Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 52

I’m pretty excited to do some leveling again so I ask Amber when she’ll be headed back to Liberation so that we can do the Dungeon.

“Opal, I can’t head back yet. I want to stay here and talk to Ruby about what she plans for the fort.” She tells me, but then when I frown a little she laughs and says “You can use your other body to go level in the dungeon with your new classes, but you have to find someone to go with you okay?” I nod vigorously and respond “I will, and I’ll get someone to cover the gate for me too. Thanks for understanding Amber.” I hug her and start moving my other body to where I think Sapphire might be.

I get to the (Well) and finally find my daughter there, her blue hair blowing in the wind. I don’t feel any wind though, so I approach her and ask “I don’t feel any wind, is that a hair skill?” she laughs and then her hair stops blowing in the non-existent wind. “It’s not a wind skill, it’s a skill that helps me dry things, I just washed my hair and used it. So what are you looking for me for?” Oh that sounds like a skill that she would get, being clean and dry can be nice. “I need someone to watch the gate for me while I go into the dungeon, and someone to go into the dungeon with me. Amber says I can’t go alone.”

She thinks and then tells me “I can watch the gate for a little while and find someone to replace me if you aren’t back yet by the time I need to talk to Sue about her farming ideas. As for the dungeon, I know a few people have already started going in today, so maybe you can catch a party with less than 4 on their way to reset it.” That’s a good idea. I thank her for taking the gate for me and head towards the (Dungeon).

It only takes a couple minutes of waiting before I see a party of two step out. I immediately stop them from going back in and say “I’m looking for someone to go into the dungeon with, Amber is worried and won’t let me go alone. Can I go in with you two?”

Stan lets out a happy sigh and says “Oh thank god, I didn’t want to sit through more orc squealing and this boy is relentless. Can you take over watching him for me, I’m sure he he can watch your back as well so your wife doesn’t worry.” I nod but am surprised Stan doesn’t want to get more leveling in, maybe he’s going to talk to the gnomes about plants again. “Okay Jeff, add me to your party and I hope you don’t mind if we kill things fast, I want to see if I can get my level 5 skill for my tier 4 before Amber gets back so I can show off.” I tell him really fast, excited to get to the fighting.

Jeff answers “Y-yeah.” and I get the invite. After accepting it I say thank you to Stan and enter the dungeon. We start clearing the floors quickly, stopping to grab the potion on the 7th floor each time and not going to the 10th. Jeff is pretty good with his shield, and he’s getting used to the new sword he got from the Armory. Nothing comes close to a challenge for us, so we just take turns killing the orcs.

A couple hours later

While clearing out a room again, I ask him “So are you feeling any better yet from killing all these orcs?”


Angelic Mother level 5 skill unlocked

Max Class skills for Angelic Mother. Choose a Class skill to remove.

Oh nice! I remove Glowing Visage and check my new skills since he seems to be thinking.



Enrage and Cover must be from levels 5 and 10 in my Tank class. I’m level 14 in it, so I’m close to getting another, but Angel Wings is for my Angelic Mother class. If it wasn’t I would be extremely confused. I do look behind me though and don’t see any wings. Unfortunate. I guess it’s just called that and doesn’t actually give me wings. I jump to test it out and my head slams against the boards on the ceiling, cracking them. “Holy shit are you okay?” Jeff runs up to me, but I’m fine. “Yeah I got my new skill and it increases my jump height. I wasn’t expecting that much.” I tell him and giggle.

He sighs and says “To answer your question, I’m not really feeling better. I’ve gotten levels and vented, but Cindy has been my girlfriend since we were little kids. Seeing her pregnant and with Jon’s dad was a lot. She also looked pretty pregnant so I know she didn’t even wait that long to get with someone else. The thing that bugs me is something that shouldn’t, but we never even had sex the whole time we were dating. She told me she was waiting till we got married.” Poor Jeff, Cindy sounds a lot meaner than she seemed in person. Jeff asks “Do you think I’m pathetic?” I shake my head and answer “Of course not.” I give him a soft hug and say “You weren’t the one going against the rules set in your relationship, she’s the pathetic one. How about we kill some more orcs and get you more used to that sword.” I pull back and smile at him. He blushes and nods so we continue further into the dungeon again.

Opal’s other body at Ruby’s Rest

I tell Amber who just got done talking to Ruby, about poor Jeff and she growls and says “I don’t like this Cindy woman, Jeff is a cute man.” I nod and ask her “So what did you want to talk about with me in private?” She leads me to one of the empty buildings and we check inside to make sure no one is around.

“It’s about your new skill, the one that increases bodily fluids effectiveness. It probably works for you milk and we need to find a way to get you pregnant. Lucky for us I already had a target yesterday and you happen to be alone in a dungeon with him right now.” Does she mean Jeff? I guess he’s nice. She continues “I was actually going to ask you if I could sleep with him myself first, he’s just so earnest and cute. It’s sad he got taken advantage of by that woman. You should see if he’s interested in us for me, since you’re alone and he seems too shy to talk about something like that in public.” I tell her “Sure that sounds like fun, and if he accepts and can get me pregnant, then not only will I get more babies I’ll also finally be able to help you girls with my breast milk. Probably.” She hugs me and says “Okay you ask him and I’ll start heading that way! I’m so excited!” she then kisses me and runs out of the building. I guess I should head to Ruby’s gate with this body.

Back at the Dungeon

We get to the room with the bed and I tell Jeff “Hold on there’s something I need to ask you, this should be a safe spot since we’ve cleared the floor.” I then go to sit down on the bed and he answers “Sure, what do you need to know?” I sit a little too hard and the bed frame collapses under me, it’s embarrassing so I try to play it off and lay back onto the mattress closing my eyes. I still remember to ask though.

“Will you have sex with us?”

I wait a bit. I sure hope he accepts… I feel something tugging at my shorts so I open my eyes and see Jeff standing there without his pants, penis hard, and his hands tossing my shorts across the room his face is red and I see him breathing hard. I hope he’s okay. He spreads my legs and gets on top of me stuttering out “I-I-I w-will!” I’m about to correct his obvious misunderstanding but he leans forward and kisses me on the lips.

*Lewd Scene*



I stroke his hair and he rolls onto the bed next to me saying “Thank you Opal, that was amazing.” he then looks scared and says “Your wife! I’m so sorry, I need to apologize to her. How could you ask me that when you’re married?” I know, I should have finished telling him but he was so fast so I’ll clear it up now “Jeff, when I asked if you’d have sex with us I meant both of us, Amber is on her way here now to have sex with us in a few hours.” His mouth opens wide and he gets a shocked expression, he then recovers a bit and asks “You mean.. both of you.. at once?” I nod and say “Yup, hopefully it’s a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to it now since your penis felt pretty good inside of me for that short time.”

He just looks at me for a long time and then asks “Do we have time to go again before she gets back?” I nod but answer him “We do have enough time, but that would be rude. She really wants to have sex with you so if you run out of semen before she gets here she’ll be sad. So lets get dressed and get some more levels while we can.” I look down and see semen spilling out of my pussy, it does look and feel like more than it should be… but then I remember my level 25 skill from Seething Darkness.

Beckoning Dark: (Passive)

You are more attractive. Increase sexual partner's fluid production based on your attractiveness. Effects greatly increased at night or in dungeons.

Yeah, that’s probably what did it, we are in a dungeon. Ohh that reminds me so I check my free points which now shows Free Points: 12. I can get free points again! Well I figured I could this way, but I was still a little afraid Arhu had meant only he can give me points from cumming inside. So it’s still a relief, I check to see if he got me pregnant, it would be nice to be able to get the milk sooner after all.

Current Status: Pregnant (1)

Only one really? How is that even possible? I have a ton of skills and titles that give me more babies per pregnancy. One baby, what an odd idea. I think for a second after finishing getting dressed and tell Jeff “Actually, I just thought of something I should be back shortly after Amber gets here. Do you mind waiting outside the dungeon for us?” He says “Are you kidding, why wouldn’t I wait.” and then laughs, I’m not sure what’s funny, but he looks happy again, so that’s good. We head to the exit and leave.

I’m going to switch with my other body so we can get it pregnant too and have more sources of milk.

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