HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 68: Chapter 68 : The Philosopher's Stone



They returned straight into the common room where the Fat Lady had returned from her night stroll and flew into their beds after Hermione told them about the trapdoor and thoroughly berated them on how they could have all be expelled. Talk about prioritizing, Harry thought sarcastically as he ran upstairs first beforeshe completed her rant, swiftly staffing the cloak in Adrian's trunk and diving into his bed. Adrian and Ron talked of the dog all night long as Harry tried to figure the whole thing out himself. So the dog was guarding something; Harry had to admit, a Cerberus was the ideal creature -after a griffon- to guard something valuable. His mind flew back to the attempted theft in Gringotts; Hagrid had said something about it hadn't he? Now that he could recall that evening without the fear of Severus being mad at him, he could clearly distinct Hagrid's attempts to avoid the subject altogether.

Adrian had seen Hagrid exiting Gringotts on the day they had gone shopping and had asked about what he was doing there, hadn't he? And Hagrid had just changed the subject and had talked about something else -something as obnoxious as the weather? Harry had trouble recalling something he hadn't bothered paying attention to- immediately.

Anyone who knew Hagrid could tell you what a terrible liar he was, so his reaction could only mean he had something to hide. And that Cerberus had his name all over it! But what could be so important that had to stay hidden at Hogwarts? Well, the castle was the safest building in the country. Nicholas had once said that… Nicholas! Harry's eyes widened in shock as he thought back to his mentor's unease during the summer and Severus's cryptic words that he would find out why on his own. Combine that with the fact that Severus had promised someone else than Nicholas his silence and that the alchemist was a great friend of Dumbledore's and presto! So whatever it was guarded in Hogwarts was Nicholas's possession. Problem was, Harry thought gulping uneasily, that there was only one object he could think of being hidden in the school that Nicholas wouldn't trust in the safety of his own castle.

He had to talk to Severus as soon as possible Harry figured and tried to get some sleep; the mere notion that the Philosopher's Stone could be hidden in the school was unnerving enough without taking into consideration the reasons why such a move was deemed necessary. Needless to say, sleep eluded him that nigh; it was a tired Harry, sporting a terrible headache that rose from his bed at the crack of dawn.

The green eyed wizard didn't get the chance to reach Severus until a little before breakfast the next morning. He had tried to get his brother to talk to him about last night first, but Adrian was lost in a vivid conversation with Ron; they stopped talking when Harry or anybody else approached them, but the green eyed boy had fleetingly caught the word trapdoor. Resigned that they wouldn't tell him anything, he left the Great Hall early, claiming he had to send a letter to their parents on his new Seeker position before Herbology and headed for the grounds, making a swift turn after leaving the hall to the dungeons.

He didn't have to wait long as, after a few minutes, Severus appeared in the corner, heading for his office. His eyes brightened as he saw Harry but he refrained from a verbal acknowledgement until they entered his office. When the door was closed, he turned at the boy and smiled.

"So, a Seeker in your first year?" The potions master chuckled.

"Yep!" Harry stated with a smile. "You should have seen Professor McGonagall when she announced Wood I would be the next Seeker. She was glowing!"

"And she was unbelievably smug when she announced the Quidditch Cup will be at her desk by the end of this year." Severus agreed, his eyes widening as if he had only just realized something of the greatest importance. "I've been training the opposition!" He exclaimed mock appalled.

"And quite well I might add!" Harry offered laughing. He quickly sobered up as he remembered the reason why he had come over. "But that's not the reason why I'm here." And he went on explaining what exactly had happened last night. Severus regarded him with a half confused and half horrified expression; he couldn't believe Harry had stood in the same room as that -solely for the lack of a more appropriate word- dog!

"And Adrian didn't take the cloak with him?" He asked sitting on the corner of his desk as the boy paced the room.

"No!" Harry exclaimed. "And what was he thinking accepting a duel from Malfoy? It wasn't even official!" Severus nodded as he thought of what had transgressed last night. Unfortunately, there was no way he could punish Malfoy for what he had done without evidence or without incriminating Harry in the process.

"And I'm not too happy that you followed them. The incident with Fluffy is also something I would prefer you had avoided." Severus added sternly.

"Fluffy?" Harry wondered out loud. "The Cerberus is called Fluffy? Who names a Cerberus…" He instantly thought of Hagrid and sighed. "Never mind." The potions master smiled slightly besides himself.

"And you noticed the trapdoor, didn't you?" Severus asked impressed.

"So did Hermione." Harry stated shrugging it off.

"So, any ideas on the subject?" Severus asked expectantly.

"A question actually." Harry clarified with a smirk.

"Let's hear it then."

"Who's after the Philosopher's Stone that managed to terrify Nicholas enough to hide it in Hogwarts?" Severus laughed at the blasé tone Harry had used to ask the question, a perfect imitation of himself while trying to mask his emotions on his most agitated state.

"It took you long enough." Severus offered. "I thought that you would have made the connection when that article on the almost theft got published in the Prophet." Harry sighed.

"I was distracted." He admitted theatrically.

"I should imagine." Severus stated. "And as for your question, well, think this through; can't you think of anyone that would want his life restored and is desperate enough -and capable- to break into Gringotts?" The green eyed boy sobered up in a moment, blanching slightly.

"Voldemort?" Severus nodded grimly.

"Of course it's just a speculation, as Dumbledore last informed me he was still hiding in some corner of the world but my bet's on him." The potions master affirmed as Harry sat down on a chair disheartened.

"Do you think he'll come after Adrian?" Harry asked after a long pause. He looked terrified of the prospect; his brother was far more advanced than his classmates -with the notable exception of his twin- but he was nowhere near ready to stand his ground against a Death Eater, let alone a wizard of Voldemort's caliber.

"I think it's a possibility." Severus said thoughtful. "But unless Adrian actively seeks him out, he won't try anything before restoring his body and that's the worst case scenario." Harry nodded in understanding. It was somewhat of a relief, as the Stone was well guarded.

"Do you think he might get a chance to go anywhere near the Stone?" Harry asked deep in thought; the prospect was simply too much to handle.

"If he gets inside help." Severus answered in the same tone.

"Inside help?" The green eyed wizard wondered. "A teacher?"



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