Harry Potter In Marvel

Chapter 74: Padfoot Unleashed

Suddenly Grim realized that he was surrounded on all sides by Chitauri chariots that were hovering over and around him, but he wasn't worried as he was nothing if not adaptable. He waved his wand around himself and created a transparent dome shaped shield. The Chitauri wasted no time and quickly fired at the shield, their beams crashed against it but it did not break.

What they did not r

ealize was the fact that shield was in fact absorbing and holding the energy from the attacks, several moments later the Chitauri stopped firing and checked to see if Grim was dead, when the dust from all the blasting cleared they saw that he was standing and perfectly unharmed. Three seconds later the shield burst outwards, slapping all the nearby Chitauri away, a few recovered but most of them crashed into each other and plummeted towards the ground.

Grim ran and quickly jumped off the building and flew off before they could start blasting him again. Several chariots began chasing him, they all started firing their energy beams but Grim dodged them all and quickly returned fire.


"Stark! We're on your three and heading North East." Grim heard Natasha's voice thanks to the ear piece that he was wearing.

"What? Did you stop for drive through?" Stark asked sarcastically just as Grim dodged a trio of beams before killing three more pilots with piercing hexes. He wasn't really sure how long he had been fighting at this point. "Swing up Park, I'm going to lay them out for you." Stark said before he leaded the chariots that were chasing him into position for them to be shot by the very large machine gun that was attached to the jet that Barton and Natasha were flying.

Grim felt himself get blasted in the left side and returned the favour by flicking his wrist and sending a spike at the shooter from his suit, Grim aimed his wand behind him and allowed a thin green gas to shoot out, he waited until a few Chitauri chariots got into the gas before he lit it on fire. Grim continued flying when he saw Iron Man flying towards him from the opposite direction.

Grim didn't slow down though, instead he sped up and flew straight towards Stark. Grim leaned towards his left, Iron Man appeared to have got and understood the hint as he leaned in the opposite direction. Both waited until they were close enough, Iron Man quickly flew lower and went under the Chariots that were chasing Grim, he had managed to blast a few on the way. Grim on the other hand had teleported away and landed on top of a nearby building and shot any remaining chariots that had managed to not crash.

After he was done with that he would have liked to call it a day but knew that the fight was anything but close to being over. He quickly rolled out of the way to avoid some more blasts and shot down two more chariots before flying off and returning to the air. Four red beams shot out of his wand and took out four more chariots, he then produced a flock of birds with metal wings and directed them to attack Chitauri soldiers, and they did so.

Grim placed his left hand on his chest as his suit created a few throwing stars for him, he dodged one blast before throwing them and taking out a pilot. His suit created a knife for him which he grabbed by the handle and tossed behind him into another pilot. Grim followed up with an explosive curse that managed to take out two more chariots.

After a few more minutes of flying and blasting Grim heard a loud crash and looked down to see that the jet had crashed landed.


After a few seconds to make sure that everyone was alright, and a moment to appreciate how durable the jet was, the jet doors opened. Natasha, Clint, Steve and Padfoot all quickly walked out. They were only out of the jet for a few seconds when they saw a trio of Chitauri soldiers standing a small distance away and pointing their weapons at them.

But before either side could do anything the ground under the Chitauri soldiers exploded, throwing the trio of soldiers into different directions. Grim landed right in front of the group, Padfoot quickly rushed towards him and placed both of his paws on Harry's chest just as Harry gave the black dog a quick hug before gently pushing him off after a quick 'missed you too boy'.

"Are you all alright?" Harry asked when he looked at the other members of the jet crash.

"We're fine," Cap answered on behalf of the group. "but we need to start helping the civilians."

"You guys can take the ground then, me and Stark are dealing with the sky. Padfoot," Harry said to Padfoot who was giving Harry his full attention. "battle mode." Harry said before he took off into the air and flew back into battle.

Before Natasha and the others could say anything they heard Padfoot growl, they looked towards the dog and watched as he grew until he was the size of a dire wolf, his teeth became longer, especially his fangs, the nails on his paws became longer. Slick black armour appeared on him in the form of a chest plate, leg guards, a tip on his tail that had a silver spike on it and a helmet with holes for his ears while the rest of his body disappeared under a thin grey cloth. The final change was in his eyes which were now a bright and fiery emerald green as opposed to his usual blue eyes. Right now he looked less like a simple, everyday pet and more like a pet that belonged to a god of war.

"Whoa." Clint let out a deep breath at the sight in front of him. "Am I the only one who is seeing this?" He asked the other two.

"I thought it was just me." Natasha replied, looking at Padfoot with wide eyes. Padfoot suddenly growled and rushed forwards and straight at a group of five Chitauri soldiers, he quickly tackled one to the ground which caused the others to fall back. Padfoot's teeth ripped into the soldier who quickly died under such a vicious attack, Padfoot then turned to his right and jumped in the air. He bit one soldier as his back legs kicked the other, the soldiers throat was ripped out before Padfoot sank his teeth into the other one.

The two remaining soldiers blasted Padfoot but their blasts didn't do much besides push him slightly, Padfoot growled before charging towards the two, he quickly killed the one on the left. The one on the right tried running but Padfoot was faster and quickly caught up, he slammed his teeth into the soldier's arm and dragged him down to the ground before attacking the throat.

Once he was done Padfoot quickly rushed towards the others and stopped in front of Natasha, he bowed his head down and dropped something which upon closer inspection looked like the throat that he had just ripped out. Clint and Steve looked at Natasha who had simply leaned down and without hesitation or fear and petted Padfoot on the head.

"Good boy," She smiled. "I'll make sure Harry gives you a nice treat later." Padfoot happily barked at that.


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