Chapter 61: Act 1 Episode 3 : Army From The Sky
I sat down and looked at the combination of the Sigil and the propulsion wing, I made it as needle-like as the Tower of God, but the color was a starlight white with a splash of beautiful and gorgeous universe energy.
I am already proud of just one, by using Cosmic Union, Life embodiment, Nova Seraph Flame, Needle from Cybernetic arm plus Ascendant help, I have created a very versatile weapon.
Thorn's capabilities are only four but I think this is very fair and balanced, definitely balance to them.
Flight and mobility, The floating giant needle is able to achieve sustained flight thanks to the wing propulsion system. The wings can be transformed into different shapes to optimize the needle's maneuverability in the air, allowing for quick turns and evasive maneuvers. Additionally, the needle can move at high speeds thanks to the jetpack transformation of the wings, allowing it to quickly close in on enemies or escape from dangerous situations.
Weapon generation and duplication, The modified sigil backpack has the ability to generate any kind of weapon with the power of the cosmic stone. However, with the floating giant needle, the sigil's power is channeled into the needle itself, allowing it to generate a variety of weapons on its own. Additionally, the needle has the ability to duplicate itself, creating multiple needles that can be wielded simultaneously. This makes the needle a highly adaptable weapon, able to generate the right tool for any situation and overwhelm enemies with sheer numbers.
Tracking sensor and automatic defense, The floating giant needle has advanced tracking sensors that can detect enemies and their movements, allowing it to track them with pinpoint accuracy. Once an enemy is detected, the needle's automatic defense system is activated, allowing it to respond to incoming attacks with energy shields or weapons generated from the sigil's power. The needle's ability to transform its wings into energy shields or weapons also means that it can adapt to any type of attack, making it a formidable opponent in combat.
Defense and protection, The floating giant needle's defensive capabilities are enhanced by the wing propulsion system, which can transform the wings into energy shields that protect the needle from incoming attacks. The shields are highly durable and can absorb even the most powerful attacks, thanks to the power of the cosmic stone. Additionally, the needle has the ability to generate specialized shields and barriers, such as force fields or walls of energy, that can be used to protect allies or create barriers to block enemy attacks.
Now that Thorn's capabilities are complete I will now make weapons, tools and various equipment of all the people here from their capabilities from their fighting habits, Art they use to form synergies and even things that help them even if it's just trivial things.
After finishing I then looked at the clock where I had passed 7 years in the Accel world and seven hours passed in the real world, it was time to go out.
"Dr. Kal'tsit calm down, wait Doctor" Kal'tsit walked here and there because Kal'tsit curious what I made, then I came from the corridor all the operators here got up and I smiled, Kaltsit approached me and checked.
"Where?" I nodded and then stood in the center of this gathering place.
"Olympia, time to fly darling. flap your wings as high as possible above the sky then the last stop is Lungmen"
[Understood Doctor, Commencing flight. Cloaking ability deactivated, enjoy the flight everyone]
Olympia deactivated her camouflage and opened all the coverings where Olympia began to fly into the sky where it reached 500 meters, 10 Km then 200 Km until 5000 Km touched Terra's protective dome and Olympia flew in the dark of the night to become a golden star that shone when viewed from below.
"above is the star, below is Terra. enjoy it for the last time and for many passengers here. Welcome to my space ship, Olympia. if you have any interest to join us please make resume to Dr. kal'tsit and we accept any age except below 12 years old and accept any background and please enjoy the rest of the flight and our courtesy" Everyone was amazed by the beautiful Terra below and the beautiful stars in the sky that they could see directly in the darkness of this night.
"Its beautiful, so this is the sky Doctor?" Ifrit looked at the beautiful Terra sky and even the stars there
"Wrong darling, your planet is blocked called a protective dome, It's true that the stars up there are real stars but this dome covers the real illusion in your solar system but I will discuss that after this mission is complete, so be patient. for now our mission is the last stand, survive the Reunion attack until help comes" All operators nodded and prepared with me.
"Doctor, what kinda help it is ?" I then smiled and took off my clothes revealing my cybernetic arm and the hole in my heart.
"I dreamed when I was a child in my universe, to be a star that fell from the beautiful horde of stars in the sky that shot to the ground and was prayed by children that there was a shooting star that could grant the wishes of their little hearts, a star that fell from the sky that brought by innocent hope. instead of me asking for a wish why don't I be a star that falls in the dark of night, in the dark of terror in Lungmen bringing hope directly from the sky, how amazing is that ? I know it sounds naive, but that is the help that will come from the sky. Us. we are the help from the sky with brightest light from darkest night" I took off my Cybernetic arm and then took a breath.
"I will sing the anthem of my universe, usually this is sung when you want to be the last hope of humanity. so listen up" I started singing the Halo Theme of the choir and then this music I made with my art plus cosmic creativity even this music made our morale increase dramatically.
My hand then regenerates not a human hand but a Celestial hand, a hand formed from the universe itself, the Galaxy is my right hand then my heart is formed a central core of the universe that is very shining and then covers my skin with white light like a tattoo.
Then from the light of my heart spread throughout the Operator then manifested equipment made of nano technology that had been enhanced to a high level, then weapons and various tools from pure Originium then all the technology that exceeded 300,000 years of Terra developed. Drones, Shoulder Turrets, Enhanced Armor made of a combination of Titanium and Vibranium that is modified like Transformer armor that can be modified according to taste.
then enhance visor, namely holographic glasses with features, enemy status, user status, target assisting, target tracking, many enhanced assistance in combat or recon, map and last is anti-flashbang and anti-hacking.
with the final touch being the color preferences of each Operator, along with the Rhodes Island logo and a unique Id that isn't shaped like a card but rather a holographic emblem with an adorable face.
The song finished and I sighed and looked at everyone who was so cool, I nodded and then glanced at Kal'tsit with an unbelievable face.
[Doctor, We arrive in Lungmen in 1 minute. I will provide a clear vision]
"Understood Olympia, Now my turn" I floated for a moment and then my Cybernetic arm turned into devastator armor then Thorn shot quickly to me and floated beside me, Thorn turned into thousands of weapons in an instant and split into thousands of tools and weapons and even an extra hand too.
I land and the Thorn stays into 4 Thorns just like Rosmontis's slab. Rosmontis came up to me and hugged me
"Doctor and I have the same weapon, Rosmontis happy" I giggled and stroked Rosmontis' head then Olympia stopped and we saw Lungmen under our feet.
"Do any of you know Halo Jump?" everyone shook their heads and then I walked in the center.
"Jump freely in the air like flying, don't be afraid of heights let's have fun in the air and feel the adrenaline of falling from the sky as high as 5000 Km, you have anti gravity momentum when your body touches 5 Km then your landing will be smooth, so" I opened the portal right below my feet then I did a back flip.
"Enjoy this experience because this is the last time we having fun. DIVE !" Thorn pushed me quickly into the air and everyone watched me freefall, Kal'tsit ran and jumped then all the Operators jumped one by one with various jumping styles they liked.
Everyone jumped as a meteor shower in the Terra sky, in the Lungmen, a group of stars shot towards them, especially the LGD Officer who was using binoculars.
"Boss, you need to see this" Hoshiguma gave binoculars to Chen who saw several white lights from space that did not move straight but twirling around in the air.
While in the air at an altitude of 3000 Km we took pictures and had fun doing anything even though we were doing a free fall some of us did silly things in the air.
While I was choked out by Kal'tsit, Mont3r panicked because we were like husband and wife fighting in the air, I luckily kept an injection for that. When Kal'tsit was caught off guard, I injected her and made Mont3r evolve like in Kal'tsit skin, lucky for me ascendant still save events from my original world so I can always update what is new.
"you evolve my Art?"
"I originally wanted to give this on your birthday but I didn't know when your birthday was so Happy birthday, Yey" I was hit and Kal'tsit moved away from me and flew with Amiya who was also happy with Kal'tsit's birthday, Kal'tsit stroked Amiya's head while I was hit ? i hate her.
Chen threw away the binoculars and growled then stomped on the ground, all of LGD saw this with surprise even Hoshiguma just sighed.
Rhodes island Operator arrived in front of LGD in style, then Amiya and Kal'tsit arrived in front of Chen who then waved to Chen.
"Chen" Chen approached Amiya and saw Amiya's amazingly sophisticated outfit even beyond Terra's technology.
"Where did you get this?"
"Certainly not from the car door hat you were wearing yesterday" Chen pulled out a vein and turned to look at me floating in the air casually with my arms folded across my chest.
"Ill kill you, say that again I kill you" I raised my shoulders then walked in the air right in front of the Rhodes Island team.
"You are spread out and I have given you the objective on your lenses, go to your positions and execute"
"yes doctor" everyone went, some ran and some used Art and some went with their own equipment which was shared with a team that had synergies like DND. 2 Tank, 3 DPS Range and Close, 4 Medic, 2 Support. I don't discriminate about caster or not, all same role and synergy.
14 people in one team where they are already in position then the reunion group comes then the war starts, where we dominate in any corner both in ambush, positioning, fighting capability and even invincible army that even Originite technology is nothing compared to this.
LGD just didn't participate because they were also less sophisticated and there was no leader who commanded them as good as me who was just me staying in place and my troops had done their job perfectly with the hologram made by Thorn.
"First wave is done, Rest. Olympia, Supply Box" From the sky launched a unique box and the box opened to reveal various auxiliary tools as well as energy supplies and food for operators, Efficiency is the best after all.
I opened my supply box and there was a full tea table set and then a box full of cold, tantalizing champagne.
I picked up a bottle and unscrewed the cap with just my thumb and poured this into my glass and drank from the bottle in one gulp.
"this war is Easy, can you tell the reunion gave me a literal challenge?" My one Thorn made a holographic message and darted to a hiding place not far from Lungmen.
Talulah, Alina, Patriot, Selena, Mephisto, Faust, various canon bosses and non cannon gathered as my Thorn landed in the center of their map and showed them the message.
"Is that all? pussy, get out from your rat spot or this very weapon will terminate all of you. you wasting time there, accept defeat before too late" This loudspeaker voice spread throughout the camp reunion, Talulah attacked my Thorn but my Thorn turned into a hand and destroyed her sword with one grip.
"Very well, you attack first. dont blame me" Thorn turned into the same sword as Talulah's then released the same Elder draco aura as Talulah, Selena froze it but selena's ice was useless. Thorn shot towards Talulah but didn't hit her but shot right in front of me smoothly then Thorn showed Talulah's shocked expression, save it for blackmail next time.
"who are you?" I got up and greeted her respectfully.
"Im doctor from Rhodes island, how can i help you leader from Lungmen Police department ? i have license for my weapon though" Chen ignored my question rather looked at me with an annoying look.
"So you are a famous doctor who is praised by many Infected because of your invention ? It's useless, your invention doesn't change anything because the Infected are still suffering."
"So what ? You are also infected and your own uncle bought the suppressor from me Miss "Boss", next time think before throwing questions at me."
"I'm not infected" I explained Chen's body condition including Oripathy to habit as well as her various weaknesses from physical, mental to psychiatric where Chen's various embarrassments were easily exposed in front of her face which was currently red like a tomato.
"how do you know"
"really ? do you think "Doctor" is the great answer you seek ? despite you're high ranking, your stupidity is on par to it" Chen was angry and took out the new Chi Xiao which I was very surprised, Hoshiguma held Chen with her hand while Amiya panicked and then Kal'tsit hit me with this champagne bottle.
"hurry up, 23 Hours before Christmas" I got up and the supply box became particles of light.
"oh yeah, lets charge them. they're outside the Lungmen border. We strike them before they're even ready"
"roger that doctor" All of my teams mobilized and each team assigned to scout out the camp screened it and gave a location where Reunion was getting ready.
"lets go girls" Thorn turned into Gilgamesh's Vimana, Amiya jumped into the Vimana and Kal'tsit immediately sat on the throne with style while I stood in front of the tip of the Vimana we flew at incredible speed around the corner of Lungmen city and arrived at the extraction site, Amiya and I got off while Kal'tsit was still sitting on the Vimana throne.
"Kal'tsit, get down from there" Kal'tsit sat like a queen and pointed towards the reunion.
"go my little sheep" I then moved my finger, Vimana shot up to mach 30 in the air and Kal'tsit shouted loudly at the throne, I did a lot of air freestyle which was quite dangerous but fortunately the throne would keep the passengers seated even if Vimana moved at the speed of light.
I did barrel rolls, swirls, many tricks making Kal'tsit scream even louder, Vimana stopped above my head and I shifted, Kal'tsit vomited violently and passed out.
"Boss is down, i repeat, boss is down. I need medical assistance here" the medic team arrived and saw that Kal'tsit had lost her life. I then looked at the battlefield which was very quiet until I saw the Sarkaz mercenary horde coming in fantastic numbers.
"incoming !" Everyone prepared but I then appeared in front of all the enemies where the Operators that I could recruit in canon were even nearby slave i mean workers.
"do you have any interest to join Rhodes island ?" all operators from my side were surprised by my tactics.
"doctor they are enemy" Amiya arrived and pulled my shirt because I had tried my best to promote.
"I know, I want to recruit them, how about that W ? Hoerder ? Ines ? Mudrock ? Big Bob ? " all these mercenaries were confused, especially my strange approach.
"DEVASTATOR!" W attacked me and I immediately flicked W's head and she immediately fainted with a bird flying over her head, I took W's hand then signed the contract with W's signature then gave a stamp and blood pact to seal the deal.
"One more person who managed to join Rhodes Island with her consent obviously. Are you interested now ?" They didn't answer and I took that as a rejection, I then opened the portal where Theresa was on the space ship.
"Valtor, what happened?" I pulled W's body and threw it to Theresa.
"Your daughter, she officially joined Rhodes island with her consent, look at her autograph, up on seal with her blood as blood pact. so its legal right?" Theresa sighed and all the mercenary Sarkaz looked at Theresa who was still alive there were even some who saluted.
"Your majesty"
"no im not, my reign as king has ended. i'm glad you all safe and sound, is the Doctor creating problems for you ?"
"Doctor ? Devastator is Doctor ?"
"yes, he is devastator. Join us, stop the war" Some Sarkaz mercenaries hesitated and some immediately volunteered to join Rhodes Island especially canon Sarkaz mercenaries like mudmud or mudrock, Ines, Hoerder also joined some of the mercenaries that have loyalty to Theresa also joined in, Free worker yey.
"Amiya say the thing"
"Mission accomplished doctor" We cheered like father and daughter, while other operators looked at us relieved, peace is an option after all just need the right man to initiate it
"you guys can go to space ship" all those who had joined Rhodes island walked to the portal and were greeted by the residents of Rhodes island who did not join our operation.
The remaining mercenaries were still arguing and refusing our offer, we appreciated it as long as it was peace but peace was never an option when some of the sarkaz started fighting with us.
"sigh, very well. Amiya, lets go" we left there and there was artillery fire from our side which was none other than Art one of our members, all the mercenaries fell become casualties of war and we continued our journey to the second attack, hopefully this time peace was an option.