HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 69: Chapter 69 : Forbidden Corridor and Beyond



"Yes." They pondered the possibilities for a while until Severus noticed the clock and the fact that Harry had exactly fifteen minutes to get to the Greenhouses. They bid each other goodbye and parted ways with the promise to speak again on Friday night. From that point on September flew by like a breeze swiftly followed by October; caught between his lessons, his animagus transformation, his additional studies, Quidditch practice and worrying about Voldemort, it was Halloween before Harry could blink.

The past two months he had received a new Nimbus 2000 and a two long congratulatory letters -one from his parents and one from an overexcited Sirius, all promising to come and see his first game- he had had a breakthrough in his study of sigils and had managed to transform most parts of his body into his wolf form; Severus was quite certain that by Christmas he would succeed completely. And to top all that, Voldemort hadn't made a single move; so, it was no surprise Harry was in such a good mood as he walked towards the first class of the day of the great Halloween fest. Harry entered the Charms classroom and greeted professor Flitwick as he moved to sit down. He had been paired with Neville for the lesson, not wanting him to feel left out after Adrian swiftly avoided him and sat next to Seamus. Ron had been paired with Hermione to both their mortification.

"Good evening class!" Professor Flitwick started in his characteristic voice. "Today we'll start working on levitating charms, specifically the Wingardium Leviosa." A joyful murmur spread in the room; it was no secret that they had expected this lesson ever since Professor Flitwick had made Trevor, Neville's toad, fly around the room. "Now can anyone tell me why mastering this spell is crucial for your future education?" The Charms professor asked; Hermione's face showed great concentration and Harry knew she was trying to remember where the reason had been stated in their textbook; it hadn't been. It was just part of the general Charms theory. Harry smiled inwardly at her disgruntled expression when he raised his hand. "Mr. Potter!" The tiny professor exclaimed with a please smile.

"It's not the spell itself that we need to master; it's the wand movement." Harry explained as Flitwick nodded in agreement smiling. "It's a wand movement on which many spells, even advanced ones, are based. The Wingardium Leviosa charm requires the same wand movement but not the same amount of magic needed for the more advanced charms."

"Excellent Mr. Potter!" Flitwick exclaimed clapping once. "Three points to Gryffindor! Now, as Mr. Potter said, remember the wand movement we learned…" And he went on explaining what they should do exactly. Harry levitated the feather he and Neville where practicing with, getting another praise from the Charms professor, he then tried to explain Neville how to cast the spell too when a loud banging sound cut his explanation short; Seamus had set the feather he and Adrian were working with on fire, and Adrian was trying to put out the flames with his hat. At the same time, an irritated Ron tried and failed -waving his wand completely wrong- to perform the spell. Hermione tried to correct him, he seemed to get angrier and then she proceeded to show him just what he had done wrong, casting the spell. Ron just sulked as Hermione was congratulated for her efforts and Harry returned to helping Neville. When the lesson was over he followed his brother out, approaching him just in time to hear Ron, who was talking to Adrian about Hermione, declare;

"It's no wonder no one can stand her, she's a nightmare honestly!" Adrian didn't have time to reply as a girl with very recognizable bushy hair that was quite obviously crying, passed them by.

"I think she heard you." Adrian commented.

"Nice going there mate!" Harry excalimed sarcastically.

"What?" Ron complained. "She must've noticed she's got no friends!" The redhead concluded. Harry just sighed and simply moved towards the Great Hall. He paused as he thought about the situation a bit better and turned towards Ron.

"You should apologize when you see her next.' He told him, only to be rewarded with a rather nasty look.

"Why? She was being such a know-it-all and she…"

"Tried to help you?" Harry asked, cocking and eyebrow. "Albeit she did it in a slightly high and mighty way but she meant well and you know it." The green eyed boy commented as Ron deflated and blushed.

"He got you there mate." Adrian agreed.

"Fine, fine." Ron grumbled under his breath. "I'll bloody tell her I'm sorry when I see her next." He didn't seem too pleased with the situation though.

"Just remember; a stiff apology is a second insult. The injured party does not want to be compensated because they have been wronged; they want to be healed because they have been hurt." Harry offered with a smirk and walked to the fest leaving a gaping Ron and a half amused, half confused Adrian behind; ah, the joys of a well-rounded education... He would have to thank Severus later.

The Great Hall was decorated magnificently for the occasion, thousands of live bats flying overhead, making the candles' flames twinkle; Harry smiled as he walked to the Gryffindor table. His good mood was somehow dampened -somehow being quite a lot- from Parvati's admittance that Hermione had locked herself in the dungeons' girls lavatory crying. Harry had noticed she had been absent from the lessons that day and, though he had been worried, he had hoped she would have come around by the time of the feast. To his merit, Ron looked ashamed. Harry was just about to ask him to go found her and work things out, when a terrified Quirell entered the Great Hall.

"Troll -in the dungeons- I thought you ought to know." He stated as he reached Dumbledore's chair before promptly tumbling to the floor in a dead faint. The school actually started to clap as Harry's face turned ashen, Severus was looking at Quirell enraged and the green eyed boy could only guess why; but Quirell? Could it be him that was helping Voldemort? The Headmaster ordered the students to be accompanied to their common rooms and Harry reluctantly followed Percy, having half a mind to go to the forbidden corridor -he suspected Sev would cover that front- when it hit him; Hermione… dungeon… troll. Goblins' gold! He swiftly turned around, just in time to see Ron and his brother heading for the dungeons themselves. Now he really would have to hurry.

He practically flew down the stairs, his heart beating hard inside his chest, his wand withdrawn. He took a sharp turn left and then jumped back behind the corner; Adrian and Ron were near the girls' lavatory door and his blood ran cold when he noticed the troll was in there too. Hermione was in danger! And then his blood turned to ice as his brother and Ron locked her in with the troll. They turned to leave before Hermione's scream brought them to their senses; the two boys swiftly returned, unlocked the door and entered the bathroom, almost giving Harry a heart attack in the process.

He approached the room in a dead sprint and found himself looking at a terrified Hermione shrinking under a sink, Ron and Adrian taunting the troll and throwing stuff at it and the bathroom itself in various stages of destruction, the stench coming from the creature surrounding the debris. The troll was hiding him from the two boys while Hermione's eyes were closed. Without stopping to think, he pointed his wand at the twelve feet tall creature and sent a powerful curse against it, strong enough to break through the creature's magic resistant skin, possibly breaking one of its legs, at the same time when Adrian waved his wand to send a weak stupefy at it.



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