Chapter 45: Prep!
Chapter 45 Prep!
West Deru City 3:05pm
Opening on the side of a large rundown building a portal opens, stepping through the portal a man in a black jacket walks out of it. His hood looms over his eyes covering them from being seen, shshshshmp! Making a weird noise the portal closes behind him. Taking down his hood revealing his face, the man says in a monotone but serious voice, seems like you've grown a little bit Ver. But your level of gunergy is still to weak! Turning his head to the right looking out into the street with his motionless eyes, gazing at the people walking along. Rubbing his forehead with the back of his left hand on his dark brown Hershey skin, he wipes away a patch of snow. Silver like a wolves coat shimmering in the moon light the man's hair swishes and sways in the wind, walking out of the alley way, now directly in the sun light, the man's yellow cross earrings sparkle from the rays.
Shifting his body to the left, looking with an intense gaze forward with his hands tucked in his dark black pants pockets, talking silently to himself the man says, time to prep!
End of Chapter 45