Undying Life

Chapter 966: Return of the King

Chapter 966: Chapter 966: Return of the King

"General, are you still stubbornly refusing to see the truth?" Lang Zhen suddenly stepped forward, glaring directly at Lin Xiao.

Confrontations between Lang Zhen and Lin Xiao usually occurred in private, but for Lang Zhen to challenge Lin Xiao in front of the entire court was unprecedented, signaling a decisive rupture.

Lin Xiao turned to face Lang Zhen. "Stubbornly refusing? Minister of War, remember your position and consider the consequences before you speak!" Lin Xiao's eyes flashed with anger.

"Consequences? I cannot tolerate your actions any longer. The fate of Grand Zhong is about to be destroyed by your hands. Losing Wushuang City is your fault. If you hadn't clung to the imperial guards, would this have happened? You lack the capability but hold onto military power and the military seal. You are a traitor to Grand Zhong!" Lang Zhen shouted.

"Hand over the military seal, General!" Twenty officials suddenly stepped forward, demanding.

Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed, a cold glint in them. "Are you truly thinking of Grand Zhong's welfare?" Lin Xiao asked icily.

"Our hearts are as clear as the moon; we are eternally loyal to Grand Zhong. Lin Xiao, surrender the military seal, and Grand Zhong can still be saved!" Lang Zhen urged again.

"Hand over the military seal, General!" Nearly thirty officials echoed.

Was this a coup against Lin Xiao? The remaining officials in the court were silent, each filled with uncertainty. What was happening?

"Hahahahaha!" Lin Xiao laughed heartily.

"What more do you have to say, General?" Lang Zhen asked confidently, as if he had already won.

"Has everyone forgotten the Sage King's last words?" Lin Xiao said gravely.

Hearing this, Lang Zhen's face changed, as did those of the thirty officials.

"The Sage King hoped for an eternal Grand Zhong. Therefore, he made arrangements for the future of Grand Zhong. Remember, today's arrangements are the highest decree. No matter what happens, no one is allowed to violate it. Anyone who dares will be treated as a traitor!"—

"This is the highest decree. No matter what happens, no one is allowed to violate it. Anyone who dares will be treated as a traitor!" Lin Xiao roared.

At this shout, several of the officials who had stepped forward visibly trembled.

"Guards, arrest these traitors!" Lin Xiao commanded.

"Yes!" A chorus of voices from the guards outside the hall responded immediately.

Lang Zhen's face changed, not because of Lin Xiao's words, but because of the people outside.

Tiger Warriors and Turtle Serpents? The elite of various clans, the strongest forces of Grand Zhong?

In an instant, Lang Zhen realized the truth. Lin Xiao had planned this, exposing the traitors deliberately?

Without a moment's hesitation, Lang Zhen shouted, "Escape!"

The thirty officials were already panicked. Following Lang Zhen's lead, they all fled immediately.

"Whoosh!" In an instant, the thirty-one officials vanished from sight.

The remaining officials were stunned, filled with surprise. They knew the situation was tense, but not to the extent of committing treason and fleeing?

"Colleagues!" Shui Wuhen called out, drawing everyone's attention back.

"Grand Zhong has ferreted out traitors, thanks to the General. This is a cause for celebration!" Shui Wuhen announced.

The ministers were momentarily taken aback, but the atmosphere quickly shifted from tension to relief, appreciating Lin Xiao's decisive action in maintaining the integrity of Grand Zhong.

Just as the court was absorbing this development, the grand doors of the hall swung open, revealing a commanding figure dressed in royal attire, emanating a powerful aura. Gasps of astonishment echoed through the hall as everyone recognized the imposing presence.

It was the Sage King, Zhong Shan, returning against all odds.

"The King has returned!" An official exclaimed, falling to his knees in reverence.

One by one, the ministers followed suit, their faces a mix of disbelief and joy. The return of the Sage King heralded a new hope and an end to the turmoil that had plagued Grand Zhong.

Zhong Shan stepped forward, his voice resonating through the hall, "Rise, my loyal subjects. Today, we reclaim the glory of Grand Zhong!"

With the return of their revered leader, a renewed sense of purpose and unity swept through the ranks, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

After Shui Wuhen finished speaking, the ministers frowned in concern. An elderly minister stepped forward.

"General, the state is in peril. Lang Zhen and the other officials may have acted out of impulse, but their intentions were for the sake of Grand Zhong. Their crime does not warrant death. I implore you to show leniency!" the elder minister pleaded.

Lin Xiao looked at him without anger, nodding slightly. "Minister of Rites, your dedication to the country is commendable. However, this matter is far from simple."


"Everyone, follow me outside, and you will understand," Lin Xiao said earnestly.

These loyal ministers of Grand Zhong deserved respect. Although they lacked the brilliance to dominate the court, their loyalty was a hundred times stronger than those so-called 'talents'.

While many believed Zhong Shan to be dead, these ministers remained steadfast in their belief that he lived and stood by Grand Zhong through thick and thin. Such individuals were the most precious asset of Grand Zhong.

"Oh? Is there more to this?" Some ministers showed surprise, while others seemed to have an inkling.

Shui Wuhen, Shuijing, and Lin Xiao walked out of the hall slowly.

Outside the hall, Lang Zhen and the group of officials were surrounded by a group of elite warriors, the strongest Grand Zhong had to offer. Lang Zhen had no escape.

"Lang Zhen, you might as well surrender," Shui Wuhen said calmly.

"Surrender? Hahaha!" Lang Zhen laughed.

At that moment, a signal flare shot up into the sky in the distance.

"Whoosh!" The flare blazed brilliantly.

Lang Zhen's eyes lit up, and he secretly exhaled in relief.

"The ones who should surrender are you. Now, Lingxiao Heavenly Court is under my control. All the strongholds are manned by my people. Why don't you surrender?" Lang Zhen laughed.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Suddenly, thousands of soldiers soared into the air around Longevity Hall, each armed with longbows aimed directly at the hall.

"How did they break the palace's formation? How did they get in?" the Minister of Rites exclaimed.

"How did they get in? Naturally, the ones guarding the formation are now my people! Hahahaha!" Lang Zhen laughed.

"Lang Zhen, all of you have truly committed treason!" Shui Wuhen said with a hint of regret in his eyes.

Lang Zhen had been an acquaintance since their time in the small thousand world. Rising to the position of Minister of War was no small feat, yet now, former comrades stood against each other in battle.

"Treason? What country? Now, Lingxiao Heavenly Court is entirely under my control. Those who understand the times are wise. Grand Zhong is no more. You should join me in the Taiji Sacred Court!" Lang Zhen laughed triumphantly.

"Is that so?" Lin Xiao retorted coldly.

"Lin Xiao, hand over the military seal, and I will overlook your past actions. If you refuse, then your family..." Lang Zhen threatened with a sinister smile, clearly intending to use Lin Xiao's family as leverage.

"Take them down. They are beyond redemption," Shui Wuhen ordered, shaking his head.

Yin Luori and the others nodded, preparing to act.

"What? Are you looking for death?" Lang Zhen shouted.

He waved his hand, signaling the ten thousand soldiers in the air to attack. However, the soldiers slowly descended instead. Lang Zhen's eyes widened. Did he signal incorrectly?

Confused and shocked, Lang Zhen looked around in disbelief as his soldiers seemingly ignored his command. The reality began to dawn on him.

Before Lang Zhen could react, the elite warriors of Grand Zhong moved swiftly, apprehending him and his accomplices with practiced precision.

"You...you betrayed us!" Lang Zhen stammered, realization hitting him like a ton of bricks.

"The loyalty of our people cannot be bought, Lang Zhen," Shui Wuhen said solemnly.

At that moment, the grand doors of the hall swung open again, and a commanding figure dressed in royal attire stepped in, exuding a powerful aura. Gasps of astonishment echoed through the hall as everyone recognized the imposing presence.

It was the Sage King, Zhong Shan, returning against all odds.

"The King has returned!" An official exclaimed, falling to his knees in reverence.

One by one, the ministers followed suit, their faces a mix of disbelief and joy. The return of the Sage King heralded a new hope and an end to the turmoil that had plagued Grand Zhong.

Zhong Shan stepped forward, his voice resonating through the hall, "Rise, my loyal subjects. Today, we reclaim the glory of Grand Zhong!"

With the return of their revered leader, a renewed sense of purpose and unity swept through the ranks, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Kill them, kill them!" Lang Zhen screamed.

But the soldiers seemed to ignore him, flying away as if they hadn't heard a word. The thirty-one officials stared in disbelief.

"How could this be? How could this be?" Lang Zhen muttered.

"It's over, Lang Zhen. All your spies in Lingxiao Heavenly Court have been rooted out, including the Taiji envoys in your residence. It's unfortunate that it has come to this, but the law of the land is supreme. Traitors will face the execution of their entire clan. Your nine clans have already been beheaded; only you remain!" Shui Wuhen shook his head.

"It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this!" Lang Zhen said in disbelief.

The other thirty officials looked equally grim.

"Fight them to the death!" Lang Zhen shouted.

"Fight!" The thirty officials, desperate, charged at Yin Luori and the others.

But Lang Zhen took advantage of the chaos, quickly fleeing backward.

"Escape? Where do you think you're going?"

Suddenly, a figure appeared before Lang Zhen: Gui She, the Supreme of the Xuanwu Clan.


A fierce battle erupted in front of Longevity Hall. The intense fight lit up the sky with dazzling brilliance. All of Lingxiao Heavenly Court watched the direction of the palace.

The battle raged from morning until evening. The thirty officials were all killed on the spot, leaving only Lang Zhen struggling bitterly.

Lang Zhen, covered in blood and filled with anger, did not regret his actions. With Zhong Shan dead, Grand Zhong held no significance for him. He just couldn't believe how vigilant Prince Zichen and the others were. How did they know today was the day of the coup?

How could they possibly know?

The remaining officials watched coldly, none pleading for the traitors. After hours of battle, their loyalty to Grand Zhong only deepened.

"Well, isn't this interesting?"

A leisurely voice suddenly echoed.

The sudden voice, imbued with a mesmerizing quality, caught everyone's attention. They looked up, startled, to see a dozen figures in the sky.

At the forefront was a man in a purple robe, with subordinates behind him. The purple-robed man wore a mocking smile, while his followers exuded an air of arrogance, looking down on those below.

"Prince Qiming, you've finally arrived!" Lang Zhen called out in joy.

"Prince Qiming of the Taiji Sacred Court?" Shui Wuhen said coldly.

The combatants quickly gathered around Shui Wuhen and the others, ready to defend.

"Even better than I imagined. The three giants of Grand Zhong! Not one missing? And you rooted out all the spies? It seems Lang Zhen truly pales in comparison to you!" Prince Qiming said, nodding.

Lang Zhen's face turned grim at Prince Qiming's words.

"Prince, I—" Lang Zhen began, but was cut off.

"What do you have to say? I told you to seize the military seal, and yet you failed. You sacrificed all your subordinates and family for nothing. A waste! Even if you join Taiji, you will still be useless. The Taiji Sacred Court does not accept incompetents!" Prince Qiming said coldly.

"Prince, you promised me, you promised me!" Lang Zhen cried out in desperation, unable to believe the betrayal.

"Get lost!" Prince Qiming said coldly.


A subordinate of Qiming struck Lang Zhen, sending him crashing into the ground below, creating a large pit in the plaza of Longevity Hall.

Lang Zhen's abandonment by Prince Qiming brought a sense of satisfaction to the officials of Grand Zhong—this was the retribution for a traitor! Lang Zhen lay in the pit, looking up at Prince Qiming in disbelief. How could this happen? It felt as if his world had turned upside down.

"Zhong Shan is dead. Shui Wuhen, Shuijing, Lin Xiao, I ask you once more, will you join the Taiji Sacred Court?" Prince Qiming asked seriously.

"Hahaha, Prince Qiming, why do you even bother asking? You just beat a loyal Taiji follower into the ground. What chance do we have of survival if we join you?" Shui Wuhen retorted sarcastically.

This sarcasm included Lang Zhen, who felt a heavy blow to his chest, while the faces of Qiming's followers darkened. Only Qiming himself remained composed.

"Seal!" Prince Qiming commanded.

Suddenly, a massive blue dome appeared, enveloping Lingxiao Heavenly Court. The sudden change caused many in Lingxiao Heavenly Court to look around in shock. Some tried to fly up but were immediately blasted back down by the blue dome.

"Don't bother trying to escape. This is an ancient celestial artifact. It allows entry but no exit!" Prince Qiming said with a smirk.

Shui Wuhen narrowed his eyes. They were trapped in Lingxiao Heavenly Court.

"I don't want to waste words with you. I know you're stubborn. I'll leave it to the Sage King to handle you. I'm giving you three days. Surrender the military seal, the prime minister's seal, and Prince Zichen's seal! If you do, I won't harm Lingxiao Heavenly Court at all. Think it over!" Prince Qiming said, then disappeared with his subordinates.

Sealing Lingxiao Heavenly Court?

The three giants of Grand Zhong exchanged glances, understanding Qiming's intentions. Grand Zhong's control rested with these three items, which allowed them to command the military and issue decrees. Surrendering these to Qiming was out of the question.

Longevity Hall fell silent.

Three days passed quickly. Prince Qiming returned with his entourage, forceful as ever.

In the plaza, the ministers faced him resolutely. During these three days, they had settled their affairs and now stood with Shui Wuhen, ready to face their enemies.

"What loyalty Zhong Shan has inspired—so many willing to die for him!" Prince Qiming remarked in awe.

He knew that even if he were the Sage King, he wouldn't have inspired such loyalty.

"Have you made your decision?" Prince Qiming asked.

Shui Wuhen and the others stared back coldly.

"Three days have passed. The imperial guards must be in chaos by now. And without word from you, the other cities must be panicking. If you don't give me the seals, Grand Zhong will fall within half a month!" Prince Qiming said confidently.

"Are you referring to these?" Shui Wuhen said suddenly.

Prince Zichen produced his seal, Lin Xiao his military seal, and Shuijing the prime minister's seal.

"Impressive. I didn't expect you to actually..." Prince Qiming began to say.


The military seal, the royal seal, and the prime minister's seal exploded into pieces, destroyed by the three men.

"You!" Prince Qiming shouted in fury.

"Hahahaha! Prince Qiming, the Taiji Sacred Court truly holds us in high regard, sending an ancient celestial to confront Grand Zhong. We may not be able to save Grand Zhong, but we will never betray it. We stand with Grand Zhong!" Shui Wuhen laughed heartily.

Prince Qiming's face darkened. His primary goal was to secure most of Grand Zhong's territory, and secondarily, to win over these three talents. With the seals destroyed, the Taiji Sacred Court would gain only a fraction of the anticipated benefits.

"You're courting death!" Prince Qiming raged.

"The Sage King will avenge us. We stand with Grand Zhong!" Shui Wuhen declared.

"We stand with Grand Zhong!" The civil and military officials echoed, their voices resonating through the heavens. The cry reverberated across Lingxiao Heavenly Court, moving the populace to tears.

"Sage King, where are you? Please come back!" The people cried in their hearts, their fists clenched, filled with anger and determination.

"Fine, since you all wish for death, you leave me no choice. Men, kill all the officials except Shui Wuhen, Shuijing, and Lin Xiao. Kill them all!" Prince Qiming commanded, his wrath boiling over.

The atmosphere grew tense as Lin Xiao, Shui Wuhen, and Shuijing each drew their respective treasures.

Seeing their stance, Prince Qiming closed his eyes momentarily, taking a deep breath. "Kill them all. We don't need to keep these three alive anymore!"

Recognizing the resolute defiance of the three men, Prince Qiming knew they could never be subdued. He brought the might of ancient celestials, capable of slaughtering Grand Zhong's officials.

"Leave no one alive. Kill!" Prince Qiming's shout seemed to seal the fate of everyone before Longevity Hall. Even Lang Zhen, lying in the pit, felt a vicious thrill at the prospect of everyone's demise.

"Who dares to kill my loyal subjects?"

The voice, like a thunderclap out of nowhere, echoed across Lingxiao Heavenly Court.

Prince Qiming's face changed as he looked westward. A small black dot was rapidly approaching the court.

Too far, yet too fast!

Before the figure arrived, a terrifying gust of wind swept through.


The wind blasted around Longevity Hall, sending debris flying. In the aftermath, a black-robed figure stood in the plaza.

"Who dares to kill my loyal subjects?"

Upon hearing this voice, the people of Lingxiao Heavenly Court froze. Then, a wave of elation spread throughout.

"Is it?"

"That's the Sage King's voice! The Sage King's voice!"

"The Sage King has returned, the Sage King has returned!"

"Long live the Sage King!"

"May the Sage King enjoy eternal fortune and live as long as the heavens!"

The entire Lingxiao Heavenly Court erupted in celebration. People trembled with excitement, tears streaming down their faces as they bowed towards the palace.

At Longevity Hall, the officials who had prepared to die for Grand Zhong now looked up in awe. They had resolved to face death, ready to lay down their lives for their country. The Sage King's return felt like a miracle.

In the face of death, the officials' resolve was steadfast, inspired by the loyalty and sacrifice for Grand Zhong. Now, the Sage King's voice ignited a new fervor.

As the wind subsided, the ministers saw a familiar, towering figure.

"The Sage King!"

Those who had faced death without shedding a tear now wept openly, dropping to their knees.

Lin Xiao, Shui Wuhen, and Shuijing trembled with emotion, breathing deeply to steady their overwhelming feelings.

"The Sage King is truly alive. The Sage King has returned. The Sage King of Grand Zhong is back!" The officials proclaimed, their voices filled with joyous disbelief and immense relief.

To read the manga version, please click the YouTube link https://youtu.be/GnU613H6xm8

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