HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 75: Chapter 75 : Christmas Unveiled



"Good." He offered. "Lily deserves to be pampered once in a while." And in all honesty, he meant what he had said. He had even surprised himself a little, but he had finally managed to think of Lily and James together and not get even a tingle of pain in his gut. He just wanted to see the woman he cared about happy and if James Potter could do that, then fine. He still loved Lily, he realized; he was his first and truest friend and a great woman. He just wasn't in love with her anymore. The realization brought a smile to his face.

"You okay, Dad?" Harry asked and Severus's smile widened.

"I'm actually great, thank you, Harry." Thank you for everything kid, he thought as he looked at the surprised young wizard. "I was just asking because I figured it would be as good opportunity as any to complete our animagus transformation."

"Really?" Harry asked with a face splitting smile.


"You know you could have completed the transformation a month ago or so." Harry stated self-consciously. "You didn't have to wait…"

"Harry, I wanted to wait; we started this together." Severus stated in his I'm-not-kidding voice and Harry smiled again.

The holidays started soon and the first day of Christmas break saw Hermione Granger leaving the castle, whispering something to Adrian and Ron that Harry was too far away to catch. Not that he needed to strain his imagination to figure out what it was about. He sighed; how he wished his brother would let him in on what they were planning! Then again, he figured, that was a little pretentious of him, considering what he was hiding from his brother himself. Still, he found a reason to be happy; he was to complete his transformation that night; all he had to do was wait till everybody was asleep and snatch the cloak. He smiled at the thought.

Midnight found him smiling still, having just sneaked out of the Common Room, under the nose of a rather surprised Fat Lady. Severus answered the door on the first knock and, after their glamour spells had been removed, they swooped into action. After practicing changing separate body parts at first, Severus deemed them ready for the full transformation.

"Just remember to keep thinking of how you want to end up; picture the wolf." The potions master reminded him as Harry nodded. The boy closed his eyes and concentrated. He held a picture of the black wolf he was attempting to become and commanded his body to start the change. The first thing he became aware of was the tingling sensation of fur sprouting on his body; then came the odd sensation of having his body pulled or pushed until it was shaped in the form instructed. When he could feel the changes no more, he opened his eyes. The world around looked different he decided; the colours were off and… had he really heard somebody walking on the floor above him through some good four feet of compact stone? Apparently he had. Oh and there was another wolf looking at him expectantly across the room. He almost jumped until he realized it was Severus. He let out a bark that seemed to be the wolf equivalent of a chuckle.

Harry approached Severus and used his paw to push him back a little, only to have the potions master -now turned wolf- swat him across the back of his head, his teeth showing in some type of wolfish smirk. Severus the wolf was taller than him, Harry noted, but that was probably because he was younger. With an excited laugh -howl- Harry jumped up and landed on all fours, running around the room for a while, barely noticing and amused Severus shaking his head. The potions master changed back, motioning Harry to do the same; it took some concentration, but Harry soon found himself in his normal body smiling wide at the potions master.

"That was wicked!" He decided, Severus laughing at his antics.

"I will have to agree." He stated. "Now let's see if we can get the transformation occur faster; it has to come like second nature." And they did just that, training for an extra hour before any of them was satisfied with the progress they had made for the night. Harry was practically jumping up and down with joy; he was an animagus! An official and proper one! And the proof was, as he suspected, edged on his mark. He had felt the customary heat that could only mean something had changed in his emblem; and truly, there, right beneath the line that marked him as a Parselmouth, inside one of the horizontal lines that composed his emblem, stood the two runes he could himself translate. Animagus.

He left Severus's office smiling like a maniac, a book under his arm that Severus had brought from home; he had found it only a few days ago and had figured that the boy would like to take a look at it. It was entitled Eormenláf Déordrýa or in modern English, The Legacy of the Animagi. It was written in runes and the potions master wanted Harry to try his hand in translating it. Harry spent most of that night doing just that.

It was of no surprise that he found himself rudely awakened -and much too early- two days later on Christmas morning from the ever anxious to open his presents Adrian. Harry would have laughed at his brother's antics had his bedside clock not informed him that he had slept only for five hours; he was still working on that book, keeping notes on the side as he went through it; it had proved quite an interesting read, especially the parts were it stated how the transformation affected the human form of the wizard just as much as the wizard's personality affected the outcome of the transformation. Apparently there were some characteristics that slipped through from one form to the other, but Harry was still looking into that part. Back to the present however, he was faced with a pile of presents at the foot of his bed and an anxious twin brother who was all but jumping on said bed to wake him up.

"Come on, Harry!" Adrian said excited. "We've got presents!"

"And a Merry Christmas to you too, Adrian." Harry chuckled as his brother shrugged and wished him back.

"Merry Christmas, Harry." Ron uttered amidst yawning, having quite obviously been awakened in the same way as the green eyed wizard had been.

"Yeah, yeah! Merry Christmas to y'all! Can we open our presents now?" Adrian exclaimed exasperated as he regarded the pile of packages in front of his bed. Harry and Ron laughed at him but complied nonetheless, quite eager to go through their presents too now that they had somewhat woken up themselves. Harry knew he would have to visit Severus's office later to get his gifts from the potions master and the Flamels but the presents in front of him now looked just as promising.



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