Chapter 73: Grim's Magical Combat
Loki tossed Stark through the penthouse window and Stark shot down towards the ground. As Stark fell a red machine flew down after him, two red laser devices appeared out of it and scanned the bracelets on Tony's wrists, after it had finished the machine had attached itself to Tony and began transforming. A few seconds later Tony was in a fully functioning Iron man suit. Tony quickly activated his suit and barely stopped himself from crashing down onto civilians and the pavement, Iron Man flew up so he was now flying right next to the window that Loki had thrown him out of.
"And there's one other person you pissed off, his name is Phil." Iron Man said before he shot Loki with a repulsor blast, however he was surprised when a red beam followed his blast and hit Loki at the same time, Loki flew back and cried out in pain as he landed. Iron Man turned around and saw Grim in full costume flying in front of him. "Oh...hey." Tony greeted him. "Nice to see you here."
"Stark." Grim nodded.
"That red beam that you shot at Loki, was that by any chance..."
"Crucio, yes." Grim nodded.
"Delightful." Tony replied. Any further response was cut off by a large blue beam shooting out from the top of the tower and into the sky, a massive blue portal appeared and aliens began flying out. ""
Harry and Tony looked up at the aliens that appeared to be on flying chariots, they remembered that they were called the 'Chitauri' but quite frankly neither of them really cared what they were supposed to be called at the moment. The aliens riding them were mostly grey colored and appeared to be a hybrid mix of reptilians life forms and machines.
"You ready for this?" Iron Man asked Grim.
"Not my first time fighting an army," Grim replied. "just the first time fighting one from out of space." He added almost as an afterthought before he flew up towards the portal with Iron Man flying right alongside him. As they ascended higher into the air they easily caught the attention of the Chitauri.
Iron Man began firing repulsor blasts from his hands just as Grim pulled a sword out of his suit using his left hand and had his wand appear in his other. Grim began blasting them using wand while keeping the sword ready to strike any that got too close. He and Iron Man each managed to cut down several of these alien warriors. Iron Man's right shoulder pad opened and several small missiles shot out and destroyed a large amount of the Chitauri vehicles.
Grim cut down one pilot with his sword before leaving his sword in the body of another pilot after hitting another chariot with a high powered flame blast. It didn't escape Grim's notice that a great many of the Chitauri had managed to sneak past him and Stark, he was then blasted by one of the energy beams from the Chitauri weapons, it shoved him to the side a bit but thankfully it felt like nothing more than a rough push thanks to his brilliant suit. Grim aimed his wand at the chariot that had blasted him and sent a blasting curse that shoved it backwards so it crashed into two other Chitauri chariots.
Harry changed directions and descended down to chase after the ones that had gotten away, he could have stayed by the portal but knew that he would have likely gotten overwhelmed with so many coming out so fast, plus if he didn't go down and help then a lot of people would die since the Chitauri were showing no problems with blasting each and everything in sight. He cut down one chariot with a cutting curse to the pilot before hitting another chariot pilot with a killing curse. It did not escape his attention that two chariots were flying behind him. He shot a wandless blast that quickly took out one and then he hit the other with an ice blast that caused it to fall straight towards the ground.
Grim quickly chased after another trio of chariots, he barrel rolled to avoid several blasts from them. The chariots had suddenly changed directions and and headed towards him, they began firing but he quickly shielded against their blasts, after a few seconds of shielding he teleported so he was now behind them. The Chitauri were confused by the sudden disappearance of their target but did not get much time to deal with their confusion since Grim wasted no time at all and quickly killed them.
Grim was pushed forwards by one blast that hit his back, he looked back and saw at least ten Chitauri chariots heading towards him. He flew off to avoid another blast and kept flying with the chariots chasing after him, one new chariot tried to surprise him by attacking from the side but a quick cutting curse had taken that one down. Grim glanced back at the Chitauri chariots chasing after him, he aimed his wand behind him and multiple golden soccer ball sized orbs of energy shot out.
Just as the Chitauri got closer to the golden orbs the orbs exploded, each one taking down multiple chariots. Grim landed on top of a building, he span around just as his wand top glowed a bright blue, he waved his hand a big, bright, blue wave shot out and took down at least ten chariots. While he loved flying his spells were far more powerful and easier to aim at when he had his feet planted on something solid.
He aimed his hand at a chariot that was flying towards him and his suit shot a spear sized spike that pierced through the pilot and into the passenger, the chariot crashed into another thanks to the loss of control and took that down as well. Harry wasn't given much time to marvel at his work due to a blast from behind that struck the roof that he was standing on, the exploding roof sent him flying off the building.
He quickly recovered and flew off, blasting many more aliens as he did so. He teleported to another rooftop, the tip of his wand glowed a bright red just as he aimed it at several Chitauri chariots, a thick red beam blasted out from his wand and pierced through four chariots before Grim ended the spell, he then flicked his wand and sent a chariot crashing into another chariot.
Grim drew a large black colored 'X' in the air with his wand, he jabbed the 'X' and it shot forward and wrapped itself around two Chariots, causing them to crash against a third one as they fell out of the sky. One energy beam came close to hitting Grim but he managed to deflect it towards another pilot with a shield before hitting the one who had shot at him with a killing curse.
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