Stone. Deal?"
"Deal." Severus stated, laughing himself. "And I guess the Stone is useless in this form?"
"It can't be repaired magically and it has lost most of its abilities as it is; it could still be used for creating a life drought though." Harry stated seriously.
"Then what are you going to do with the dust?" Severus asked concerned.
"Just watch." With a couple of quick spells and a few flicks of his wand, the red dust rose in the air and small portions found their way inside the pots around the greenhouse. Disregarding the confused potions master, Harry walked towards the water valve and turned it on, water spraying over the plants. It only took a few moments for the plants to start absorbing what was left of the Philosopher's Stone; the reaction was immediate.
Everything brown seemed to turn green or purple, even red, whatever their normal colour was supposed to be; the plants around grew and blossomed, looking healthier than ever, the envy of any herbologist in the wizarding world. Severus looked around him in wonder. Had Harry just…?
"There." Harry stated with a smile. "I think Nicholas would approve, don't you think?"
"Ehm, Harry?"
"Yes, Sev?"
"Am I seeing things, or did you really just use a Philosopher's Stone as garden fertilizer?" Harry just blinked blankly a couple of times after that declaration.
"Well it worked, didn't it?" They looked each other for a moment and burst out laughing again. There was still pain and there would be for a very long time; but now they could truly start to move on.