A Demigod In The World Of Magic

Chapter 113: Chapter 113: Wager?

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"Watch me, you Brit!" Percy shouted back as the entire sixth year broke out in playful argument with Percy making everyone laugh or getting hit up the head for saying something stupid.

Fluer on the other hand just watched this in amazement. She turned to Camille, "d-did he just ignore me?"

Camille who hadn't noticed this before slowly nodded, "I think he did. Did he somehow resist your allur?"

"No….that should be impossible," Fleur said as she watched Percy and the other Hufflepuff students laugh and talk amongst each other. 

Percy did eventually talk to her again, but only a passing question about how they journey was and where they would sleep. 

Fleur was surprised at the way Percy treated her, like every other person there, and though the rest of the boys seemed to be given Fluer their undivided attention she kept her eyes glued on Percy, enchanted by his every action.

Soon the feast was over and Dumbledore made his announcement. 

He introduced Ludo Bagman, the same man who was the announcer at the quidditch finals, and Barty Crouch who were both going to serve as judges for the tournament along with each school's headmaster.

However the one selecting the champions wasn't even alive. It was an enchanted called the goblet of fire, when Dumbledore revealed the object Percy had to hold a gasp as he watched the blue flames danced in the cup, it looked so beautiful, like the flames in Hades' castle.

The next day was a Saturday, Percy expected he had to wake his friends up, but surprisingly they woke up all on their own. 

Everyone was excited for the champion selection. Percy wore his muggle attire and walked to the Great Hall with his friends.

"Heya Harry!" Percy called out waving to Harry.

Harry smiled, "hello Percy, going to put your name in?"

Percy nodded, "you bet! Hogwarts champion at your service!"

"How are you so sure you are going to be selected?" Rom asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh please Ron," Percy chuckled rolling his eyes without actually answering his answer.

"We did it!" George and Fred screamed as they ran into the hall with a potion in hand. Percy recognized instantly, and he also knew it wouldn't work.

"That won't work idiots," Percy chuckled.

"And how do you know that?" Fred asked.

"Because I'm smart," Percy shot back, "besides, we all know who's going to be Hogwarts champion."

"Who?" George asked

"Me, duh," Percy shrugged.

"Oh really?"

"Care to make a wager?"

"Yup," Percy grinned, "how much?"

"Well," George looked Percy over and then whispered to Fred. They whispered for a few seconds before they nodded.

"The winner gets your Felix Felicis," one of them said smugly.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "okay...what do I get?"

"What do you want?" the other twin asked.

"I want…." Percy thought about it for a few seconds and then spoke, "I heard you two were good at sneaking things from Hogsmeade even if it isn't a Hogsmeade weekend, am I right?"

"We can either accept or deny this claim," one twin nodded.

"Right, well if I win then I want you two to bring things from Hogsmeade for me, I'll pay for the object, but no service charge," Percy grinned.

The twins looked at each other and grinned, "deal!" they said as one.

They then chugged the ageing potion and jumped over the age line. For a second Percy thought he screwed up, and that somehow his knowledge in potins failed him. 

But when the twins put their names in the goblet they were suddenly expelled out with a powerful red blast.

They got up and found themselves with beards as big as Dumbledore's. They began to fight each other, blaming the other one for the potion's failure while everyone else just looked on and laughed.

Just then the Beauxbatons students arrived. They walked in a line as they put chits of paper in the goblet. 

Percy noticed Fluer in the back surrounded by witches, each chatting amongst each other but ignoring the quarter veela.

She had her head hung, looking scared, very scared and there was no one to support her. Percy didn't think that was fair.

"Hey Fleur!" Percy called. The veela looked up surprised, Percy grinned as he put his thumb up, "I look forward to kicking your butt in the tournament!"

Fleur looked cross at first but then chuckled, "oh please, you won't make it pazt the first task."

"Well if that's the case you won't ether," Percy grinned. The french witch chuckled but said nothing, but she now smiled, looking less worried.

She put her chit of paper inside the goblet without incident, as she walked out as waved at Percy who waved back.

"Huh...she's cute," Harry said grinning at Percy.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "yeah, she is...kind off like Susan huh?"

Harry's grin dropped as he began to blush. "What about Susan?" Hermione asked.

"It-it's nothing!" Harry hissed blushing red.

"Oh come on Harry, you shouldn't have secrets from your friends," Percy chuckled, he then looked around and noticed Susan sitting with her friends in one corner of the Great Hall, "oh look Susan's right here! You should do it now Harry!"

"Do what?" Ron asked, "mate what is he going on about?"

"N-nothing," Harry blushed hanging his head before glaring at Percy, "aren't you supposed to putting your name in a cup or something?"

Percy chuckled, "relax Potter I have time, but seriously, aren't you supposed to be a fearless Gryffindor or something? How can a girl render you catatonic?"

"A girl?!" Hermione shouted.

"Percy!" Harry roared.

"I have to go! See you tonight!" Percy waved as he ran away from the three Gryffindors. 

Harry tried to chase but Hermione and Ron grabbed him and started bombarding with questions.


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