Harry Potter In Marvel

Chapter 72: Heroes on the Hunt

Harry sighed as he walked down the hallways of the hellicarrier, deep in thought. So much so that he nearly missed Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow walking towards past him. Captain America was wearing his costume with the helmet up and vibranium shield in hand, Barton had a quiver and bow, Natasha had her wrist gauntlets along with a couple of guns in her leg holsters.

"What are you guys doing?" Harry asked as he turned around and began following after them.

"Stark's taken off." Black Widow replied.

"We think he's worked out where Loki is." Cap replied as they all entered a jet.

"Hey," The Shield worker in the jet said. "you guys can't be in here."

"Son," Cap said in a tired voice. "just don't." He said right before Barton and Natasha walked past the Shield agent and took the two pilot seats.

"But I..."

"Look," Harry cut off the Shield worker. "just go, make a report and then enjoy your lunch or whatever, we have important things to do and not enough time to do so. Now get out of this jet on your feet or I'll throw you out on your ass." Harry said as he gave the Shield Agent a cold look, the Shield agent gulped before quickly rushing out.

The jet doors began closing but Padfoot ran inside before they closed, Padfoot quickly rushed towards Harry and rubbed his heads against Harry's leg. The jet slowly rose up before it flew off and flew out of the hellicarrier.

"Is he going to be alright?" Cap asked as he gestured to Padfoot. "I mean flying and then we're all going to likely walk into a fight."

"He can handle himself." Harry said with a knowing smile.

"Fair enough," Cap nodded, deciding to take Harry at his word. "Everything good?" Cap asked Clint and Natasha.

"All good Cap." Barton replied.

"I take it that you think you're good enough to be back in the field." Harry said to Barton.

"I like to think that I am," Barton nodded. "I'm good enough to shoot an arrow through Loki's eye."

"Glad to hear it." Harry said before turning to Cap. "So where are we heading and what do you know about it?"

"Alright," Cap said as he sat down. "me and Stark were talking about Coulson when suddenly...


"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity." Loki said as he and Stark entered the penthouse of Stark tower. Tony had just landed at the tower a few moments ago, his robots removed his damaged Iron Man suit. Tony felt a lot more vulnerable without his armour but since it was really damaged he knew it wouldn't do much good.

"Uh...actually I'm planning to threaten you." Tony replied as he walled towards the bar.

"You should have left your armour on for that." Loki smirked.

"Yeah," Tony replied as he got behind the bar. "it's seen a bit of mileage, and you have the glowstick of destiny. Would you like a drink?" Tony offered.

"Stalling me won't change anything." Loki replied.

"No, no, not stalling, I am threatening, big difference." Tony corrected him "No drink? You sure? I've got some really nice and expensive ones, Pepper wishes I spent less on them actually but I'm rich so...I fear I might have diverted too far...well if you're sure. I'm having one." Tony said as he picked up a bottle and began pouring himself a drink.

"The Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that." Loki said, possessing all the confidence in the world. "what have I to fear?" He asked.

"The Avengers," Tony answered, Loki gave him a look that clearly said he did not know what Tony was talking about. "it's kind of what we call ourselves." Tony began explaining. "It's sort of like a team, Earth's mightiest heroes type of thing, you get the idea."

"I've met them." Loki said with an amused face, mentally remembering his escape on the hellicarrier.

"Yeah," Tony said with an annoyed smile. "it takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one. But let's do a head count, shall we? First of all we have Thor, your brother, the demi-god of Thunder." Loki turned away at the mention of his brother, allowing Tony to sneak two bracelets onto his wrist. "Next we have the one and only Captain America, a super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to legend. Next up on our list is Bruce Banner, a man with breathtaking anger management issues. Followed up by Black Widow and Hawkeye, a couple of master assassins with a grudge against you. There's me, naturally."

"Of course, how could I forget you?" Loki said in a dry voice.

"And if that's not enough then we also have Grim, the magical wizard who kicked your ass and turned you into a crying little baby with a single spell. What was it called again? Oh right, 'crucio' I believe it was," Tony said, not even bothering to fight off the smirk that appeared on his face when he saw a small shiver go through Loki. "He will be coming too, I reckon he's probably not too happy with you either. Him plus the others and you, big fella, have managed to piss off ever single one of them."

"That was the plan."

"Not a great plan," Tony shrugged as he walked out and past the bar after taking a few sips of his drink. "because when they come they will come for you." He said as he walked towards Loki.

"I have an army." Loki reminded him.

"We have a Hulk." Tony replied as if that solved everything.

"Your plan is based on a mindless beast?" Loki raised an eyebrow.

"You're missing the point," Tony rolled his eyes. "there's no throne, there's no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe you're army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you." Tony said as he stopped in front of him. "Because if we can't protect the Earth then you can be damn well sure that we'll avenge it." Tony finished before taking another sip.

"How will your friends have time for me..." Loki walked towards Tony menacingly. "...when they're too busy fighting you?" Loki tapped his scepter on Tony's chest, unknowingly tapping his arc reactor, his expression instantly turned to one of surprise when Tony wasn't taken over by the scepter's magic. He tried it again only to receive the same result. "This usually works" Loki frowned, wondering what the hell was wrong with the scepter.

"Well performance issues, it's not uncommon," Tony replied. "one out of five..." Tony found himself being cut off as Loki grabbed him by the neck and tossed him to the floor ."Jarvis, anytime now." Tony groaned as he stood up.

"You will all kneel before me!" Loki said as he grabbed Tony by the neck and raised him into the air.

"Jarvis deploy!" Tony gasped out. "Deploy!"


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