HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 74: Chapter 74 : Undercover Mischief



Harry thought there were some conspiratory glances exchanged between his bother, Ron and Hermione but he had no chance to press the subject as he soon had to bid his family goodbye; his brother and his friends had disappeared to Merlin knew where when he turned back to look for them.

And the conspiratorial glances and hushed tones continued for the whole month and as Christmas drew nearer, Harry's nerves where being actively tested. At least his animagus transformation was almost completed, he thought with pride. He could now turn his whole body to a wolf except his head, but the process was almost done. He has heading to the library for some more sigils studying -while he was supposed to research charms- when he noticed three most recognisable figures of his brother and his two best friends, the trio that had become inseparable during the past month and a half. And they were going to the library.

Now, Hermione he could accept cutting down her free time to study but Adrian and Ron? And so close to lunchtime too? No way! Besides, this wasn't the first time something like that had happened. The green eyed boy had often caught Adrian and his two friends looking over books in the library but, as he usually was the first one there, he had no way to approach them without being seen. But today presented a unique opportunity.

Without further thought, he waited for them to enter the library, counted to one hundred and followed them in. He took a quick peek at them just to make note of the subject they were looking at -Biographies and Recent History? Why?- and swiftly chose the row behind the one they were at. He pressed himself close to an opening between two bookcases and did his best to listen to their whispering. His efforts were soon rewarded by Ron's annoyed voice sounding muffled behind the bookcase.

"Are you sure we're looking at the right books?" He asked almost whining.

"These are the books on great wizards and witches of our century, Ron! If Nicholas Flamel is mentioned anywhere, it should be here!" Hermione answered agitated and Harry's brain did a double-take. Nicholas… Books… Adrian… What?

"Yeah, but we've been looking for a bloody month and a half!" Ron complained.

"Look, Ron." Adrian stated, the soft scuffling sound accompanying his words indicating he had knocked some books over. "If we don't find out who Flamel is then we have no clues as to what Fluffy guards." They knew the dog was called Fluffy too? But how? Harry tried to think back to when their strange behavior had started. As Ron so graciously had mentioned, it had been a month and a half ago… Right after his first Quidditch game actually. But what could have caused such a change to occur? His mind was working on overdrive, trying to put the pieces together.

"He was talking with Hagrid along with Ron and a brunette."It was surprisingly his godfather's voice that came to mind. That's right; Adrian had been late that day because Ron, Hermione and himself had been talking to Hagrid. Hagrid who had given the Headmaster the Cerberus that was now guarding the Stone. Hagrid who, without a doubt, knew why a Cerberus of all creatures was needed to guard whatever was guarded in the school; Dumbledore would have told him. Hagrid who couldn't lie to save his life; a few questions and a slip of the tongue and his brother could have easily learned about Nicholas.

"But why can't we just ask someone already?" Ron whined; it was a good question actually.

"Because that's the easiest way for Snape to find out, Ron!" Adrian whispered back and Harry cocked an eyebrow in confusion; what did Sev have to do with all this?

"I can't believe Dumbledore hasn't done anything about the git yet!" Ron exclaimed. Hold on a minute!

"And he was right there in the third floor corridor the night of the attack!" Hermione agreed.

"Just to think that my brother had to spend so much time with him growing up!" Adrian added in anger. "Dad always said he was bad news!"

"I bet that's why Harry's so skinny and pale! Snape must have him doing chores all day!" Yeah right, the wizard in question mused; I had to live in a castle and travel around the world. Woe is me! Harry couldn't believe his ears; they thought that Severus was behind all this?

"Now stop it both of you!" Hermione whispered. "We need to keep looking!" And I need to get going, Harry thought his mind intent on tracking down one Severus Snape. The potions master would be furious, Harry thought, and he would have every right to be too.

"So let me get this straight; they think that I'm behind this?" Severus asked and broke into a fit of laughter. The green eyed boy just looked at him surprised.

"I don't think you heard me. They think that…"

"Oh, I heard you!" Severus assured him wiping the tears from his eyes. "But let's be honest here Harry; whom did you think your brother would suspect? Flitwick?"

"I just hoped… oh, I don't know!" Harry said seating deeper in the armchair next to the roaring fire in Severus's office. "I just hoped that Adrian could look past all the nasty stuff Prongs and Sirius say about you. Guess I was wrong…" He mumbled the last part out.

"It's fine really; I take it as a tribute to my amazing acting skills." Severus stated seriously, making Harry laugh, which had been the point all along.

"At least they have no idea where to search for Nicholas. I mean I was eight the first time I heard his name and even back then I knew it reminded me something important; you would think that Adrian with all his training would have read about him somewhere." The boy complained.

"Well, there are always those Chocolate Frogs collective cards…" Severus trailed off, making Harry chuckle.

"I didn't know Nicholas has one. He's been rather trying to keep a low profile."

"He doesn't have one per se; he's mentioned on Dumbledore's though."

"You should know." Harry stated dryly. "Sometimes I believe you have more of a sweet tooth than Remus and that says something."

"It does indeed." Severus agreed with a smirk. "Anyway, as long as they keep searching in the wrong books we'll be on the clear. And it's good to see that they're scared of me enough to not go around asking; they might end up asking the wrong people." The potions master concluded.

"Like Quirrell?"

"Exactly like Quirrell." Severus agreed, his tone somber. "But now tell me; are you still planning on staying at Hogwarts for the holidays?"

"Yep. Adrian begged he could stay since Ron would too, what with his family going to Romania to visit Charlie and everything, and I figured it'd be best if I stayed too." Harry stated. "Besides Prongs has decided to take my mother abroad; something about a second honeymoon." Harry immediately wished he had swallowed his tongue; how could he let something like that slip? Severus however seemed bent on surprising him that day.



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