HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 67: Chapter 67 : Midnight Adventures



"I know!" Harry said happily, his eyes turning towards the staff's table where McGonagall was talking to Severus. The potions master's eyes widened as he turned towards Harry, his face otherwise a stone mask. Nobody in the Great Hall had a way of knowing that inside his head he was doing a victory dance! Harry smiled and turned his attention back to his brother and his friend. "I start training next week." Harry explained. "Only don't tell anyone. Wood wants to keep it a secret." That was when Fred and George decided to snoop in and congratulate him, Wood having already told them as they were on the team. So much for secrecy…

"But we can write about it to mom and dad, right?" Adrian asked, his eyes gleaming.

"Yes, of course." Harry stated smiling. "Imagining Sirius's face, aren't you, brother?" Adrian broke out laughing and Harry soon followed suit. The green eyed wizard had just asked Lee Jordan to pass him the mashed potatoes when he noticed Draco's self-satisfied smirk from the Slytherin table being addressed to his brother. Weird that, he thought; he turned to his twin and show him exchange a fiery glare with the blond. Did I miss something? The boy wondered before being distracted by Seamus who wanted to know if he was alright and how exactly had he managed to not get himself expelled. That's when he caught the death glare of one Hermione Granger, also focused on his brother and Ron, and figured he had definitely missed something. He tried to press the matter further but it was time for their first class of the afternoon and the three boys made their way to Charms, Ron and Adrian keeping the conversation strictly to Quidditch.

The lesson itself had been fun, as they had started with little charms that Harry could perform since he was seven, something that easily gained him points for his House. At the end of class, Professor Flitwick winked at him conspiratorily and Harry figured that the only one who wasn't spreading the news of his position in the Gryffindor team was, in fact, himself. As things were, Harry hadn't managed to breach the subject of one death glare too many with his brother. He and Ron had gone to bed early, whispering in hushed tones all day, and Harry had followed suit after finishing his extracurricular studies. He was seated on his bed, the curtains shut tight around him and locked in place with a quick charm as he was trying out his animagus transformation, when he heard Ron whisper.

"Half-past eleven. We'd better go." What? Go where?

"Ready!" Adrian whispered back. For what?

"Don't you think we should tell your brother too?" Ron asked as Harry listened to them getting ready to leave the room.

"No." Adrian stated. "He's a great student but he hasn't been through the same dueling training I have. I just don't want him to get in trouble." He sounded sincere and that scared Harry the most; what was he going to do? The two boys snuffled out the room and Harry moved instantly once they did, drawing the curtains closed again as if he was still inside his bed after he left it; it never hurt to be cautious. He would have gone after them in a second if he hadn't stopped for the obvious; he hadn't heard any sound of a trunk opening. Could it be that… yes, it was, he thought miffed as he pulled the invisibility cloak from his brother's trunk. Damn it all! If Adrian had to get out of the common room in the middle of the night, couldn't he just take the cloak with him? That's what it was for, after all!

Harry threw the cloak over his shoulders and covered himself up completely; there was no way he would leave Adrian on his own out there! He was fully planning on giving his older brother a piece of his mind when he heard murmurs from downstairs. It was Hermione, who was apparently berating his brother and Ron, sounding very much like she knew what she was talking about. So, Hermione could know what was going on, but he couldn't? That stung a little.

"Why don't you bother about your own business?" Adrian hissed at her as they moved out of the common room, Harry right behind them. Hermione warned them on not loosing the points she had won from Professor McGonagall and turned to leave, only to realize the Fat Lady had gone out for a late night visit. And to make things better, Neville was discovered sleeping outside the door, having forgotten the password. Harry was busy pulling out his hair at their complete bad luck as the round faced boy -thankfully healed from what he could see, not that a sprained wrist was something Madame Pomfrey would have a problem with- tagged along. Harry followed them silently, trying to gather what they were doing from their conversation. It had something to do with Malfoy and the Trophy Room -as that's where they were heading- and immediately Harry felt his heart constricting. His brother and three classmates fully planned to stay put in the room, waiting for Malfoy; and what about Filtch? He was known to pass by said room at least once every hour. He was just about to give them a piece of his mind when Hermione spoke again.

"We should go." She said being the voice of reason. "Filtch might be here soon."

"We're here for a duel, Hermione!" Adrian exclaimed. "We can't just back away! It's a matter of honor!" Harry felt like running head first into a wall. As if Malfoy would keep his word!

"Yeah!" Ron supported him. "It's also a matter of family pride; Adrian can't back down from an issued challenge!" Hermione looked as much annoyed as Harry felt, while Neville looked at Adrian in awe. What challenge? An underage wizard couldn't accept or issue a formal wizards' duel without parental consent! Surely Adrian would know that! Now Harry was certain Malfoy wouldn't show up and his fears were confirmed once he heard Filtch talking to Miss Norris outside the room. Five sets of eyes widened and the four broke into a mad rush, Harry following close behind; Adrian urged them through a hidden passage behind a tapestry that led just outside the Charms classroom. Swift thinking; Harry inwardly praised his brother for at least that. Only if he would employ his wit more often…

That was when Neville decided to start running in the complete darkness and promptly sent Ron and himself tumbling into an armor, effectively alerting Peeves; to make things better, Ron decided to take a shot at the ghost, right about when Adrian had him half-convinced to let them go. Panicking at the sound of Flitch approaching due to Peeves's yelling of "Students out of bed! Students out of bed in the Charms corridor!", said students run away madly. We seem to be doing that a lot tonight, the green eyed wizard thought sarcastically. And here I was, figuring I wouldn't get enough physical training in Hogwarts and… His thoughts were abruptly halted once he realized exactly where they were heading to.

Oh no! Harry begged as they reached a locked door which Hermione swiftly unlocked with an Alohamora spell. Harry's mouth dropped as he followed them inside; the only protection placed on the door of the Forbidden Corridor was a locking charm? He listened a little to Peeves taunting Filtch outside when his attention zeroed into more important matters. He just stood there and looked stunned at a huge three headed dog guarding the corridor; so a locking charm wasn't the only protection there; good to know! The four other students swiftly become alert of said Cerberus -that was the name of the dog's race if Harry remembered correctly- and turned to leave immediately, but not before the green eyed boy -having been trained to hone his observation skills through the years with Severus- noticed a trapdoor beneath the dog's immense paws. He didn't hang around to solve that riddle as he opted to follow his brother out the room, judging that was the best idea Adrian had had the whole night.



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