Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 53

-POV Amber-

I spot mom running in my direction from Liberation and get her attention by waving my arms and yelling. She turns and stops in front of me, giving me a hug. I wonder why she is coming this way but she speaks up before I can ask “I’m switching bodies, this one is already pregnant.”

I blink in surprise and then laugh “Wife, did you already have sex with Jeff?” She smiles at me and answers “Yeah, I asked him if he’d have sex with us, but I think he misunderstood, because he took off my shorts and started kissing me. It was starting to get good but he didn’t last long, sorry you didn’t get to do him first.” I just shake my head and say “I don’t mind, I call firsts for the next guy though okay?” she nods and says “Sounds fair to me, my other body is already headed this way, so you two shouldn’t have to wait for me too long. If it weren’t for how the dungeon works with parties I’d just say get started without me.” I then give her a kiss and she runs off again.

Maybe I can tease him a bit before mom gets to us. I understand why she wants to do this in the dungeon though, it’s very private and I told her Jeff is shy. It’s cute on him though. Too bad I missed the first time, but hopefully he has plenty of stamina again by the time we start. She did say it ended pretty fast the first time, and I think some of my genetic memories say that’s pretty common. I won’t be his first but he should last longer for me. I lick my lips in anticipation. I haven’t had any consensual sex yet, so in a way I’m a virgin too.

As I’m getting closer to Liberation I wonder if I should try to get pregnant with mom, or ask him to pull out. I think I’ll ask him to pull out, Sue told me once that humans usually take 9 months to give birth, and that’s a long time to stay pregnant. I’m not worried about mom, she’ll probably give birth in a few weeks anyways. She’s told me about all the crazy breeder class stuff and titles she has, it’s why I decided a human would be good. She’ll be pregnant long enough still for us to get some good time with her free point giving milk. I wonder if she can get them from her own milk, for some reason I doubt it, but we’ll still try at least once.

I’m getting excited again thinking about my first real sex happening soon and feel some dampness between my legs. Maybe we can find a hidden away corner somewhere and have a quicky while waiting.

Sapphire lets me in and asks me what’s going on so I tell her “Mom is just switching which body is where, she should be here before too long.” She looks at me with suspicion so I sigh and whisper into her ear “We’re going to have sex with Jeff.” Sapphire just shakes her head and says “Well as long as everyone is having fun, poor kid. You should have seen how hard his girlfriend being married hit him.” I nod and tell her mom told me about it. I leave her at the gate and head for the dungeon entrance.

I spot Jeff looking my way, blushing and then turning his head, so I walk up to him. “Jeff, come with me.” I tell him, grabbing his hand and leading him to behind the old breeding room. He follows along with no problems. When we stop he stammers out “I’m sorry I knew it was too good to be true, don’t make it hurt too much please.” I just give him a look and then take off my shorts. His eyes widen and I get on my hands and knees in front of him saying “Hurry up and stick it in, Opal’s gonna take too long getting back and hearing about how you two already did it has made me-” I don’t finish my thought before I feel him thrust into me from behind.

Ahh, that feels good when it’s not one of my brothers raping me.

-POV Jeff-

*Lewd scene*



I see her get that blank look people get when looking at screens, and then after a minute she smiles at me and says “It’s okay, I didn’t get pregnant from it, but pull out next time okay?” I nod, remembering that women get a section in their sex menu that tells them when they get pregnant. I overheard some of the elves talking about it. I’d feel bad getting someone else’ wife pregnant. Amber then says in a cheerful voice “That was a fun quicky though, let’s wait for Opal at the gate and I can have Sapphire use her cleaning spell on me.”

This isn’t heaven right? This couple is too nice to me for how beautiful they are.

-POV End-

I get my other body back to Liberation at about the same time my pregnant one reaches Ruby’s Rest. I guess that makes sense though. I decide to try out my new skill and make a running jump. I soar through the air and land on the top of the gate, right next to Sapphire, who yells in surprise as the gate shakes a little… I think it’s fine. “Mom what the hell was that!” she scolds me and I just laugh because it was a lot of fun. “Wife!” I hear Amber yell from behind the gate and look towards her. I see her waving at me and standing there next to her is Jeff. So I wave back and say to Sapphire “Sorry sweetie it’s a new skill and I wanted to see if I could make it.” she just shakes her head and sighs responding “Okay Mom, just be careful with it. Go have your fun.” she finishes saying and then winks at me.

I guess Amber told her what was going on. I wonder what kind of person she likes to have sex with. Probably someone really clean.

I get in front of Amber and she gives me a kiss, adding me to their party and says “We had a quicky while we waited, but Sis cleaned me up. So we’re ready to head to the dungeon.” I give Jeff a hug and ask her “What’s a quicky?” She tells me it just means sex that doesn’t take long, so I nod and respond “Okay let’s get to the Dungeon, do we go to the room with the bed again?” Jeff blushes, poor kid and his blood. Embarrassing. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, good call Mom.”

We get into the dungeon and I hear Jeff ask “Wait, what do you mean Mom?” Amber answers him saying “Opal is my mom and my wife.” He stops walking and gets a weird look, then I see his pants poke out a bit where his penis is. “I don’t know why I think that’s hot, now I can’t stop thinking about how I’ve had sex with a mother and daughter.” he says. A strange observation, probably. “Now you’re about to fuck both of us at the same time, so start moving.” Amber tells him. His body goes stiff and he runs down the hallway, bursting into the room with the orcs yelling “Out of the way fuckers!”

Amber giggles next to me and says “He’s so cute isn’t he?” I nod and reply “Yeah, he’s a good pick, doesn’t feel dirty having sex with him at all. My wife is so smart.” She grabs my hand and we follow after him while she hums. Today has been a good day. I got to fight a bunch of orcs, see Ruby happy about getting the fort, had sex with a nice man and now I get a relaxing walk through the dungeon with my wife.

“You know, I forgot to tell you that I got free points earlier. So I don’t have to worry that I won’t get them anymore.” Amber stops humming and says “That’s great news, I decided I don’t want to get pregnant with Jeff just yet. Since we don’t know how human pregnancies with elves will work and I don’t want to be pregnant for 9 months.” she starts and I nod, understanding that she doesn’t have a lot of my skills and titles and being fat for so long would be troublesome. She then finishes by saying “So we should just have him only cum in you, that way you’ll get more points. No need to waste them.” I agree with her and say “Once again with the smart idea sweetie.” She starts humming again and squeezes my hand.

We finally get to the room with the bed and Jeff has already placed the mattress on the ground for me. How thoughtful, I wonder how often he’d be willing to have sex with me? Amber starts undressing so I join her and see Jeff tossing off his own cloths quickly. Amber then tells him “If we’re going to do this you can only cum in Opal okay?” He nods but then asks “Wait, are you two needing a surrogate? Is that why wonderful women like you would want to have sex with me?” I don’t know what that means but Amber giggles and responds “No, that’s not why we are having sex with you, if Opal gets pregnant it will just be a bonus. We picked you because you’re handsome and earnest, and we wanted that for our first times having consensual sex.”

Jeff shakes his head and says “I had heard how the elves were born, I’m sorry to hear you went through that. Thank you for picking me then.” We all hug with our naked bodies and somehow end up on the bed.

*Lewd Scene*



12 more hours later

We all lay there on what’s left of the bed, our limbs tangled. I see the sun coming up with my other body, but these two are still sleeping. We are all sticky and gross, but it was worth it. It feels like I have more control over my life again. With how well Amber is sleeping, I think she might feel the same. We’ll definitely be doing this with Jeff again if he’s up for it, but I’m also looking forward to what other nice people we can find to share in the fun. I’ll probably let Amber pick again since she did such a good job this time. He got a bit too excited in the end about anal so we had to put a stop to it, but it’s good to know that taking his semen gives me points there too.

I checked my sex status already and this body is going to have 7 babies, which is a much more reasonable number than the one the other is going to have. I wonder why it’s only 1, but I’ll love that one baby just as much as my other children. Probably. I hope it doesn’t come out weird.

I notice my wife starting to stir, so I give her a small kiss on her lips and she lets out a hum. As her eyes flutter open she looks at me and smiles “Morning Opal.” she says so I respond with “Morning Amber, did you sleep well?” we both sit up and she stretches saying “I slept really well.” she looks down at my belly and continues “I think we’re going to be having these babies sooner than we expected.” I look down at myself, not sure how I didn’t notice my belly getting larger. She rubs her own belly and says “I can’t see it yet on me, but I can feel the bump. So maybe elves get faster births, even if it’s with another player.” I rub her belly too and she giggles. I can feel the bump too. Jeff yawns and sits up, he blinks looking at both of us. Then he rubs his eyes and looks again saying “So it wasn’t a dream? Opal, why is your stomach so big?” I explain to him about my skill and titles that speed up pregnancy by a lot and he looks excited first, but then concerned asking “Is it okay if they know I’m their Dad. I know you two are married and all…” he doesn’t seem to finish his thought, but Amber seems to understand and answers him. “Of course you can be their dad dummy, you are their father. You just can’t join our relationship in that way. I don’t think Opal would have a problem either with her kids having a father figure around.” I nod agreeing with her, even if I don’t fully understand, she’s smart and I trust her.

“Now, we’re disgusting so lets hope we can run to the stream without too many people noticing us.” Amber says, so I let her know “I’m not in Liberation right now, but the sun is just coming up, so I don’t think people would have gotten up yet.” We all quickly get dressed, soiling our cloths in the process, and head towards the exit. We should be safe heading out this early. Probably.

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