HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 72: Chapter 72 : Research Adventures



His parents had sent him an encouraging letter, reminding him they would be there for his first game. The letter would have been more encouraging had it not been accompanied with a bright crimson envelope, quite recognisable as a Howler, addressed to his brother. Both Harry and Adrian had never imagined their mother could yell like that. Severus, when Harry asked his opinion on the matter the same evening, seemed less surprised.

There had however been an obvious change from the past two months and it had more to do with the way Adrian and Ron treated Hermione and how she reacted to them in turn. They seemed to have bonded since that Halloween night, Harry thought with a smirk. There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, the green eyed boy mused, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll -or thinking you did at least- is once of them. That of course had meant that, from what Harry could see as his brother had firmly kept him out of that subject, the bushy haired girl was now actively involved in their search of what could be hidden under that trapdoor. Harry shivered at the thought of what would happen if they ever knew.

The days passed and the game was approaching fast. Harry had tried to fend of his anxiety by doing some of what he called fun research in the library. He had come up with that term when helping Severus in his researches, claiming that since the research wasn't meant for one of his projects it was done for pure fun. Severus on the other hand claimed that the only thing he could come up with for a five-hour research amidst dusty volumes that could be characterised as fun was the name Harry had given it. Both were well aware Harry had just said that so Severus would allow him to stay in the laboratory with him; none of them minded to point that fact out.

Using the term research, the green eyed boy meant jotting down spells and charms used on broomsticks so that they could fly and operate without malfunctioning. The abundance of spells he found -some quite useful in other areas of his studies- had prompted a conversation with Severus the day before the match. They were having a cup of hot chocolate in Sev's office, as it had become customary, and Harry tentatively spoke of his thoughts.


"Yes, Harry?" The potions master asked back, trying to conceal his smile; every time Harry started a conversation like that it meant he had come up with something he was dying to tell him about.

"I have been doing some research lately." Harry stated.

"Not very surprising in itself, but do continue." Harry smiled and did just that.

"Since the match was approaching I figured I could look up a few things on broomsticks while I was in the library, you know, so I could get my mind off the actual game." The boy admitted as Severus listened attentively.

"Go on." He pressed and Harry continued after breathing in deeply.

"And I found myself thinking over what Nicholas had said, about how taking up something that would force me to be creative might help me progress as an alchemist." The boy said looking at Severus. "Do you think that maybe I could, I don't know, tweak a little with one of the old brooms when we get back home?" Severus' eyebrows almost got lost in his hairline. That was it? "I mean, as long as I don't let it interfere with my studies." The boy hastily imputed, misunderstanding Severus' expression. "I'll do it on my free time I promise and…"

"Harry stop!" Severus exclaimed smiling. "Of course you can. You didn't even have to ask."

"Really?" Harry asked his eyes brightening.

"Yeah, really." Severus reassured him. "You like Quidditch, don't you?"

"Of course I do!" The boy exclaimed, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And you would enjoy doing a little research on the subject." Severus stated as Harry nodded emphatically. "Then I want you to do it, Harry. Why would you think I wouldn't?"

"I thought, because of Voldemort and everything, that I should practice more and not waste my time…"

"Living?" Severus interrupted him with a cocked eyebrow. "Harry, Merlin knows -and I think he really does- how hard you've been studying!" The potions master offered seriously.

"I have to, Sev; it's not that I don't enjoy learning. But if I don't keep going I might not survive this." Severus's heart clenched in his chest.

"Harry, look at me for a second." He spoke softly and Harry raised his eyes to the older wizard's face. "Yes, you do have to study and yes, it will help you survive. But tell me, what good is surviving if you don't get to live a little?" Harry's eyes widened as he tried to come up with a viable answer.

"Well, I… I…"

"You will read more on those spells and, come the summer, you'll start taking those old broomsticks that have been gathering dust in the cellar apart." Severus stated decisively. "I might even help, if you'd like." He was rewarded with one of Harry's patented bear-hugs for his offer, an action he freely interpreted as a yes.



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