Chapter 112: Chapter 112: Unofficial Mascot!
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Juan turned to Percy and glared, "do not take this from me Jackson," he then turned back to the girl and smiled, "her name is Kelly, I charmed her myself. Do you like her? You can have her if you want."
Percy's jaw dropped, "Juan! Dude! Not cool!" Percy smacked him up the head, "you put one finger on her and I swear to the Gods I will hang you by your briefs man!"
Juan rubbed his head and blinked in confusion, "ah...why did I say that?"
Camille chuckled, "it iz not your fault, Fleur'z allure must have trapped you."
Fleur, the girl with the silver hair, looked down and sighed, "this fucking thing won't leave me alone." She cleared he throat and switched to english, "zo who did make thiz thing?"
"That would be me," Percy said raising a hand, "and a quick question, are you a veela?"
Fleur blinked as Camille chuckled next to her. Fleur glared at her friend before turning back to Percy and nodding, "yez, I am a vella, more zpecifically a quarter veela."
Percy nodded, "huh, cool," he turned to Kelly and grinned, "hear that Kelly? You have company!" Kelly instead of celebrating growled as she glared at Fleur before running towards Percy and grabbing his arm protectively.
Percy chuckled, "sorry about that, she doesn't like strangers."
Fleur smiled, "it iz alright...what iz it?"
"She's sort off the unofficial mascot for our house," Gordon grinned, "hello I'm Gordan, pleasure to meet you beautiful."
Fleur sighed but maintain her smile, "hello Gordon, nice to meet you as well."
"You know I once rode a firebolt! Yeah it's true, one of my friends has one and he let me borrow it. Also this summer me and my parents went to Egypt for a month! We are pretty rich, my mother is a muggle businesswoman so she provided us with a lot of money. You know if you want I could take you to Egypt some time."
Percy rolled his eyes, the way Gordon was drooling at her it was obviously he had become caught up in the girl's allure as well. Percy smacked him up the head, Gordan yelped and rubbed his head in pain, "hey! What was that for?!"
"You were caught in her allure dumbass. It was funny at first but it became pathetic really fast," Percy chuckled.
Gordon blushed red as he looked from Percy to Fleur, who was hiding a smile behind her hand. "S-sorry," Gordon quickly returned to his meal embarrassed to the core.
"It iz alright, it 'appens from time to time," Fleur nodded before turning to Percy, "where exactly did you get it, may I ask?"
"Well my aunt got her at the quidditch finals as a desk toy, but she kind of went overboard and had someone charm her to seem alive," Percy chuckled as he rubbed Kelly's checks much to the mini veela's embarrassment and secret joy, "she then latter gave her to me so that I would stop….ah, never mind."
"No pleaze, I am curious," Fleur pushed, "why did your aunt give you it?"
Percy chuckled, "it's silly really. When I saw her the first time I was kind of weirded out, like honestly all veelas creeped me out back then. Like I literally ran away from them, I didn't realise why until I saw your avian form," Percy shivered, "when I was younger I was attacked by something that looked similar, so I never really got over it."
Fleur looked amazed, "I zee, zo you are afraid of veela?"
Percy chuckled, "lady I saw them turn into fireball throwing bad asses, I have a healthy respect and fear of all veela. Including Kelly here," Percy looked down at the little veela who grinned back.
"Why do you call it a her? Is zhe really alive?"
Percy shrugged, "well I like to think so. Plus I'm kind off attached to her now, so I can't really call her an it now can I?"
Fleur nodded as she looked at Kelly who was still glaring at her. Fleur smiled, "hello little veela. Would you like me to hold you?" Kelly glared and shook her head. Fleur seemed surprised, "zhe is very ztubborn yez?"
Percy chuckled, "yup. My aunt made her to act just like a real veela."
Fleur gave a teasing glare, "and 'ow do you know that veela are ztubborn?"
"Well I saw them at the world cup throwing fireballs at leprechauns," Percy shivered remembering those memories, "not something I'm soon going to forget."
"I zee...tell me, what iz your name?"
Percy blinked, "oh how rude of me, I'm Percy, Percy Jackson, sixth year Hufflepuff, and yes I am an American, pleasure to meet you."
The french quarter veela nodded, "hello, I'm Fleur Delacour, zeventh year Beauxbatons ztudent here to participate for the triwizard tournament."
Percy smiled, "nice, I hope you get selected as well, it will be fun defeating a veela."
Fleur blinked, "you are going to join the tournament as well?"
Percy nodded, "yup!"
"But are you not a zixth year?"
"Yeah, but I'm seventeen," Percy shrugged, "when I transferred her from America I hadn't yet completed my OWLs, so I had to join sixth year instead."
"I zee..." Fleur nodded, "well what makes you zo zure you will be zelected in the first plaze?"
Percy chuckled, "woman please, I'm Percy freaking Jackson, of course I'll get selected."
"And there's the arrogance," Juan spoke up finally rolling his eyes, "you know someone else can be selected too you know? Like Cedric? Or even someone from Gryffindor."
"Yeah? Like who? The best they have is Angelina, who let me just say I can beat with one hand tied behind my back. Sure, I'll admit Cedric is talented, but he's a pretty face and not much more."
"Oh shut it you Yankee! You aren't ever going to get selected!" Heather teased.
"Watch me, you Brit!" Percy shouted back as the entire sixth year broke out in playful argument with Percy making everyone laugh or getting hit up the head for saying something stupid.
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