Chapter 44: Bringing Down The House!
Chapter 44 Bringing Down The House!
Level 1 Sal White's Tower
Down to level one the trio makes there slow and sluggish exit out of the tower. Walking almost reaching the door, leading outside to the frosty elements, both worse for where Pap and Ver hold onto each other to help keep one another standing from there injuries. Leading in front them Lizzie says while turning her head back with a sad expression on her face, are you two going to be okay to walk back into town with those injuries? smirking looking some what exhausted Ver says, tch hell yeah we can walk with these! Also you fail to realize again little Liz, this ain't the first time I've been hurt! Raising up her left eyebrow, Lizzie says, that shouldn't be something your proud of! Now out of the tower and a good fair distance away from it. Stopping his legs taking out his right pistol, gazing at Ver with nervous eyes Pap says with an apprehensive tone, um Mr. Ver sir what are you doing? pointing his arm back with his gun pointed at the tower, still looking forward Ver says, homing bullet! Bang! Firing a shot into the tower, putting his gun away, gazing forward at Lizzie with his eyes gleaming with a hint of joy, Ver says, your welcome Liz! Looking at him with a puzzled face Lizzie says, what do you mean! After making her remark, bshshshshsh! A huge explosion rings out from the tower, crumbling and shaking the tower falls like a burning stack of Legos, looking at the raging flames and black smoke spewing from the destroyed building. Forming in her eyes big crocodile tears fall from Lizzie's face, speaking with a choked up tone she says, thank you Ver!
End of Chapter 44