Chapter 114: Chapter 114: Flying board!
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Percy looked back and chuckled seeing Harry struggling to answer their questions. The demigod then looked at the goblet and focused.
He stepped across the age line without incident, it was official, he was seventeen, even Dumbledore's magic acknowledged that. He reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a chit of parchment with his name on it and put it in the goblet.
The blue flames increased in size for a second before returning to normal. Percy sighed, 'okay….that's done.'
Percy quickly walked out off the castle and took a deep breath. It was Saturday morning, and that meant one thing. He took out his hoverboard and placed Kelly down wrapped up in his hoodie.
He ran through the castle entrance and jumped on his board taking off into the air. Percy grinned as he soared into the air, temporarily breaking free of the Earth's problems and concerns.
Percy grinned as he pushed his board towards the Black Lake, cutting through the surface water with his board's speed startling the fish underneath.
A tentacle rose out from the lake's depths as it tried to swat Percy away, Percy grinned as he skillfully dodged it, "not today Nick!" The squid waved Percy a wave, every time Percy flew above the lake Nick would reach up and try to swat him out off the sky, it was all in playful fun as Nick knew Percy would survive the water.
An hour or so later Percy flew back down just as the younger kids came outside in the droves.
"Alright munchkins line up!" Percy called out, "remember, if you damage my board I will damage you! No flying at breakneck speeds and if you fly higher than fifty feet Hooch will have my head, so I will come back and haunt you! Got that?!"
"Yes Percy!" they cried out.
"Good! Knock yourselves out!" Percy tossed them the board and walked back to Kelly and his jacket. He quickly put it on and Kelly crawled into his hoodie as Percy sat down and leaned on the grassy fields.
He looked at the first years playing on his hover board and smiled, it reminded him of the younger demigods in camp, the ones that had nowhere else to go, desperate for any form of distraction.
"Iz that your board?" Percy looked up and saw Fleur standing next to him looking at the younger children play on the hover board.
"Yeah," Percy nodded, "sit down, I don't bite."
Fleur nodded, "thank you," she sat down gracefully with her spine straight with her legs folded under her behind, "where did you get a flying board?"
"I made it," Percy replied.
"Truly?" Fleur asked surprised.
"Yeah, I even have a patent for it if you don't believe me," Percy chuckled.
The french witch smiled, "no, your word iz good enough. Though I must zay I am impressed, you are turning out to be quite the imprezzive wizard Mr. Jackzon."
"Oh please Fleur call me Percy, I'm not one for formalities," Percy smiled as Kelly jumped over to Percy's other shoulder glaring at Fleur.
"I zee...well then tell me Perzy what else can you do?" Fleur asked as she tried to burn holes into his head.
Percy looked at her and blinked, "are….are you trying to use your allure on me?"
Fleur blinked in surprise, "I...well yez...iz it not working?"
Percy chuckled, "yeah, sorry but no. That won't work on me bird brain, I'm immune."
"What?! How can you be immune?!" Fleur asked, completely forgetting the fact that Percy just called her bird brain.
"It's something to do with my dad," Percy shrugged, "I don't know really, my aunt wasn't really clear on the details. But yeah, I'm 100% immune to the veela charm, so don't go trying to charm me into bed you here?"
Fleur blushed, "I-I would never do such a thing!"
"Really? Why? Am I not handsome enough for you?" Percy teased.
Fleur's face turned red as she stammered, "I-I, I don't, no you are 'andsome but I-I-"
Percy couldn't hold back his laughter anymore as he rolled back holding his stomach laughing, "oh gods! Your face! It's so red! Oh Gods help me!" Kelly joined in, though her laugh was more cruel than Percy's.
"That izn't funny Percy," Fleur glared, "you are a very mean person."
Percy finally stopped, "s-sorry, I promise I didn't mean anything bad by it. It's just funny embracing people like you."
"Like me?" Fleur asked with an edge to her tone.
"People who can be easily embarrassed," Percy said with a shrug.
"Oh," fleur sighed, "I zee...I'm zorry, I thought you meant-"
"-Because you are a veela?" Percy asked, Fleur nodded slowly and Percy waved her off, "relax, I don't care if you're a veela or not. In fact I have plenty of friends who are veela. In fact I think you know one of them, she used to go to your school, tell me do you know off a girl named Catherine? Short hair, kind of grumpy all the time?"
Fleur looked shocked, "how do you know Catherine?"
"I meet her after the quidditch finals," Percy shrugged, "we talked a bit, I asked her about Beauxbatons, I was actually wondering if I should join there instead, Catherine did make a very compelling case for you school, but in the end I chose Hogwarts."
"I zee...why did you pick 'Ogwarts may I ask?"
"Well mostly because I already know english, so it won't be that difficult to settle in here. But also because I kind off already applied," Percy chuckled, "though I must say I nearly switched when Catherine told me about all the places one can hide for a kiss. Hogwarts is great, but no one should ever have to make out in a broom closet! It's inhumane!"
Fleur chuckled, "yez Beauxbatonz iz known for it'z….beautiful isolated gardenz."
"Speaking from personal experience?" Percy chuckled.
"Well I iz difficult for a veela," Fleur said shyly, "it's because...well-"
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