Chapter 65: Chapter 65 : Flight Lessons
"I wish you wouldn't do that." He stated, trying in vain to straighten his hair.
"Keep wishing Harry." Severus offered; it was sometime after three that Harry finally slid out of the office, his glamour charms back in place and his father's cloak hiding him from prying eyes.
The second week of school started as good as the first one had, with the anxiousness somehow abated. Harry had joyfully discovered that his studies allowed him to finish his homework in record time and that in turn gave him time to spend in the library where, while pretending he was reading on first year material, he was progressing with his personal studies. At night he concentrated on his animagus transformation, having it made the target for September to be able to transform his hand into a paw completely. Maybe even start with the rest of his arm.
He was reading on some counter-offensive spells -the book disguised as his charms textbook- and had just taken a note on one that was supposed to stop you mid-fall, a charm that was often used, in a slightly varied form, in broomstick making, when his brother entered the library. Harry made a mental note to read more on the spell after devoting his attention to his brother. Even if he wasn't furious, Adrian entering the library voluntarily was always a bad sign.
"I don't believe it!" The hazel eyed Potter exclaimed.
"You don't believe what exactly?" Harry asked confused.
"Our flying lesson!"
"What about it?" Harry asked his curiosity piqued. He had been looking forward to that lesson himself.
"It will be a double lesson with the Slytherins!" Adrian exclaimed. Harry sighed in relief.
"I though it was canceled by the way you acted!" The green eyed wizard admitted smiling.
"The Slytherins, Harry!" Adrian pressed on. "Just what I needed! Malfoy to ruin our first flying lesson." Harry regarded him thoughtfully; in truth, Malfoy had been quite annoying with telling everyone willing to listen -or not, it didn't seem to matter- how talented he was at Quidditch.
"Just don't pay attention to him, Adrian, and you'll be fine." Even if his brother, Draco Malfoy and broomsticks painted a rather scary picture in his mind, he wasn't about to share his thoughts on the subject with Adrian.
"He'll do something to ruin the lesson, Harry!" Adrian complained. "I'm sure." Harry too felt it was possible but opted on being an optimist.
"Let's just enjoy the lesson and see what happens from there." And he gathered his book to lead his brother out of the library as Miss Pins was giving them a very annoyed glare from behind her desk. The next morning, the day of their first flying lesson, Neville received a Remebrall from his grandmother. A rare object indeed although Harry doubted its usefulness; what good would it do you to remember you had forgotten something if you couldn't tell what it was? Malfoy seemed just as interested in the Remebrall, as he snatched it from Neville only to be forced to return it with the appearance of professor McGonagall.
The talk then reverted back to Quidditch tactics after that and last summer's finals of the Quidditch World Cup held in Peru. Harry smiled inwardly; Severus and himself had been in every single game, leaving the country under their usual alias. Adrian had wanted to go like crazy, and so had Ron for that matter, but it was deemed impossible as they couldn't just stay in Peru for a month. Severus and Harry hadn't needed to, even if they did spend a couple of weeks there visiting the sights; apparently, when you had the ability to make portkeys -even ones of the slightly illegal variety- you could just go back and forth as you pleased, when you pleased. Spain had been hailed the winner of the World Cup, which was to be held in Britain next. The three boys quickly finished their breakfast and headed for the grounds were Madame Hooch, a woman with short gray hair and vivid yellow eyes, like those of a hawk, was waiting.
She gave them am introductory speech about how they should handle their brooms and the basics of flying, while Harry amused himself with wondering if next year he could apply for the Seeker position in the Gryffindor team; it was common knowledge that the younger years' students weren't usually picked for the team but Harry -if he said so himself- believed he had a fair chance. Besides, the Gryffindor team was kind of desperate for a good Seeker as they had been finishing last since Ron's brother Charlie had left the school. Madame Hooch gave the signal and Harry ordered his broom to move.
"Up!" And the broom, even if it was an old model -a Comet 36, Harry wondered. That thing belongs in a museum!- flew straight into his extended right hand. It was one of the few that did and Harry's mind went back into his first horse ridding lesson, when Severus had explained that horses could sense the fear of their riders. Could broomsticks do the same, Harry wondered interested as he mounted his broom and waited for Madame Hooch to count down. Apparently, Neville didn't as he kicked down a bit too early and his broom flew up and out of control. Harry winced sympathetically as he crashed into the ground. A broken wrist was Madame Hooch's verdict, as she led Neville to the infirmary, alerting anyone who felt tempted to take a flight in her absence to the dangers of expulsion. Again apparently, Draco didn't care.
"Did you see his face, the great lump?"
"Shut up Malfoy!" Adrian exclaimed, his temperament flaring. His reaction didn't exactly foreshadow a nice and quiet resolving of the situation, Harry imagined sarcastically, inwardly cursing Malfoy for provoking his brother.
"Yeah, shut up, Malfoy!" Parvati agreed, taking Adrian's side immediately.