Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 51

I look down at the man’s pants slightly confused.

He sees me look down and laughs, letting my hand go. “I get that reaction a lot these days, it’s all the new slang clouding the youth’s brains.” He says, but I only nod so I don’t look dumb in front of the other Landowners. The woman, Cindy, hits Richard on the shoulder and says “He’s just joking and an old perv, call him Richard.” Oh so it was a joke, should I laugh to pretend that I understood the joke, or do I look cooler if I don’t laugh. In the end it takes me too long to decide and my window for laughing has passed. Oh well.

I forgot to open the gate before jumping down and most of the others are fighting in the dungeon, so I’m probably going to have to toss Sapphire over the gate again. I tell everyone to wait so we can open the gate and the other elves decide they want to be thrown too, reminding me that it’s unfair if I only toss one of them. So I just start throwing them over, it’s a lot easier now with so many levels and those free points I put into strength while insane. This is the first time the Taylors have seen us get in this way, and they all have shocked expressions on their faces. Stan walks up to me and asks “Could you throw me over too?” with a grin on his face, so I warn him “Are you sure, you might get hurt on the pointy tops of the logs?” He just nods and responds “You seem to be doing a fine job of aiming the others so I trust you to not get me impaled.” I grab him and then toss him over as well, I hear his jolly laughs as he soars through the air and onto the gate safely. Seeing everyone else have so much fun with it makes me want to try, but someone would need a lot of strength to toss me that far. Unfortunate.

With the gates open now, Sapphire invites everyone inside. Cindy gets a sour look on her face and asks “Are there no normal houses or buildings?” One of my daughters answers “We took the camp from our captors the orcs, so it doesn’t have any normal buildings yet. We have managed to build a place for sleeping, but it’s only temporary until we can get a better one.” Richard then asks for clarification “So this used to be an orc camp? That makes sense then. We actually have a nice man in our camp who used to build homes for a living. Maybe you could convince him to come help you ladies get a better setup.” Sapphire gets sparkles in her eyes and starts asking him about the man, I’m not really that interested. Probably.

The visiting couple gets a tour of the camp, which doesn’t take too long. They ask about what we have in the dungeon and I explain since I’ve gone through it the most times. “It’s just a bunch of orcs and a few Mimics. The experience is pretty useful, but if you have a dungeon you should be careful on the tenth floor. There’s a chance of a rare boss room that’s much harder.” Cindy gasps and says “Dan.” Richard shakes his head and says “Thank you for telling us about that, we had a party disappear on us a few days ago, they shouldn’t have had any issues fighting the 10th level boss together normally.” That is pretty sad, the only way my daughters knew what was going on at the time was because of my extra body. When we get to the (Pig Pen) Cindy grabs me and says “Would you be willing to trade us some of these? We have been having some serious food problems and don’t have any food producing structures available.” I see an opportunity and answer her “If you have people willing to come spend stamina to make the pigs, you can take them back with you. I get the tax income from them anyways, so take as many as you need.” Cindy hugs me and Richard says “If there is anything we can help you with let us know. We don’t have anything like this other than the (Well) for water though.” Sapphire jumps into the conversation “Do you have spare bedding, like sheets and blankets? We only have a couple, but it’s not nearly enough for everyone.” Cindy wipes a tear from her eye and lets me go responding “We can find some for you no problem, this food will be a huge relief for us. If you decide later you’d be more comfortable trading for it instead let us know. Players have to stick together.”

I nod and tell them I’ll let them know if something comes up. After we finish the tour it’s time for Cindy and Richard to head back to their base, and Mr. and Miss Taylor ask to go with them. “We think we would be more comfortable at your camp for now, do you mind if we stay there?” Richard agrees that they can move and more bodies are always welcome. Jeff and his uncle neither seem interested and will still be staying with us. So the Taylors and Landowners each make a pig and head out the gate. Jeff stomps off to the dungeon with his uncle, probably going to kill some orcs. I remember how Ruby wanted to kill things after finding out Tasha was touching other people, so it’s probably related. Cindy did say she used to date Jeff, and I have heard Jeff mumbling he has a girlfriend under his breath a lot lately. I guess he didn’t know she wasn’t his girlfriend anymore. Relationships can be complicated. Probably.

-POV Stan-

Poor kid. Not only did he find out his best friend died today, he saw his girlfriend pregnant and married to another man. I shake my head, watching Jeff kill some orcs. I couldn’t let him come into the Dungeon alone, but I’m not really interested in fighting now that we’ve gotten to safety. I’ll just keep an eye on him while he blows off some steam. I wish I had a joint I could share with him, but I doubt he’d take it anyways. The women in this camp all seem really nice, I have a lot of bad experiences with women in the past, so it’s really refreshing. The way the little gnomes listen to me when I talk about my hobbies, there’s just no way I could leave and go to a place with a bunch of mean humans. It’s probably a human thing, all these elves and gnomes are like long eared angels.

Opal, their leader from what I can tell, seems really kind as well. She’s just very violent.

I have to admit, getting thrown onto the gate was a fun and unique experience. I wonder if I could convince her to toss me over sometimes, maybe we could make it an event and do it every Sunday or something. Would be more fun than sitting through my sister’s church again.

I’m sure Jeff will be fine in no time, he’s going to be surrounded by beautiful women with his parents in a different camp. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are little Jeffs running around the place in 9 or 10 months. I laugh to myself. If I were a younger man I’d probably be pursuing one myself, but I don’t want to ruin a good thing, so I’ll just see what happens.

Jeff isn’t paying attention and a chest lunges at him with a mouth full of teeth, so I stab it until it dies. I’m glad they had a way for me to get a new spear and having a title is pretty chill. I guess this is the Mimic they told us to be careful of. “Hey Jeff, pay attention man.” I remind him and he rubs the back of his head embarrassed. “Thanks for the save Uncle, I’m just a little out of it right now.” I clap a hand onto his shoulder and say “Do what you need to man, just don’t get yourself hurt, there are lots of pretty ladies in the world.” He sighs and says “I’ll try Uncle, thanks.” and we continue on further into the dungeon.

He’s a good kid.

-POV End-

I tell Ruby and the others about our visitors at Liberation, and when I get to the part about letting them use my pig pen Ruby interrupts “You should have charged them Credits for it Mom.” she then sighs and smiles “I know you’re too nice for that though, and it’s your camp so it’s your decision. If you want to start trading with them instead at some point come to me. I can help you get a fair deal out of it.” I hug her since she’s so cute worrying about me. “Thanks Ruby, I’ll let you know. Oh and if they don’t have a food option it’s possible you might need pigs too.” Ruby then shakes her head and says “We could use some pigs until I get enough credits, but I have the same (Pig Pen) option since it was an orc fort.” That makes sense, I remember my option saying it was an orc camp exclusive. I wonder if any of my daughters would want some of the fish from my lake. “Hey Amber, do you think your sisters would want to eat fish from my lake sometimes? I could probably get some of my frogmen babies to bring us fish if I let them take pigs on the way back.” Amber gets her thinking face and answers “I do think that’s a good idea, I don’t know if fish taste any good though.” Ruby speaks up “It couldn’t hurt to try it, it would also let us see our frogmen siblings more often. They may look a little weird, but they’re family.”

I still need to visit and show my lake to Amber. It is a pretty amazing lake, and I’ll get to see Chief and Guard again. It will have to wait until Ruby’s fort is secure of course. “Hey wife, you were going to tier up today after the fight right? Why don’t you do that now, there shouldn’t be any attacks on the fort so soon.” Amber reminds me, she’s such a good daug.. wife. I should ask her about her classes later, but she’s right if I’m going to tier up now’s the time. I check my levels.

Class: (3)Radiant Progenitress Level 52, (3)Seething Darkness Level 28, (1)Slave Level 25

Oh I’m high enough in Slave already to reset it, that makes me happy. I forgot just how fast the first tier gets levels. I think I have enough in Seething Darkness to cover for the stat loss I’ll get from tiering up Radiant Progenitress as well. Since Slave is an easy decision I’ll just do that now.




I of course choose Tank again, the new option available, Trader, isn’t really interesting to me. I do wonder if they can hit people with Credits somehow, but I wouldn’t pick it.


Now I have Tank again, I feel cleaner for some reason and let out a relieved sigh. I tell Amber and Ruby that it feels nice to not have the Slave class anymore and they both hug me. This is nice. I stand there being squished between my two daughters for a few minutes and then focus on tiering up Radiant Progenitress.




I go over my options, but it hardly seems like a choice. I wish Angelic Mother would praise me more in its description, but it’s the obvious option here. It’s the only rare one, if Shimmering Warlord was (Rare) I probably would have taken it since it mentions War, so it might have helped with our War quest. It’s not rare though, so it only gets 4 stats boosted per level instead of 5. Angelic Mother does have a nice ring to it, so I focus and select it.




I forgot that this could happen. The first option is Bloody Cuts so I’ll just select it, I won’t be using any weapons anyway.


Bloody Cuts Skill Removed

Ah wait no! I forgot I had this Sacred Blood skill… Oh well. It will be the next to go, since I don’t have blood. I wonder if the new skill will increase how many points my daughters will get from drinking my milk. I’d have to get pregnant again to find out though, so I probably won’t find out anytime soon. I tell Amber about the skill and she gets an excited look saying “We need to talk in private later and also… test out the other effect.” I nod, we haven’t really had a good opportunity to do anything sexual yet, but it reminds me of the time Tasha got in trouble so I am looking forward to it. I check to see what my new Status menu looks like.




It is looking much better than when I tier up all my classes at once, and I can tell the bonuses from titles are really starting to add up. Now I just have to figure out how I’m going to get Free Points again.

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