Undying Life

Chapter 965: Storm Brewing

Chapter 965: Chapter 965: Storm Brewing

The next day, the court session resumed as usual. The reports of defeat continued to pour in, and yet again, two officials were missing. The usual flurry of troublesome matters persisted. However, the court ministers noticed something different about Prince Zichen, the Prime Minister, and the General.

Although they couldn't pinpoint what had changed, the ministers felt that the trio's gazes were sharper, their resolve towards Grand Zhong stronger. It might have been just a feeling, but it was a contagious one, instilling a newfound determination in the hearts of the ministers, replacing their previous despondency with firm resolve.

After the court session, Prince Zichen unusually invited the Prime Minister and the General for a banquet. Typically, Lin Xiao was too busy with the imperial guards to attend, and rarely accepted such invitations. This time, however, he agreed without hesitation. Shuijing, usually preoccupied with his duties and feeling a sense of injustice, would normally decline Shui Wuhen's invitations. Yet now, he accepted without any reservations.

The gathering of the three giants of Grand Zhong symbolized a unified front against their enemies, boosting the confidence of all the ministers.

Minister of War Lang Zhen and others with ulterior motives watched this scene with slight astonishment.

"My lord?" A member of the Ministry of War looked at Lang Zhen.

"Something's off, something's definitely off!" Lang Zhen frowned.

No official standing in the Longevity Hall was a simple character. Even disregarding their dispositions, the fact that Lang Zhen could irritate Lin Xiao to frustration spoke volumes.

Sensing something amiss, Lang Zhen immediately relayed the information.

In a town not far from Lingxiao Heavenly Court, a mansion was heavily guarded by numerous strong cultivators. Inside the central hall, people stood on either side, while a man in a purple robe studied a large projected map.

The projection detailed the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, every building meticulously depicted except for a few blurred areas—Grand Zhong's restricted zones. Such detailed maps were only available to the most trusted officials of Grand Zhong, indicating the presence of an insider.

The man in the purple robe had a slightly sallow complexion and some wrinkles on his forehead, but his eyes were exceptionally sharp. After studying the map, he exhaled deeply.

"Lingxiao Heavenly Court is truly filled with killing formations. I've never seen such a meticulously designed capital. Even the houses are linked into formations. What a master of formations!" the man in purple exclaimed.

Admiring the craftsmanship, the man suddenly brightened up, "I've decided. After this campaign against Grand Zhong, I want nothing as a reward but this Lingxiao Heavenly Court! It's perfect!"

"Your Highness, is Lingxiao Heavenly Court really that impressive? If you like it so much, you can have someone build a replica," a man in green robes stepped forward from the ranks.

"You don't understand! Lingxiao Heavenly Court is unique, irreplicable. Its complexity rivals that of ancient celestial artifacts," the purple-robed man shook his head.

"Uh!" The green-robed man was momentarily taken aback.

"But even so, there's no need for Your Highness to personally engage in this campaign against Grand Zhong. Our Taiji Sacred Court has countless capable individuals. Grand Zhong is on the brink of collapse; it can be destroyed in an instant without Your Highness's intervention," the green-robed man continued.

The purple-robed prince glanced at him and shook his head, "Do you understand the current situation?"


"The entire Fengzhong Territory is undergoing a massive reshuffle. The Three Great Dojos and the Four Great Sacred Courts—Snake Empress Dojo has been annihilated, Ran Deng Buddha has faced continuous misfortunes over the years and has left Fengzhong Territory with his entire dojo. Only Zixiao Dojo remains steadfast. Taoyuan Sacred Court is destroyed! Grand Zhong Sacred Court is on the verge of destruction. Taichu Sacred Court is embroiled in internal strife and constant warfare. Only our Taiji Sacred Court remains relatively stable!"

"The Fengzhong Territory is undergoing a massive reshuffle, and the Sage King is racing against time. Once Qingqiu stabilizes, it will be difficult for us to seize Grand Zhong. Grand Zhong is essential for us because it can serve as a springboard for attacking the Taichu Sacred Court. Once we have this springboard, we can choke Taichu's throat," the purple-robed prince stated confidently.

"The Sage King plans to control the entire Fengzhong Territory?" The green-robed man's eyes lit up.

Indeed, once Grand Zhong is secured, no matter how chaotic Taichu Sacred Court becomes, it will be greatly weakened. With the strength of the Taiji Sacred Court, defeating Taichu would not be difficult. Once Taichu is eliminated, there will be no other competing dynasties in Fengzhong Territory, allowing Taiji to unify the entire region.

"However, Grand Zhong is not simple," the purple-robed prince narrowed his eyes.

"Just a group of celestial beings!" The green-robed man retorted.

"A group of celestial beings? Without fortune and without Zhong Shan, Grand Zhong has still held on for five years! Could you do that?" The purple-robed prince glared.

"This!" The green-robed man hesitated.

"Grand Zhong's three heroes are unparalleled. Such talents are only restrained by Grand Zhong. If they join Taiji, they will undoubtedly rise to high ranks!" The prince declared.

Everyone gasped. Were these three truly so formidable?

"Is that why the prince paused the conquest of Grand Zhong and extended goodwill towards them?" The green-robed man asked.

"Correct. We must capture Grand Zhong and, more importantly, win over these three individuals. I've shown enough sincerity; they won't escape!" The prince said confidently.


A scout suddenly rushed in.

"What is it?"

"Urgent news from Lingxiao Heavenly Court, please review it, Your Highness!" The scout said.

The prince grabbed the jade slip and read it carefully. His expression changed swiftly.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

"Something's off, something's very off. How could this happen?" The prince frowned.

"Has something gone wrong?" The green-robed man asked again.

"A major issue has arisen. The three have undergone a significant change in disposition. How could this be? I planned this for so long—it was an unbeatable strategy. What went wrong? Who has the ability to alter their minds like this?" The prince said incredulously.

He handed the jade slip to the others, but they couldn't discern anything unusual.

"A banquet? What's unusual about the three giants of Grand Zhong having a banquet? It seems normal," someone remarked.

Ignoring them, the prince paced the hall, deep in thought.

"Someone disrupted my plan. Who could it be? This can't be happening. How could their resolve strengthen? Zhong Shan is dead; the last thing they should have is faith in him. It doesn't make sense!"

"The three united are now difficult to divide and even harder to conquer."

"Is there a higher power in Grand Zhong? Is this some kind of anomaly?"

The prince's brows furrowed deeply. No one had ever seen him so serious. In everyone's mind, the prince was a master strategist, second only to the Sage King in the Taiji Sacred Court. What had gone wrong?

After an hour, the prince finally settled down, rubbing his temples as he looked at the others. "It seems my plan has completely failed. We have no choice but to use force."

"Is the prince finally planning to attack Lingxiao Heavenly Court?"

"Not attack—confine!" The prince's eyes narrowed.


"Lingxiao Heavenly Court cannot be destroyed. If it falls, Grand Zhong will scatter like sand, and other dynasties will scramble for territory. Taiji will gain little. I want the bulk of Grand Zhong's lands."

"How should we proceed?"

The purple-robed prince looked calmly at the group before him. They were far inferior to the three giants of Grand Zhong, but he still needed to explain his plan clearly to prevent any misunderstandings during execution.

"Zhong Shan of Grand Zhong was indeed a remarkable figure throughout history. He once orchestrated a classic battle in the underworld of the small thousand world, establishing a foundation with no losses. This is precisely what I intend to replicate."


"Seize the emperor to control the vassals!"

"Seize the emperor to control the vassals?"

"We will 'confine Lingxiao Heavenly Court to command Grand Zhong!'"


A few days later, at Lingxiao Heavenly Court, just before the morning court session.

At the residence of Lang Zhen, Minister of War, in a side hall, Lang Zhen nodded and said, "Relay the message to Prince Qiming. Rest assured, we will complete the mission today!"

Prince Qiming was the purple-robed prince from the Taiji Sacred Court, scheming against Grand Zhong near Lingxiao Heavenly Court.

Clearly, the plan was now in motion.

Lang Zhen left his residence and, along with other officials, entered the imperial palace and proceeded to Longevity Hall for the morning court session.

As the session began, the ministers stood on either side.

Lin Xiao and Shuijing stood at the forefront of their respective rows, looking solemnly at Shui Wuhen.

With their burdens lifted, the three giants of Grand Zhong were now more dedicated than ever.

"Very well. Seeing all my colleagues from yesterday here today reassures me. Rest assured, today's waiting and persistence will be rewarded. When the Sage King returns, you will all be honored as heroes of Grand Zhong!" Shui Wuhen declared.

This was a routine speech. Every day, Shui Wuhen reassured the ministers to maintain the stability of the political center. Only with the stability of Lingxiao Heavenly Court could the cities within Grand Zhong hold firm.

Although reports of defeats continued to come in, the cities that had not yet faced battle still remained loyal to Grand Zhong, and no one had acted independently.

"General!" Shui Wuhen called.

"Present!" Lin Xiao responded.

"What are the battle reports from the four fronts today?" Shui Wuhen inquired.

This was a daily report. Despite the reports being of defeats, concealing them would only cause more panic. Even though they were defeat reports, the ministers felt that the situation was still under control.

"As of the hour of the ox today, the gates of Wushuang City in the south have been breached. It is currently in fierce combat, and it is unlikely we can reclaim it. Within three days, Wushuang City will be lost!" Lin Xiao sighed.

Shui Wuhen nodded. The court fell into a somber silence. Wushuang City was where the Sage King first gained prominence in Shenzhou. It was also a southern stronghold. Losing Wushuang City would isolate at least five other cities, cutting off their support.

"General, are you still stubbornly refusing to see the truth?"

At this moment, Lang Zhen suddenly stepped forward, glaring at Lin Xiao.

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