A Demigod In The World Of Magic

Chapter 111: Chapter 111: Translation!

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Percy looked at the students from Beauxbatons and noticed that most of them were quite nice to look at.

They must be using some kind of charm because there was no way every single student in that school looked that amazing!

Or maybe Maxim brought along students that only looked good in order to make a good impression? That would be a very stupid thing to do, because from what Percy understood off the tournament, beauty alone won't save you.

Percy also noticed that most of the boys were staring at the french witches while the girls did their best to not seem like they were checking out the french boys.

The french seemed to be aware of this as they smiled smugly chatting with each other in french.

The demigod then felt someone tap his shoulder and point to the seventh years. Cedric looked at him and raised five fingers.

This was the sign, Cedric had just told him to tell everyone in the sixth year that their 'self-prank' would begin in five minutes.

Percy paused, 'wait...the charm will turn everyone in the table yellow and black….meaning the french students will be affected as well!' Realising in horror at what was going to happen Percy knew right away that he had to stop the prank before he went off.

"Cedric!" Percy yelled over. The boy motioned to ask what it was and Percy pointed at the french students.

Cedric's eyes went wide as he realised what Percy meant, he quickly motioned to stop the prank and Percy agreed.

Percy called and told all his friends to stop the prank and passed the message onto the fifth years as well.

In five short minutes the prank was put on hold, Percy was glad they avoided that mess, if these frenchies were anything like Catherine they would not take kindly to being the butt of a joke.

With that crisis solved Percy then looked at the dishes and shivered, "what is this?"

"I think it's french," Gordan grumbled.

"It ez called Bouillabaisse," one of the french witches called out from down the table, "it is a sea food served in the southern regions of France."

"It's fish?!" Percy yelled out in horror.

"Yez...why? Iz that a problem?" a Beauxbatons wizard asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah! Fish are friends, not food," Percy chuckled remembering the line from Nemo. Everyone else looked confused, "come on guys, don't tell me you don't know this! It's from Finding Nemo!"

"Finding what?" Heather asked.

"Finding Nemo! You know, little fish get's lost, his dad goes to find him, finding nemo!" Percy cried out.

"Iz that a British ztory? I zo not recognize it," Camille said looking confused.

"It's not british, must be some some American thing," Juan said with a shrug.

"You are American?" the Beauxbaton wizard form before asked.

Percy nodded, "yeah, I'm American but serious! You guys haven't heard off this movie! It's…." 'Oh wait...it hasn't even been released yet. Shit,' Percy sighed, "never mind, you guys wouldn't know it even if I told you."

Gordon rolled his eyes, "crazy American."

"Stupid British," Percy shoot back.

"At least we don't start talking crazy in the middle of meals," Heather teased.

"No, but you also don't have any sense of taste," Percy argued back, "I mean for the love of the Gods! You don't even have pizza! What type of feast doesn't have pizza!"

"That iz true," a french girl nodded, "in Beauxbaton we have pizza all the time."

Percy blinked, "wait, are you serious?"

The french students around them nodded, "very zerious."

Percy hung his head, "I should have listened to Catherine and joined Beauxbatons."

"Oh please, you don't even know french!" Kristien rolled her eyes.

"So? One language translation charms and bang! I'm all set," Percy grinned. Kelly got bored sitting in his robes as she looked up and squeaked.

Percy nodded, he carefully took her out and placed her on the table conjuring a red rubber ball for her to play with.

"What iz that?" Camille asked as the french students all noticed Kelly playing around the Hufflepuff table.

"That's Kelly, Percy's girlfriend," Juan teased.

"Yeah, and she's best friends with Juan's imaginary girlfriend," Percy shot back with a grin.

"I hate you," Juan grolwed.

"I know, I don't care."

"Iz it a veela toy?" one girl asked.

"Yeah, my aunt got it for me during the world cup. She charmed it to seem life like and gave it to me as a gift," Percy explained as he ate a set of sausages.

"You 'ave charmed it to look alive?" a french boy asked in amazement, "zhe must be zome witch."

"Actually she's a squid," Percy shrugged, "she got someone else to do the charming."

The french nodded as they watched Kelly play with the ball bouncing it all over the table. The Hufflepuff were used to it by now, they even treated Kelly as an unofficial mascot of the table.

"Fleur! Ce type ici a une chose pour veelas!" Camilla called into the group of french students and a silvery blonde haired girl popped out.

"De quoi parlez-vous Camille?" the girl asked.

"Regarde ça," Camille pointed at Kelly who was bouncing the red ball joyfully.

"Elle est tellement mignonne!" the girl cheered as she started to speak in rapid french at Kelly who looked just as confused as Percy and the others.

"Okay that's it," Percy took out his wand and waved it around his head muttering the translation charm over himself.

He felt the magic enter his ears and slowly seep into his brain. Percy then payed attention to the rambling french girl from before who now sat next to Camille.

"-She looks just like Gabriel! So small and adorable!" the young woman turned to Juan, "did you make this?"

Juan blinked as he blushed and furiously nodded his head, "yes I did!I charmed her myself!"

Percy blinked, "Juan, dude, are you okay?"


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