HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 63: Chapter 63 : A Heartfelt Conversation



"Yes, sir." Harry stated with a nod. "Asphodel and wormwood, in combination with some more ingredients, produce a sleeping draught so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death, a potion that has gained some recognition in Muggle folklore." The green eyed boy offered. "A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons with the notable exception of those using dragon's blood. Thankfully, dragon's blood is included to only a handful of potions as it tends to purify and is thus incompatible with most of the key ingredients of deadly poisons." Harry explained, remembering what Nicholas had told him of dragon's blood. That information was widely accessible and Harry remembered seeing a copy of Dumbledore's book on the subject back at the Potter manor so he figured he could include as much. "As for monkswood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant which is mostly used for healing potions; it is also known as aconite." That should cover it, Harry thought. Adrian was beaming at him and Harry smiled back timidly. His eyes caught Seamus' who winked and then Hermione's who looked at him astonished.

"Well, why aren't you writing that down?" Severus asked smiling inside with pride; he made a mental note to award five points to Gryffindor when he would be alone in his office. The rest of the lesson flowed easily, for the Slytherins that is. Harry was caught between laughing out loud and blaming himself for what Severus was going through… Maybe if it hadn't been for himself the potions master wouldn't have to try so hard, the boy thought as he stopped Neville, with whom he was paired with, before melting the cauldron on which they were working on. Neville thanked him soundlessly as Severus passed them by; the boy seemed to shrink at the potions master's presence. The potions master in question had caught Harry's expression and figured he would have to speak to the boy; he was terrified of what Harry would think of him after the lesson and his worst fears seemed to have come true.

The afternoon passed in a blur, Harry being stirred out of his self-imposed guilt only by the rocks Hagrid called cakes, and the three boys found themselves back to Gryffindor common room. The green eyed boy went to fetch his book on sigils -disguised as a copy of the first year Transformation book- as he did every night when his eyes fell on his owl; Hedwig was surprisingly perched on the left corner of his four poster bed, a letter tied on her leg. The note was simple and short;

"Meet me at my office tonight; use the cloak. We have to talk."

Harry wondered what could be the problem, his mind immediately jumping to the worst scenario; had Severus realized how much easier his life would be if he didn't have to pretend for his sake? He gulped and retrieved his book, burning the note with a quick Incedio. As interesting sigils were, he had no chance concentrating, his mind flying to the appointment he had later that night. He waited patiently for the whole house to fall asleep, making a show of going to bed himself; he remained wide awake until well after midnight before retrieving the invisibility cloak from his brother's trunk and heading for the dungeons, leaving an utterly confused Fat Lady behind. He practically ran down the Grand Staircase but, once he reached Severus's office, he froze. Now you're just being silly, he accused himself and knocked once before entering. Severus was there, seating on his armchair, the glamour spells lifted. Harry swiftly followed his example and entered the room, taking off his cloak.

"Hey, Sev." Harry started lightly, his eyes meeting Severus's and then widening in surprise; he expected to find annoyance, maybe some guilt, but not worry.

"Harry." Severus stated and motioned him to sit down. "I'm going to cut straight to the subject." The potions master started releasing a breath he had been holding; from all the ways he had though for getting what he wanted to say out, addressing it directly seemed the best way; he was never one to beat around the bush anyway.

"Sure, Sev." Harry said, confused now more than anything else.

"I know we have already talked about this still I couldn't help but notice how you reacted during your potions lesson this morning; Harry you know that's not really me right? It's just a mask I have to wear." Severus explained in on breath. "I want you to remember that." To his surprise, Harry laughed. "What?" The potions master asked confused himself while the boy laughed even harder.

"That's it?" Harry asked wiping his eyes. He still wasn't sure if his tears were from laughing so hard or from pure relief; probably it was both.

"What more is there?" Severus asked and the concentrated on the boy. "What did you think I was going to say?"

"That you're tired of wearing said mask and you blame me for ruining your life." Harry stated lightly while Severus's jaw dropped. He thought what?

"What?" he asked incredulously. Severus closed his eyes and massaged his temples slowly. "Haven't I told you not to stand right above your cauldron when your potions are boiling? The fumes are bad for you." Harry laughed some more.

"I'll try to avoid them in the future, Sev." The boy promised.

"But seriously, Harry." The potions master stated opening his eyes and moving closer to the boy; he placed his hands on Harry's shoulders and looked straight into his eyes. "How can you think you've ruined my life, kid? I would have to wear this mask whether it was for you or just to be ready for when Voldemort returns; it's a result of a choice I made before you were born and the burden is mine alone to bear." He explained. "I want you to remember Harry, that you are the only reason I'm there behind that mask. Because before you, I was the mask; I was cold and lost and didn't give a knut for what would happen to me; you brought me back, kid. And for than, I thank you." Harry smiled and hugged the potions master.



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