HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 64: Chapter 64 : Bonds and Transformations



"It wasn't that bad, the lesson I mean." Harry admitted. "I was trying not to laugh thinking of their expressions if they knew how you really are though." The boy smirked.

"I imagine that often myself." Severus admitted with a chuckle.

"And Dad?"

"Yes, Harry?"

"You might have to wear that mask but you're not alone, okay?" He asked softly earning himself another hug.

"Thank you, Harry." Severus offered. The silence was complete for a hew moments until Harry exclaimed;

"I just can't believe how much Adrian is missing from his training!" Harry said agitated, his fear over his brother's survival returning; he didn't want to remind himself often, but he knew -deep down he was certain- that Voldemort would return one day. It was difficult to consider and it was just as damn unfair as it was definite. And when he did, Adrian would be a target; maybe the prime target if Voldemort hadn't realized his mistake, something quite possible since he had gone into hiding, completely disconnected from the world who had hailed Adrian Potter the boy who lived.

"I know." Severus stated grimly. He sighed. "But there is nothing we can do for now; just try to nudge him a bit towards the right direction; he has to improve." Severus stated and then smiled. "And speaking of studying, how's your transformation going?" Harry smiled.

"I haven't made a huge progress." He stated and brought his hand forward. "But I can do this." And as he spoke, his hand was covered in black fur while his nails became longer and wolf-like.

"That is some progress." Severus said smiling proudly.

"And you?" The boy asked and the potions master smirked, as he transformed his hand halfway between a paw and a human hand, his progress more obvious than Harry's.

"Brilliant!" Harry exclaimed as Severus smirked.

"I know." He stated with a self-satisfied air.

"Oh you think you're so smart, don't you?" Harry asked feigning an exasperated sigh.

"I think I'm adorable." Severus stated seriously, sending both of them in a new fit of laughter. They spoke for an hour or so, Harry explaining just what had happened during his first week and Severus informing him of how the school's staff had praised him during the beginning of the year meeting.

"They did?" Harry asked, his eyes shining.

"Of course they did, kid!" Severus stated, tussling the boy's hair.

"I wish you wouldn't do that." He stated, trying in vain to straighten his hair.

"Keep wishing, Harry." Severus offered; it was sometime after three that Harry finally slid out of the office, his glamour charms back in place and his father's cloak hiding him from prying eyes.

A.N.: Dun-dun! I hope none of you wants to kill me right now… Just know that I decided to forget I have a life outside this story and wrote this chapter four times -one with each House- to see which one fit better. And even though I preferred Ravenclaw -I'm a Ravenclaw on Pottermore so I may have been biased there- Gryffindor seemed the right choice for the story's progression. So, what do you think?



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