Chapter 60: Act 1 Episode 2 : The Pursuer
I saw the Priestess in the Incubator, I've made Homonculus but I don't want it to be like the conditions in Fate Apocrypha or Frankenstein.
By using one of my ribs as the foundation as Eve was created and God agreed to helped me with this, I am also grateful but I have a feeling this will be my biggest test in terms of "Harem" management.
I made the same body before Priestess became an artificial Relic, I was quite sad to see this because Priestess was the only Human who i meet, and she also admitted that she was grateful i met her. I need to chat with Priestess a lot because our meeting has been very short since Sarchopagus and even we only have the bond of boss and assistant, no less no more but I'm greedy. I want my lovely Eve to survive and become my assistance as a tech lady.
I have kal'tsit as Researcher partner in medical also partner in Journey, I have Koshelna as secretary, I have Priestess as tech assistant, Theresa? well, I just dont know what relationship we had but I have to know, When Theresis know i fuck his sister what he gonna respond? Kill me? Go on, i fuck her more brutal than before.
I then returned to the operating table where on this operating table there was a homunculus man who I made unique with the combined abilities of T-103, T-102, T-Nemesis, Last but not Least Super Tyrant.
I created two actions for this super soldier, Pursuer and Terminator. Pursuer where this command is executed to pursue targets and only prioritize targets regardless of any terrain or obstacles that interfere with their tasks, Terminator where this command is executed to terminate targets as brutally and cruelly as possible without the slightest empathy or sympathy.
I have increased the Pursuer's capabilities which include conditional adaptation where the Pursuer can adapt to responses both in physical abilities and actions, increased Strength, Speed, Reaction, Flexibility, Endurance, Regeneration, Awareness and then Immunity to Oripathy. then I increased it again where Originite weapon technology and even Originium art and weaponry are useless because they have immunity and nullify the Originium effect easily.
After finishing this design, I then gave decent clothes even though the Pursuer's body is male but I didn't give him genitals, namely reproductive organs because I don't want to make humans, I'm not a god and never will be. I deliberately created an irony where the Most beautiful being is none other than a killing machine which will stop at nothing to get its target.
After that, I then used a perfect copy but this time it was a woman who has an extraordinarily beautiful body, She tall, gorgeous yet emotionless.
I then evened out the male to female ratio for the Pursuers where there were 14 of them. After finishing designing them, they got up and looked at me in unison, I nodded and they nodded following me. I gave them special helmets where their faces could not be seen with addition special video game like HUD.
"Now, Follow me to HRD" they followed me like a marine ready for battle, tall, dashing, elegant and full of dominance.
We became the spectacle of every person in Rhodes island, I didn't want to interact for a moment because I was really angry now but I didn't want to show my anger to someone here especially Amiya and Kal'tsit were in Lungmen, only Theresa was here as the Ruler but she was also busy taking care of the children of Chernoborg victims.
So inevitably I have to take over this spaceship but now I have to play like a chaos god first.
After taking care of the name of this team, I went to the control room and this team was ready by taking the suitcase I created, a suitcase with weapons they use according to their preferences, be it sharp weapons or firearms.
I stood in front of them and they immediately took an at ease position, I then took an at ease position as all the person gather and even some of the victims saw that they were cool, their fluttering robes with the Rhodes Island logo were beautiful with a unique motto on their arms.
We get dirty while the world stays clean, Captain price quotes is the best way to motivate someone one who is soldier like me
"Listen Pursuer team, I want every one of you to target this target. I want you to make them feel the fear of playing hide and seek with you, do not give mercy, do not give a chance, toy with them until they suffer, do not kill them until they ask for mercy, do not respond to any of them even they scream to you, do it slowly as painfully as possible, Let them scream in agony, let them know who is the prey, let them know who is the seeker of this hide and seek game, let them know, You are the pursuer. Dismiss" Each Pursuer saluted like a marine then took their suitcase and walked like a marine in line then they made a dash to the exit then I used Ascendant.
[Connection to Pursuer already established, sir]
"Thank you, Connect it to the control room. I want to observe it myself"
[Shall be done, Connecting...complete, Pursuer POV, Pursuer Location, Pursuer Status has been added. Pursuer added to Archive, your achievement creating super soldier already added to historical event]
"Thank you, Ascendant. I wonder if the technology I made can beat this technology I made, plagiarism against original? Lets see"
[Sir, I suggest you should do this to Operator in here]
"No, I promise to Ifrit not using a people in here as subject to become super soldier, They will grow by time not artificial"
[Sorry if I crossing the line sir, I respect your promise]
"Its okay, you gave your opinion and I respect that. Ascendant Out"
[Have a good day sir]
"Have a good day"
I saw that the computer in the control room had been replaced by the Pursuer's perspective, I saw that they had found their target, 14 Pursuers, 1 Pursuer 7 people and they did just that.
"Hey! Who are you guys?" Pursuer pushed this Reunion member by giving him a bitch slap like Tyrant in Resident Evil 2, the Reunion member was immediately blown away then Pursuer continued to walk through this camp until he found the desired target, many Reunion members raised weapons but Pursuer just looked at the members without a care, when pursuer arrived in front of the target he then put the suitcase then the suitcase turned into a giant hammer 4 times the size of a normal man here.
The target grabbed weapon before they could touch the weapon, Pursuer slammed the hammer into the target's hand and broke the target's hand instantly.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" All the Reunion attacked and brought back the Target, Pursuer ignored Art's attack and even the weapons of all the Reunion members, Pursuer chased the target at a leisurely pace.
"hang in there" Medic from Reunion came and healed Target's hand, Pursuer appeared suddenly and immediately bitch slapped the medic unconscious, then Pursuer stood in front of Target menacingly.
"WHO ARE YOU!" The Pursuer did not respond and the Target became angry and grabbed the gun but as his hand grabbed the gun, the Pursuer stepped on the target's hand making pressure slowly but surely until it cracked all the bones the Target had.
"AAAAAAA, STOP, STOP. I SURRENDER. PLEASE IT HURT, STOP, STOP" Pursuer put the hammer on the ground then picked up the target's head and dragged it, Pursuer smashed the target's head into the hammer many times until the target's head was destroyed, taking his Ancient Trait as a trophy and the hammer back into the suitcase then pursuer hung the trophy as a key chain on his suitcase.
All the reunion members saw this and attacked the pursuer but the pursuer had already found the next target which made him panic, Pursuer chased the target until the target stumbled and the pursuer arrived in front of his head and the target cried loudly.
"No, have mercy, please. please" Pursuer raised his foot and smashed the Target's head like a watermelon on the beach then rubbed his foot in the blood of the smashed head, Pursuer took this person's Ancient trait again and hung it up as a trophy, then Crownslayer appeared and saw the chaos here.
"Boss, Maniac there killed two of our guys brutally" Crownslayer saw Pursuer walking towards her, Crownslayer picked up her weapon and jumped at pursuer, Pursuer caught Crownslayer in the air and slammed her to the ground so hard that crownslayer immediately fainted.
"leave her alive" Pursuer nodded and dumped Crownslayer like a sack of rice, Some Reunion panicked and even retreated from the battle but Pursuer still had the next 4 targets which just happened to be in near Lungmen.
Lungmen where a magnificent city where Wei Yenwu was negotiating with Kal'tsit and Amiya about this, this was a political game to provoke Ursus and Yan's war, Wei Yenwu had anticipated this plus the information I provided made the entire LGD depart.
"Infected still suffer from discrimination"
"I know child, I can't do anything to them. Even I gave them better social standing, people still fear and hate them. I try my best to minimize casualty from infected even i gave them new policies yet some of the people don't agree with new policies, Understand my responsibility now. I try to hold everyone together yet some of them release my hold out of my knowing. If you want to help reduce casualty from Reunion, Thank you. I will send Reinforcement and aid. But please child, I do not wish any kind of war, i'm too old for that, you have time to learn bit by bit, I wish your team success" Amiya looked at Wei Yenwu who was currently thinking about something, Amiya nodded and so did Kal'tsit then went to the Lungmen border.
"You have done your best Husband, you have done your best" Wei Yenwu's wife hugged her husband then on the other side where the chaos between LGD and Reunion occurred, the entire population had been evacuated by LGD then Amiya and Kal'tsit arrived.
"Ch'en. We are here to help" Ch'en clicked her mouth and folded her arms across her chest.
"Too long, you guys are always wasting time" Pursuer appeared from the sky and landed in front of the entire LGD, this female Pursuer walked to Kal'tsit and handed her a drone.
[Kal'tsit, in front of you is a super soldier I made. She will be your Vanguard]
Kal'tsit saw this Pursuer and the Pursuer put down her briefcase, the briefcase turned into a Dual Minigun that was equivalent to twice the size of a ship's cannon.
Pursuer walked towards the target who happened to be one of the non canon commanders, Pursuer took aim and fired this minigun where the sound of this weapon shattered all the glass of every building in this district, the bullet shot at the target and penetrated his body without hitting vital organs, the Minigun stopped and the Target immediately died there, the other Target bleed out and try to escape.
"Fall Back, Fall back" Before the Target was taken, the Pursuer appeared and threw all the medics into the nearest building and even destroyed inside the building, the Target saw the Pursuer who stood firmly then the Target spit at the Pursuer then the pursuer aimed the minigun at the target's head and shot it from the top of the head to the groin splitting the target's body in two, the Pursuer took the Target's Ancient Trait and used it as a key chain on the minigun.
The next target was hiding in the sewer, Pursuer threw away her minigun and stabbed the road then split it in two showing the sewer flow full of Reunion members, Pursuer took the minigun and went down into the sewer.
Reunion members attacked but Pursuer ignored them and then found the target which just happened to be under the feet of LGD members who were still looking at this incident with a "What the fuck was that!" face.
The target was blown out of the Sewer then fell in front of all LGD members, this target was coughing up blood and looking at LGD with a pleading look.
"Save Me" Pursuer appeared and smashed the Target's head with a single step on high heels, taking the target's Ancient Trait and hanging it on the Minigun.
Amiya closed her eyes and Kal'tsit watched this with terror, as for LGD? They saw this brutality as inhuman.
Pursuer found the next target who happened to be disguised as an LGD officer, Pursuer walked towards the officer and the officer brandished a weapon but Pursuer disarmed the weapon and twisted the target's hand like noodles.
"AAAAAAAA, SAVE ME" All LGD members immediately protected the target.
"Stop, As LGD you are under arrest" Pursuer stopped then placed both Miniguns on the ground then raised her hands up.
LGD began to approach and the pursuer disappeared from before them then appeared in front of the target, the target panicked and grabbed the weapon but while taking the weapon, the Pursuer broke his hand by kicking the target's hand, LGD then raised the weapon and began to warn, Chen appeared in front of the pursuer then prepared to use her Chi Xiao.
"Stop, you monster. you are un..." Chen was bitch slapped by Pursuer, Chen was slammed into a car making her horns stuck in the car door, Chen's sword was taken by Pursuer then smashed with one bare hand grip then the hilt of the sword was thrown at Chen's ass and made Chen scream cute.
"UGHHAAARRGGGHHHHH" Chen tried desperately to remove her horn from the car door while everyone focused on Chen who seemed to be stuck, Pursuer approached the panicked Target.
"Have mercy, yes im from reunion that betray LGD BECAUSE I TREATED LIKE TRASH IN HERE CAUSE IM INFECTED. I KILL THOSE CHILDREN IN CHERNOBORG BUT PLEASE SPARE ME" Pursuer took the target's head and pressed it as Omni-man executed the Red rush. The target's head was crushed and dripped a lot of blood, Pursuer took the target's Ancient Trait then approached Chen who was stuck, Pursuer helped pull Chen from the car door but Pursuer accidentally included the car door, making Chen have a hat that was nothing but a car door.
"Nice hat" Pursuer took a cell phone and took a picture of Chen, then the minigun became a suitcase and Pursuer left quickly to Rhodes island.
Chen? Well, she became a red dragon of rage.
"I'M GONNA KILL THAT WOMAN, HEAR ME! SHE ON MY DEATH LIST. I DON'T CARE, WHOEVER ANY OF YOU MENTION THIS EVENT, I WILL SLASH YOUR THROAT AND BURN YOU INTO ASHES" I recorded Chen's anger then turned around to see my entire pursuer team full of blood and even their entire suitcase full of trophies.
"7 hours, not bad. Next time try a bit faster, Thank you" The whole team saluted and then they vanished like beads of light, Homunuculi had done their job and their task was complete, I took their suitcases and then put them together into a whole puzzle which formed a unique box.
"Traits collected, used for next project. Waffy say the PRTS always say"
"Ummm, Mission accomplished?" I nodded and then sat in the control chair where the computer controls were currently experiencing errors.
"Doctor, you cruel" I turned around and saw Ifrit who approached me.
"Yes child, I took cruelty to the next level. If only you know the reason why I am cruel then my action is justified action, for now the problem is not over because I have analyzed Reunion's movements. So I want this terrorist to be dealt with before the Christmas holiday which starts in 30 hours. I have many sins to atone for, I will repent in holy day so why don't I go even crazier? So I'm not asking for forgiveness or penance here, I just need to do the necessary thing" Ifrit looked at me with disappointment but that was the reality, Whenever I will speak the truth of my actions then they will follow it in the things I do that's why I have to choose my words wisely, it's better for me to be hated upfront and show my cruelty than for me to move in the shadows and stab from behind.
Amiya and Kal'tsit returned, Kal'tsit ran up and slapped me but I neither resisted nor dodged.
"Hypocrite, you punished me for using a living human subject now you're making a super soldier with a living human" I got up from the chair and took off my clothes, and saw that I lost my heart where I live without a heart.
"Look and listen" I showed the moment where the Reunion members were playing a hide and seek death game with the children from their voices and actions it could be clearly seen that even I myself was just silent seeing and hearing it, I stopped because some people here were almost angry then I snapped my fingers to make them focus on me.
"If only I didn't care about the conditions here, then I would have intervened to slaughter all the Reunion members, I'm angry kal'tsit and I threw out my heart to make those 14 "Monsters" with my own two hands, those 14 people are my tantrums who don't have the slightest sense of humanity even they don't have the name Fear. Have you seen the reason why I killed those 98 people? That's why I'm not happy to have this power, this knowledge and even whatever you call miracles that I carry, if I just keep quiet then there is no way one or two of you here will return to the space ship in one piece, let alone a piece, returning with a name is the greatest honor you can get after your death or missing in action. so now give me 7 hours to prepare something, For this unique box don't you ask me what I use it for, I already have enough blood in my heart so no surprise that you see me as a heartless being for now, The more you stop me the more time you waste and the faster I die. Excuse me" I dragged this box and brought it to the research room, Kal'tsit gripped her hand and Amiya looked at Kal'tsit.
"Dr. Kal'tsit?" Kal'tsit sighed and was slightly disappointed.
"He's angry, leave him alone. Everyone get ready"
"NO!" my voice boomed in the space ship making tremendous pressure where everyone could hear it.
"You go, you die. stay until I finish my masterpiece. Reunion is now still in chaos due to Pursuer they will be alert to Pursuer's movements, Report to LGD to guard institutions especially LGD Headquarter, Slum, Military warehouse, City power source and finally tell Wei Yenwu not to send Shadow Guard in Sewer because some of infected from Lungmen hide there, the Pursuer already take care Reunion from sewer so ask Wei Yenwu to evacuate them as genuine toleration toward abandoned Infected people then also tell him to position one Shadow Guard in the LGD team and prioritize Orders to Shadow Guard to protect the LGD members not engage the Reunion" Kal'tsit smiled then in her body could feel, my old self as Gaul Marshal already arose as she remembered the old day when I led the army.
"You are still the same as before, sigh. send the message to Lungmen, We need to wait and everyone prepare your tool in 7 hours"
"No need, rest and have a last drink because you will fight death and alive situation"
"What do you mean?"
"Feranmut, Ageless on the move. You will all fight against the god who hides in the shadows. And that god made the same army, Reunion, not all Reunion members are that god army, you will know the difference later and now I want you to stay then say goodbye or what you want to do for the last 7 hours, make it count every second is precious"
"but doctor that is impossible"
"say who? if i can do it you all can do it, try, i believe in you why don't you believe me? do you wish to see Terra next day bathed in blood and chaos? Or do you wish all of these people here in burial or become mountain pile of corpse? Or do you wish to see lonely crying children in the middle of destroyed Terra, which one do you wish of outcome ? just stop being pessimist and negative thinking, the more you dwell in that, that god will take that as advantage and use very own existence to betray your comrade, do you wish to see you kill your own comrade by your own hand while you still sane and awake ? no ? then ready up, build more morale, don't drop it because of the odds, the more low the odds, the more challenge you get, the more experience you become. I'm out, don't disturb me"
"Can I join your research?"
"*Lungmen Profanity**Laterano Profanity*" Kal'tsit growled and then sat down with annoyance and unstoppable anger.
"Profanity Old cat, be good cat and wait for your toy" I use Accel World and study the universe from inch to inch then try to experiment to make an army similar to Space Marine, without enhancement but pure bad ass armor and weapons and technology that surpassed Terra civilization to 300,000 years, Thank you Seaborn King Me for the technology.