Direct Bullet

Chapter 43: Thanks Bitch!

Chapter 43 Thanks Bitch!

Sal White's Office

Eyeing him with angry and also confused eyes, Ver says, Zorga the demon aye! So if I kill that bastard, basically a lot of evil plaguing this world will be extinguished? Still holding on to his consciousness Sal White says with an abrasive tone, you don't get it you stupid fuck! No matter how strong of a gunman you think you are that mother fucker is stronger! And besides to get to him you have to defeat both of his high powered elite groups under his employ! Tilting his head slightly, curling the right side of his upper lip, Ver says, is that right! Quickly pulling out his pistol, bang! Firing a shot from his gun. The bullet immediately pierces Sal white in his left shoulder, screaming in pain at being shot. Sweating outrageously hard clinching his teeth, Sal white says, holy fucking shit! That fucking burns!

Putting his gun back in the holster Ver says, there will be more where that came from unless you give me the whereabouts of your boss! Gazing at Ver with fear stricken eyes Sal White says in a sporadic unnerving tone, fine I'll tell you! I'll tell you! The mother fuckers in prison! In a blink drawing his gun once more Ver says, be more specific! Gulping clearing his throat Sal White says, he's at Killri Gear Penitentiary in the far east, that's where he's being held! Bang! Blasting him in the head, blood shoots up into the air, looking with a cold but relaxed face Ver says, thanks for the deets bitch! Now sleep in hell!

End of Chapter 43

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