In the quiet town of Hoshikawa, 16-year-old Kaito discovers he is the last heir of the Starlight Guardians, ancient protectors of the celestial balance. During a meteor shower, he awakens his dormant powers, drawing the attention of Astra, a guardian from the Celestial Council, who reveals the looming threat of the Voidborn—dark entities intent on consuming the light of the universe.
As Kaito learns to harness his celestial abilities, he embarks on a perilous journey across various realms, forming alliances with Astra and his rebellious friend Riku. Together, they must confront powerful foes and unlock the secrets of the legendary Starforge to amplify Kaito's powers.
In a climactic battle against the leader of the Voidborn, Kaito must confront both the darkness threatening the cosmos and the shadows within himself. "Starlight Ascendant" is a thrilling tale of adventure, friendship, and self-discovery, where one boy's journey can change the fate of the universe.
Starlight Ascendant novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the Author GHOSTLORD . Read Starlight Ascendant novel online for free.