Chapter 73: Chapter 73 : Flight to Victory
The next morning Harry's stomach seemed to have sunk and promptly gotten stuck somewhere close to his knees. His heart was beating a mile per minute and his ears were buzzing. Maybe he shouldn't play like this; he felt more fit for the infirmary at that moment than the Quidditch pitch. Still, he ordered himself to swallow some of his breakfast -which he figured must have been pretty tasty if the way Ron was wolfing it down was any indication- and left the Great Hall sooner than the rest of the student body along with his team. He caught the eye of Severus before leaving the room and the small, undetectable if you didn't look for it, nod of encouragement he sent his way.
He swiftly changed into his red and golden robes, as every team seemed to compete dressed in their House colours, and moved closer to the rest of the team; Wood was giving his customary speech, with the twins happily intervening, having apparently heard it one time too many. The sounds of footsteps brought Harry out of his reverie and the whole team got ready to enter the pitch. He approached Madam Hooch who was refereeing and listened to the speech he gave the teams on fair play, the two Houses' rivalry obviously having in the past extended to the Quidditch pitch. It seemed that she was staring mostly to the Slytherin Captain as she spoke, a boy named Marcus Flint, who had something of a troll about him. Harry breathed in deeply; time to live a little, he decided and mounted his broom. Madam Hooch gave the signal and the game was on.
His fears seemed to all have been for naught as any worry he might have had dispersed once he took flight, the wind rushing through his hair and robes. He looked around rapidly as he searched for the elusive golden Snitch, having half an eye for what was going on with the game. As he searched, his eyes fell on a banner his brother and his classmates had made for him; 'Potter for President' it said and made the boy smile widely. He also caught sight of some long, dark red hair that undisputedly belonged to his mother on the stands reserved for the players' families, right next to the teachers. He quickly turned his eyes on the game as Gryffindor scored.
He looked around the pitch but could find no sign of the Snitch; he continued his search even while dodging a Bludger sent his way from the other team's beater. His sudden plunge must have surprised everyone but him for he heard a collective gasp and applause as he returned to his search.
"Nice one, Harry!" Fred or George Weasley exclaimed, sending the Bludger to Flint with some viciousness. Harry chuckled and went back to his search. The only gleam of light he had seen so far was coming from one of the twins' watches and then… There it was! Right beneath the Slytherin goalposts and actually standing quite still; Harry thought he would have missed it if it hadn't been for all that training in the field back home; Severus' castle was equipped with a formal sized Quidditch pitch -the one they used in Hogwarts was about three fourths of the professional court- and Harry had often insisted, with Severus not complaining, to stay close to nightfall while he chased the Snitch. Locating it here, in broad daylight, now seemed quite easy. In the corner of his eye he noticed Alicia Spinet, one of the Gryffindor chasers making her way towards the goalposts, Quaffle in hand; this looked promising.
Without dwelling on his thoughts too much, he turned his broom towards the same direction as Alicia's and, being much higher than she was, dove downwards and in front of her, speeding like a maniac, causing all players to spread around the field, the way now clear for Alicia who threw the Quaffle in, earning yet another ten points for Gryffindor. Harry didn't stay to watch however, as he dove yet lower and towards the Snitch who had moved just enough to cause Harry to execute the equivalent of a back-flip while on broom. Unconcerned, the green eyed boy rose from where he flew, near to the green grass, and flew high again, his right fist in the air, the Golden Snitch trying to escape from his fingers. With the final whistle, the team flew to him as the crowd cheered. The Slytherin Captain looked homicidal but the Slytherin Head of House had a proud glint in his eyes.
"We won!" Oliver Wood yelled over and over again as Lee broadcasted the score -170-0- loud enough to be heard above the cheering crowd. Later, in the Gryffindor changing room, Harry was congratulated by his parents, a smiling Remus and a shocked Sirius.
"Ruddy Hell, Harry!" The dog animagus exclaimed, surprise colouring his every word. "I didn't know you could play that well!"
"And that back-flip in the end?" James stated proudly. "The mark of a genius I tell you!"
"Well I always said he took more after me…" Lily stated, sending everyone -but James- in peals of laughter.
"Where's Adrian?" Harry asked concerned after some small-talk was made.
"He was talking with Hagrid along with Ron and a brunette." Sirius stated wiggling his eyebrows. "Has Adrian found himself a girlfriend?"
"Hermione is a just a friend, I believe." Harry answered, saving his brother from Sirius's merciless teasing. The Weasley twins approached them then, smiling two identical smiles as they greeted everybody.
"There you are, Harry! Great game mate!" One of them, probably George, exclaimed.
"We just came to warn you…"
"…that Oliver has been praising you to everyone willing to listen…"
"… so if he comes this way, you'd better run…"
"…less he decides to proclaim his undying love to you!" And like that they both left, leaving behind a perplexed Harry and his shaking with laughter family.
"Well, that was interesting." Harry stated as he noticed Professor McGonagall approaching them. "Good morning, Professor." The boy greeted her and she graced him with a small smile.
"Mr. Potter." She said. "I'm glad to see my choice to allow you in the team was rewarded!" Then he turned to his parents and family "Nice to see you all."
"Good to see you too, Minnie!" Sirius exclaimed as Harry tried to rein his laughter. Minerva eyed Sirius scathingly.
"Sirius." He turned her attention back to Harry. "I just hope all that practice hasn't prevented you from finishing your Transfiguration essay?" The professor asked, making Harry smile, surprising his family; nobody smiled under Minerva's glares; Harry wouldn't have either -he usually felt the need to salute her or something- but the exhilaration from winning the mach was still there and besides;
"I finished it yesterday night, Professor; I knew there would be no time today." Minerva smiled again at his answer and nodded.
"Young Harry is the first in his year you know." She informed them, causing the boy to turn beet red and his mother to hug him.
"You didn't tell us, Harry!" She complained, messing up her younger son's hair.
"I study a lot." Harry shrugged it off.
"First in your year?" Sirius asked mock horrified as James nodded.
"If we don't take care, you'll be a prefect in no time!" His mock shudder turned real as Lily turned her eyes glaring at her husband. "I was just kidding, Lils!"
"Congratulations, Harry." Lupin stated unfazed by his best friends' antics. "And don't listen to what he says; your Dad's very proud of you." James was still being chastised and Harry's mind flew momentarily to Severus, hoping that he was indeed proud.
"Great game, bro!" Adrian's voice sounded from the door and soon, after some quick introductions were made, the small group returned to the castle. Harry thought there were some conspiratory glances exchanged between his bother, Ron and Hermione but he had no chance to press the subject as he soon had to bid his family goodbye; his brother and his friends had disappeared to Merlin knew where when he turned back to look for them.