Chapter 110: Chapter 110: Genius!
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"Ah-yes, yes they are. Hufflepuffs are known to be kind. 10 points for showing compassion towards our guests," McGonagall nodded as she turned around and quickly walked away.
"Yes!" Gordon cheered as the other Hufflepuff laughed in joy.
"Percy you are a genius!" Juan shouted as he put one arm around Percy, "you just gave me an in with the french chicks!"
Percy chuckled, "and yet you are still not going to get lucky!"
"Hey!" Juan yelled back as everyone, Kelley included, laughed at the boy. The french students looked confused but grateful, looking at the badger wearing students and nodded their thanks. They quickly walked in and the Hogwarts students went back to waiting for the other students.
"There at the lake!" one student yelled out. Everyone looked and saw a full one victorian era sail ship rise up from out off the black lake. Percy blinked, 'shit, I hope Nick's okay.'
"Holy crap!" someone yelled as the night boat docked in the lake closest to the castle. A plank came down and several men and women dressed in heavy furs came walking down with a bearded man at their lead.
"Ah! Karkaroff! Welcome to Hogwarts!" Dumbledore greeted the man with a hug, "did you have trouble getting here?"
"Not at all Dumbledore!" the man said without any trace of an accent, "it is good to see this old place again."
"Ah yes, well Severus will show you and your students inside, please go with him," Dumbledore motioned to the potions master who nodded his hello to the headmaster.
The students broke apart again and allowed the Durmstrang to pass through. The students started to whisper again as they pointed and stared at one of the students next to the headmaster.
"Percy! That's Krum!" Michael yelled pointing at the smaller man next to Karkaroff.
Percy looked and sure enough recognized the shorter man, if he recalled correctly he may or may not have treated him with Hecate. He warned him not to get her drunk and then went and got drunk himself.
"Hey it is," Percy realised watching the man and the headmaster pass through the students without even looking at either of them. Percy smiled and waved, "hey Krum!"
The young seeker blinked, he turned and noticed Percy right away. He waved back, remembering seeing the boy and his crazy aunt before he entered Hogwarts.
"Percy! Krum just waved to you!" Gordon hissed.
"How did you pull that off?!" Juan asked as slowly everyone else looked to Percy in amazement.
"Oh my aunt may have insulted him after the quidditch finals," Percy chuckled rubbing his head nervously, "she was very…..disappointed at the results.
So she kind of started to shout at Krum and I made sure she didn't go overboard."
"Woah," they all agreed with Gordon as they slowly started bombarding Percy with questions upon questions.
Percy however was spared though as Sprout quickly pushed them all into the castle as the welcome feast was about to begin.
Hufflepuff waited behind as the other houses went in first. As Percy and the others walked in they noticed the Durmstrang students and the Beauxbatons students wait outside the Great Hall, apparently they were waiting for them to settle in.
Percy spotted a few beautiful french girls and a couple of Bulgarian beauties, but unlike Juan he didn't gape at them with open amazement.
The idiot even went as far as whistling and winking at some of the french girls, though they seemed to appreciate the attention.
Quickly the Hogwarts students and staff took their seats and waited. Dumbledore stood up and motioned for the foreign students to enter.
Quickly the french and students look around for a place to sit. The Durmstrang students chose to sit down with the Slytherin, much to Gordon's disappointment, he really wanted Krum to sit with them.
The Beauxbatons students, surprisingly, chose to sit with the Hufflepuff students. The Badgers grinned smugly at this as they glared at Gryffindor and Ravenclaw finally showing them up.
The boys especially looked happy since they were now sitting next to french witches. Juan looked so happy he seemed to be crying.
The older french students sat down between the seventh years and the sixth years. A beauxbaton which sat across Percy with a few of friends joining her.
Percy and his friends wished them all hello which the french replied with a polite node.
Dumbledore stood up and everyone in the hall turned to him, "I have only one thing to say, tuck in!" He waved his hands and the hall was filled with food once again.
Percy noticed that the dishes were a little bit different this time around. He noticed a lot of fancy looking dishes that looked very un-English to say the least. It was very light and wasn't covered in grease, very un-English indeed.
But before Percy could start eating Juan then tapped his shoulder, "dude, switch with me," he begged.
Percy blinked, "why?"
"Because I want to next to the girls," Juan pointed at the french witches. Percy rolled his eyes and stood up switching with Juan.
The witch sitting next to Percy noticed this and looked disappointed. Juan sat down and smiled, "hello, I'm Juan, nice to meet you."
"Bonjour," the girl nodded. She had brown hair and freckles on her face, "je m'appelle Camille."
"Camille, what a beautiful name," Juan nodded, "Que pensez-vous de notre école?"
The girl and her friends looked surprised. "Tu parle français?" she asked.
Juan smiled and nodded as he started talking about how his mother was french and how he spent most of his formative years in France. It was really amusing seeing Juan flirt, Percy had to admit, he had charm.
Percy looked at the students from Beauxbatons and noticed that most of them were quite nice to look at.
They must be using some kind of charm because there was no way every single student in that school looked that amazing!
500 Power Stones = Extra Chapter {24 Hours}
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