HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 91: Chapter 91 : The Crimson Stone



He walked into the middle of his room, were a shallow, well-like construction made of dark stone lay, filled up to one third with fourteen inches of water. Harry looked at the cold water for a moment pensively; this was it. He didn't dare hope for it might yet fail. Besides, his feelings hadn't quite returned to their normal state. He made sure one more time that all the ingredients he would need were at arms length. Assured that they were, Harry pointed his wand towards the ceiling;

"Adventum!" As a response to his spell, a sigil painted there glowed gold as his magic was activated. The circle covered most of the ceiling, its centre right above the well. It was intricately designed, alchemic symbols intertwined with runes. Its central feature was an eight point star larger than the rest, although in the complex symmetry of the sigils heptagrams, hexagrams and pentagrams were combined with the rest of the symbols. Harry observed his work for a moment; it had taken him the better part of two weeks to design; two weeks when he had practically foregone sleep and rest but the end result was worth it he thought.

He turned his attention back to the water and smiled; he started adding the ingredients with what he hoped was the correct order, stirring with a quick spell when he saw it was needed; nothing but the ingredients and magic could touch the surface of the liquid until the process was completed. The concoction changed many colours before, finally, after two hours, a white mist rose from the well and started spreading across the room. Harry pocketed his wand and pointed his hands, palms open towards the water, ready to execute his first ritual ever.

"Concitasti et resurge

Mutabis, solidatae

Tu reges metalla iam

Tu vitam aridiate produces"

His palms shone with the same light as the sigil on the sealing, two gold-coloured sigils appearing there. The water started boiling and twirling, creating a maelstrom inside the well as a golden light appeared in the middle of it all. The liquid changed and became the mist that surrounded it but didn't evaporate; if anything, it seemed to be drawn to the bright light in the centre. The more the mist concentrated there, the more the light changed from gold to red, until it became a dark crimson. Harry's hands burned but he didn't even dare to blink lest he missed it.

And suddenly the spinning stopped and the light from his palms faded into nothing, the only light coming from the sigil in the ceiling as the torches on the walls had been extinguished sometime along the spell. He looked at his palms and was half-surprised to find them unmarred though he knew no scarring would occur; he had succeeded, he could feel it. He waved his hand once over the last traces of mist in the well and looked inside.

While Harry was occupied in his lab, Severus had woken up early and, as he was used to doing the last month, decided to walk to the greenhouses. He had been forced to expand on the pre-existing ones as the plants Perenelle had left him proved to be too much for his greenhouses. He walked silently amongst the rare specimens of flora touching a leaf here and then; the plants, as if they understood their mistress was gone, had withered and were kept to life only through magic spells Severus cast every day. He knew not what to do with them, as he knew not what to do with Harry.

The green eyed boy hadn't emerged from his lab save from visiting the west tower and the potions master was worried. If this went on for any longer he would have to take the situation into his own hands. Harry had to stop obsessing over whatever it was he was doing; maybe this had gone on for far too long already… Yes, Severus thought; he would have to tell Harry to leave his lab, even for a little while, this afternoon. Maybe a nice horse riding expedition to the lake would…

"Dad?" Harry's voice sounded from behind him, making him jump. The voice was somewhat hoarse from being practically unused for so long but it was unmistakably Harry's. Severus turned around and, yes, it was truly Harry, holding a folded, dark blue cloth in his hands.

"Harry?" Severus looked at the boy; he appeared pale tired, dark circles under his eyes. But the eyes themselves sparkled with more life than they had since the Quirrell incident. "Have you finished your project?" He asked calmly. Harry nodded.

"Yes." The boy stated simply and moved towards a table where a few empty pots lay. He placed the cloth down and Severus noticed for the first time that there was something wrapped inside it. "I rather took my sweet time, didn't I?"

"It's okay Harry." Severus reassured him, more than happy now that he was outside that dungeon. "And what was your project?" Harry smiled slightly.

"It's right here." He said and pointed at the cloth. "Why don't you unfold it?"

"Okay." The potions master stated curious and placed his hands on the cloth. He gasped; whatever it was, it was very powerful magically. He could feel the magic oozing through the fabric, prickling his palms. Carefully, he touched the cloth unveiling the object hidden within; whatever it was, it was quite small and… "What is… Harry!" Severus looked at the object in question in complete shock. This couldn't be. It couldn't! His eyes turned to Harry who was smiling softly, the smile never reaching his eyes.

"It's weird how much havoc this thing can wreck." He stated softly looking at the now unfolded cloth. There, in the middle of the blue velvet, not larger than a walnut, stood a dark crimson crystal. It looked so innocent lying there but both wizards knew it was anything but. "You can touch it Sev; it won't bite, I promise." Severus did just that, tentatively reaching with his hand and lifting the crystal. It was cool to the touch, cooler than it would be were it a normal crystal. There was no mistaking it.

"A Philosopher's Stone." The potions master said, his voice thick from disbelief. "Your project was… You made this?" He asked putting the Stone down, almost afraid to hold it for too long. Instead of a response, Harry lifted his shirt; one of the symbols around his emblem, the one that stood for alchemy, was now a dark red, the same colour as the Stone.



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