Chapter 66: Chapter 66 : The Unexpected Seeker
"Saint Potter and look! Neville's got a girlfriend!" Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin student, with a face slightly reminding Harry of a picture of he had once seen of his Aunt's Marge favorite bulldog, exclaimed. "I never thought you'd like fat little crybabies, Parvati."
"Look!" Said Malfoy, snatching something shiny from the grass. Oh no… "It's that stupid thing Longbottom's gran sent him!"
"Don't touch that, you git!" Adrian exclaimed forcefully, moving forward, ready to strike, Seamus and Ron -the later halfheartedly- holding him back. Everybody stopped whatever they were doing to watch the exchange.
"Make me!" Draco deadpanned smirking. Harry started getting angry; not just because Draco was about to get in trouble but for Neville too; the boy was having enough trouble adapting and fitting in as it was. He didn't need something like this going on behind his back. Especially not while he was injured.
"Give it here, Malfoy." Harry stated calmly, the bantering stopping as his voice echoed, surprisingly commanding. Malfoy smirked once again.
"I think I'll put it somewhere for Longbottom to find -how about- up a tree?" And he took off on his broom, Remembrall clutched in his hand. He did fly quite well, Harry admitted as he watched Draco steadily gain height.
"Give it back you!" Adrian yelled and tried to get on his broom as Hermione blocked his way, telling him that he could be expelled.
"Come and get it, Potter!" Malfoy taunted him and Adrian moved to mount his broom; Harry sighed and made his decision; he took off himself. After all, Draco hadn't specified which Potter and besides, he had quite reeled the younger Potter twin up. He had no right to torment Neville just because he thought him unimportant. No right at all.
"Harry!" Adrian called from the ground, having frozen mid-step at his brother's dare. Looking back, the green eyed wizard realized that Adrian had never seen him fly before. He flew higher with a sharp tug on his broom, reaching a stunned Malfoy in no time as his classmates gasped.
"Give it here," he started calmly "or I'll knock you off that broom."
"Oh really?" Malfoy asked, not sounding so certain of himself anymore. Harry smirked and sped off towards Malfoy, flying so close around him that the blond boy had to grip his broomstick tight in fear.
"Really." He offered smiling serenely, facing Malfoy once again; the Slytherin's already pale face had turned into an ashen colour. "Have you forgoten what happened in the train already, Malfoy?"
"Catch it if you can then!" Draco stuttered and threw the Remembrall as far away as he could; Harry's trained eyes watched it first rise and then fall towards the ground, as if in slow motion; he leaned towards his broom and sped straight after it. And there, just a few inches over the green grass; he caught it effortlessly and flew back to his cheering classmates. He had just dismounted his broom, his brother and the majority of the students staring at him in awe when he heard it.
"Harry Potter!" The unmistakable voice of Minerva McGonagall echoed in the abrupt silence. Just my luck, Harry thought and turned to face his doom. Between protests from his brother and classmates and murmurs of "How dare you? It could have been your neck!" from the Transfiguration professor, the green eyed wizard allowed himself to led back to the castle and surprisingly towards the Charms classroom?
"Excuse me Professor, but this isn't the way to your office; where are we going?" Harry asked, his curiosity overcoming his fear; it wasn't that he feared expulsion as he knew he hadn't done anything to warrant it, but he had promised Severus to do his beast and he was loathe to break that promise.
"To get Wood." She stated simply. Wood? Harry asked himself. What was wood exactly? Wait a minute! He gasped in shock as it all clicked inside his mind as Professor McGonagall knocked on the door. Wood was the captain of Gryffindor's Quidditch team! And in truth, a burly fifth year was called from his class, wearing a mask of pure surprise on his face as McGonagall introduced them after leading them into an empty classroom and unceremoniously ousting Peeves from it.
"Potter this is Oliver Wood. Wood -I have found you a Seeker!" Harry's mouth dropped and he stared at the professor stunned. A what? Oliver's expression was the same, if not worse, but soon turned into giddiness as McGonagall explained him what had happened.
"Have you ever played Quidditch before, Potter?" Oliver asked, looking as if Christmas had come early.
"I've only flown a little over the summer, but I've never played an actual game." And that was in a way true, as two people couldn't play a normal game of Quidditch.
"And he has the built for a Seeker too!" Oliver exclaimed, tears in his eyes. Harry held back a smirk; no, he didn't have the built for a seeker, actually being taller than most boys his age. Not that they could see that. But he was in a peak physical condition and he was agile; he knew he would do more than fine. It was soon resolved that Harry would be the Seeker for the Gryffindor team -after promising to train hard- something which earned a grin from McGonagall; the professor stated that his father would be thrilled once he found out. Harry vaguely remembered how Prongs had mentioned that Sirius and himself had tried for months to get into the Quidditch team while on their first year. He ventured to the Great Hall with a smile a mile wide; this was going to be fun!
"You're joking!" Ron exclaimed stopping mid-bite as Adrian's eyes widened behind his glasses.
"Nope!" Harry offered with a smile, filling his plate with anything he could find, his appetite having doubled.
"A Seeker?" Adrian asked in a muffled voice; the older twin himself had aspirations to become a Chaser for the team later on. But they were still first years!
"Yep!" Harry offered taking a bite of some kidney pie.
"But the first years never… You must be the youngest House player in about…" Ron tried to think back.
"A century." Harry stated after swallowing. "Wood told me."
"Wow!" The two boys exclaimed.