Direct Bullet

Chapter 42: Zorga The Demon!

Chapter 42 Zorga The Demon!

Drip! Drip! Trickling down from his head blood rolls off his face, slowly and shakily getting out of the wall. Eyes hazy cuts all over his face, uttering a word he says, wwwho the fuck hit me? Walking over to him with a stride of confidents, Ver says with a pissed off tone, that was me you fucking piece of monkey shit! Stopping right in front of him, glaring at him like a demon out for vengeance Ver says, you think your a sly mother fucker don't you Sal?! Out stretching his left arm grabbing Sal by his shirt collar, bringing him in close only a few inches away from his face, responding once again Ver says, before I kill you for assaulting my friends! I want to know who is pulling the strings for you? And don't leave out any details! Smiling with blood stained teeth, looking at Ver with a pompous and barely clinging to consciousness gaze, Sal White says, do you truly want to know? Because if I tell you, you will regret it! And if you kill me your basically signing your own life away!

Gazing at Sal with soulless eyes Ver says, my life was never mine to being with! So Talk! Give me a name! Looking at Ver dead in his eyes, Sal White's expression changes from smug to super serious in a brief moment and says, the man I work for! His name is Zorga the demon!

End of chapter 42

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